border ALL THE WAVES WILL BOW DOWN [windclan patrol]

༄༄ The setting sun paints the sky in a watercolor of purples and pinks, stars just barely visible at the edge of the horizon. The day begins to turn to night, just as WindClan has begun to turn to something more than itself. Stronger than they were before unseating Sootstar, though not without their losses, their clan is on its way to recovery. Scorchstreak can only hope that their neighbors will allow for such a recovery to happen—WindClan and RiverClan have perhaps been most at odds since their founding, and the calico would not put it past the water-dwellers to attempt to cut off the budding new clan before it can flower.

Today, though, no such attack will happen. WindClan will remain strong, with Sunstride at its helm now, but Scorchstreak has taken it upon themself to lead their daily patrol to RiverClan’s border. With her are three cats who have lost not one but two of their kin in the past months, unable to even give them the honor of burying them, and Bearpaw… Bearpaw is here, as well. They are all rather safe cats to greet the other clan alongside—and besides, marking the RiverClan border is more a formality than anything, what with the deadly gorge between their territories.

"Pinkpaw," the tunneler speaks to the younger of the two similar-looking calicos beside them. Their apprentice is not particularly well-suited for diplomacy, but perhaps she can be distracted with questions, instead. "Do you remember what I told you about the gorge?" Stay back from it. Loose dirt will drop you over the edge before anyone can move to rescue you.

// @PINKPAW @BRIGHTSHINE! @Bearpaw @Morningsong~
Pinkpaw doesn't really know a ton about RiverClan... She knows that they're fishy, and that they're not WindClan, so they're probably not very great. That's just how it was, she's pretty sure... But then, how great could WindClan have been when Sootstar was their leader? this whole time, had WindClan been not very great along with the other clans? She guesses that doesn't matter, because they definitely would be now. Pinkpaw just wouldn't really think about... how Sootstar had to go...

She's smilng, as she walks besideher mentor and her mother, because she had were things to smile about, really... She glances up when Scorchstreak talks to her, totally interrupting her story of how ThunderClan's deputy told her feathers stormed from the sky... or something. It's okay, cause she doesn't really remember it that well. Do you remember what I told you about the gorge? " Umm... " She glances over to where the ground suddenly dropped. It looked like the kinda place a scary story would be about... " I shouldn't go by it? " she half - guesses, blinking wide. It looks bad without her even being told.

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with sunburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

This part of the WindClan border was one that Moonpaw did not go near often despite it being technically the safest border with the moor-dwelling clan when it came to the other cats. She need not worry about being dragged over borders or getting into scuffles here, but the thought of stepping too close to the edge of the gorge and tumbling down and dying within the rocks below was not something she liked to think about often so since she got to pick and choose more now where she went it had been a while since she'd visited the gorge. She'd been told that in newleaf there were plants that grew here, herbs that could be needed, and although she didn't remember what they were or what they were good for she had been curious and followed along with the next border patrol that had happened to go along the gorge, ready to see if there were any signs of budding flowers or herbs only to find none.

Quietly she walked along with the patrol, helping to watch the gorge to make sure none of whatever younger apprentices were on the patrol with them wouldn't step too close before a voice coming from across the gorge grabbed the white moggie's attention. "WindClan." She'd offer the other group, soft cordial smile on her maw though she wasn't sure how well it'd be seen from this distance. She didn't enjoy the company of the WindClanners - not after what had happened with the Highstones - but Sunstride had promised that they had safe passage there now and it had been true, so despite her distrust in the other clan she would still be cordial and offer her hellos. "I hope that WindClan is faring well." Now that Sootstar was supposedly dealt with.

  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ACHES & PAINS
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ BROKEN BONES
    ꕥꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 73712454_CoST7yg1gTxVXmM.jpg
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    9 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Larchtuft was not even remotely cut out for the work of medicine cat - not least because he had no interest in it - but that didn't mean he failed to understand its importance. Ravensong and Moonpaw were, in his mind, essential threads which held RiverClan together - both spiritually and bodily. Besides, there was something fascinating about how different their day-to-day lives were from the rest of the Clan's. Therefore the scruffy tabby was happy to see their medicine cat apprentice join the patrol to the WindClan border. He was not a particular fan of the gorge, nor of WindClan, but he had to admit he was impressed by their recent ousting of Sootstar. The moorland tyrant was dead and gone, thank StarClan, and be breathed easier because of it. Surely most everyone did, even her own Clan.

