sensitive topics ALL THINGS END [ reflection; prompt]

( )) TW for child death mentioned
last leaf-bare feels like a lifetime ago. the chaos of a water-flooded camp, twolegs snatching clanmates left and right- it's all so far from her now. even when she thinks of buckgait, as she does so often, it feels like another universe where they had lived at peace within their group. looking back on it, willowroot is aware it's not been all that long at all. even if she swears she can see white fur growing on her muzzle, even if she feels her bones being worn down every day by the weight of time. it has been a lifetime for her kits, but barely any time for her.

last leaf-bare, she had just given birth to the most ill-timed litter imaginable; her cries of pain and the soft squeaks of newly born kittens had been muffled by blankets of snow. this leaf bare, two cats she deeply respects have just experienced a similar situation; this time, the river freezes but the snow comes and goes, forming a crust of ice across camp. neither heavy blankets or light frost are welcoming worlds for babies to be born into. last leaf-bare, she suffered a loss she still isn't sure she's over. this leaf-bare, hazecloud and lichentail have suffered the exact same. logically, willowroot is aware that she is quite a lot more guilty for her punishment than hazecloud. the current queen had taken ever precaution, while willow had been rash and bold with her choices, especially for a first litter. it's unfair that the deputy's family suffer for things they never did wrong.

sitting a silent, secret guard at the outside of the nursery as her clanmates begin to turn in for the night, willowroot finds her gaze seeking the sky. soft mumbles rumble from inside the den she sits beside, little squeaks and warm tones of love that evoke memories as the new family situates themselves. forest hued eyes mist over, the smoke fur ruffled by a chilly breeze as the warrior looses herself in thought. when willowroot had learned that haze and lichen had named their tragic child snowflakekit, she had felt a deep, heavy weight drop into her chest. her own stillborn child, shared a similar monicker, sent to starclan with the name frostkit, after the silver tinge to his dark fur. two winter children sit in the stars now.

it isn't fair, it will never be fair. hazecloud huddles in a pool of grief and lichentail devotes herself to her work, but willowroot knows the two will never forgive themselves. the stars have seen to that, she knows, wondering who is the cruel spirit who snatches lives from those too young to have even lived. she wants to comfort the grieving queens, and yet is aware of the delicacy of heartache. instead she posts herself on guard duty, remains close enough to help if they need it. tonight, she remembers her lost little one.

"look after him, frostkit," she finds herself whispering. it is impossible to know which star corresponds to which ancestor spirit, but as willowroot sweeps the sky with her gaze, she swears she can see a small twinkle in response.

// a slight rta?? idk how much i like this post but willow's active again! annddd a prompt fulfilled! the prompt was "in a winter past, willowroot suffered unfortunate luck with a leaf-bare litter. how does she feel, knowing someone else is traveling that same, dangerous path?"

While Eelpaw was oblivious to the way that the winter air could be an unpleasant reminder for some, the child found herself growing to tolerate the colder weather. With the colder weather meant that she was now an apprentice, and was learning how to become one of the best warriors that Riverclan had ever seen! Catching sight of Willowroot sitting outside the den caused the child to shift course, now heading for the warrior rather than her nest. "Aren't you going to your nest? It's cold outside!" Eelpaw chirps, shivering as a cold breeze flows through the camp.


Only recently had Ferngill come to terms with the fact that he did want kittens. To have a family, that would be a blessing- it would be the best thing to ever happen to him if it ever did, he was sure of it. Maybe it was a distant dream, but it was a dream he yearned for nonetheless- and he imagined that, while having kits was a wonderful blessing, to lose any was the most heart-rending pain one could ever feel.

Hearing the news of what had happened to one of Hazecloud and Lichentail's litter had felt like a sharp rock through the heart- and if that was how he felt, he could not imagine the impact it was having on the parents. Concern kept him checking up on them often, trying to tell if they were ever sad- and in that observation did a meadow-green gaze wander to Willowroot. With the winter chill, it was strange for cats to take themselves off outside- but he caught the soft droop of their shoulders, even as they looked up to the stars.

The stars. Ferngill looked up there for Steepsnout often, and in the dark-and-light, he swore sometimes he could see streaks of his sister's pelt. "It's alright, Eelpaw," he assured the apprentice, a soft frown furrowing his brow. He wandered close to Willowroot, sure to clear his throat as he approached her side so as not to startle her.

"Who are you talking to?" He knew it must be someone in StarClan, from where her gaze was lifted. There was a hidden question in the croak of his voice- are you alright?
penned by pin
die with memories , not dreams .
Dawnstorm appeared beside the others silently, more awake than he’d ever been with a mind of rampaging thoughts that ceased to settle and give him some kind of relief. Like a shadow, the bi-colored warrior settled, pebble tucked in the crevices of a cracked paw, intending to give it to the other, something where words failed. Still, over time, he had seen the soft-lipped smiles when gifting small trinkets. They were insignificant, but Dawnstorm wanted to help, impossible as it was.

Turning his paw over in one fluid motion, the warrior deposited the shiny pebble near her, pulling back with a quiet rumble. It made others smile awkwardly or nearly blinding like the vicious heat of the sun, making his hues burn something fierce.

He offered no words, nothing more than a silent offering hoping to bring something to Willowroot’s eyes that didn’t speak of grief, unknown to him when Ferngill's inquiry broke the stagnant air that befell them, turning to stare at the stars with creased brows, dropping low against the marred flesh. An oddity. StarClan. A ghostly palace amongst the stars left Dawnstorm’s head reeling from the implications. Strange. He knew, but still, it was something hard to swallow.

Blinking languidly, the bi-colored male settled against the nursery’s wall, intending to keep Willowroot company for the night, even willing to remain once she picked her way to the warrior’s den without question. It was then that he remembered Eelpaw, shivering at the chilly breeze. “Warmth.” He supplied, gesturing toward his fluffy coat, worded simply, but offering the apprentice something to huddle against in a quiet peace offering.
thought speech