Anyroad, he believed in second chances, and he couldn't think of a more significant show of commitment to a renewal than the removal of your leader. Therefore the disheveled warrior's expression bore no signs of hostility as he paused a few steps after Moonpaw, studying the collection of WindClanners. He wondered how many of them had been involved in the rebellion, how they were feeling about their new leader. For now, he said nothing, only inclined his head in greeting and rubbed his cheeks against the cool surface of a rock to mark the border.

He'd heard word of it- that WindClan had stopped occupying Highstones, and he had been eager to seek them out ever since- a lone green eye had been on the lookout whenever he had strayed near the gorge. Vigilant along its edge, Ferngill kept his eye trained upon the others attending the patrol, just as Moonpaw did. Windclanners, then- and among them, Scorchstreak. Recognition sparked in his eye immediately, and he got a little closer so he wouldn't have to raise his voice so much. "Scorchstreak!" he called, flicking his tail in greeting.

"It's been ages since I've seen you." Ferngill tried to keep his voice amicable, devoid of suspicion... he'd no idea why she had been absent all this time, while WindClan had staked a claim on StarClan's home. Where had the more noble warriors he'd known during the journey been?
penned by pin

Bubblepaw stands quietly beside Moonpaw and looks onward at the patrol of WindClan cats. Despite Sunstride- or, is it Sunstar now?- delivering the news that Sootstar had been taken care of in a revolt from half of the clan, she still feels weariness at the sight and the smell of the moor-dwellers. Even if she were a fan of them, the danger of the gorge is enough to set her teeth on edge. It yawns between them, a maw which has beckoned many cats over the edge and to their demise. No amount of skill- running or swimming- would save you from the rocks below.

Ferngill speaks to the patrol leader with enthusiasm, greeting her by name. Bubblepaw makes a mental note that the calico on the other side of the border is named Scorchstreak. She feels herself relax slightly, but keeps her focus on the WindClan patrol. Perhaps this will be an encounter without any insults or egging.
✦ ★ ✦
༄༄ Their apprentice responds somewhat accurately, though given her pause, Scorchstreak assumes that it is a guess. Well, they cannot scold the younger calico for an educated guess, at least. So they nod in affirmation, their own paws drawing back farther from the edge. "Exactly. The gorge is not a safe place for anyone to let their guard down." One wrong move, and you’re gone forever. There isn’t even a body for your kin to bury. They wonder just how many lives have been lost to such a mundane feature of the environment, from both the moorland and the wetland’s side of the water.

Golden eyes lift when a voice comes from the other side of the border. The pale white cat who greets them seems friendly enough, but does not appear happy to see them. Understandable, Scorchstreak thinks. RiverClan and WindClan have never been on the best of terms—they remember the wild-eyed leader who’d left more than one mark on their dappled coat—but there is no reason to stir the water with these cats. There is also no reason to lie, although it is tempting to claim that WindClan is stronger and healthier than they truly are. "We are faring well. I can only hope the same for RiverClan." Their tone is steady, earnest, even as another RiverClanner approaches and remains silent.

As she turns to make an effort to mark the border, a familiar figure comes into view. The young tom and his sister were both companions on the journey to the mountains, and from what she recalls, Iciclefang had made a great impression on Scorchpaw. Fernpaw had not made quite such a strong impression, but he had survived the trip to the mountains and back—that is enough to earn him a friendly flicker of a night-black ear. "Fernpaw," she dips her head to the bright-furred tom, a smile tugging at the corners of her maw. "Or, I hope you aren’t still Fernpaw. Am I correct to assume you’ve been made a warrior by now?" Smokestar would be a fool not to promote him, if not for his courage then for his resilience. Being so late to become a warrior must not have been easy, after all. Scorchstreak wouldn’t know, of course; her own kits’ delayed warrior ceremonies are due to a civil war, not their own lack of skills. "I met him on the journey," she shifts to say to Pinkpaw, tail flickering behind her.
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