camp all things fabulous \\ lounging and chatting


time to rumble!
Jul 13, 2024
ᯓ⚘ Oakrumble meanders into camp, tail trailing limply behind her, with a collection of oak leaves and ferns grasped within her maw, leaf litter strewn across her mane-like chest fur. The leaves had spent some time in the sun before Oakrumble came upon them and were wilty, but she was much too tired too tired to scale a tree for something more satisfactory. Bits of leaf are strewn from the bramble tunnel to her desired spot to settle, besides the trickling stream in camp. She sets the leaves down, spatting out any leaf bits that stick to her tongue.

Oakrumble takes her broad paws and spreads the leaves to her satisfaction, covering the sandy ground besides the trickling stream. She glances pleasantly down at the leaf-cover before stepping back and shaking out her pelt, removing any visible clutter that she carried back on her unruly coat from the excursion outside of camp. With a soft sigh, she turns and canters to the protective barrier of camp, stealing a few ferns that she lays down over the litter. She nods approvingly and with another drawn out sigh settles onto her misshapen nest, a place for her to rest her pounding head and receive some much needed fresh air.

Oh, but even a pesky headache would not be able to stop the brash molly from seeking out some entertainment. Oakrumble sprawls and lifts up her head and flits her gaze upon the closest clanmate. ”How goes it?” She lays her head on a rotund forepaw and stares expectantly at her newfound companion. ”Any gossip, news? Updates. C’mon. I’m all ears– well, ‘cept for the parts that are missin’... Got to get something off your chest…?” She lifts her tail and gestures towards herself with a humorous glint in her dark eyes. ”...I’m here for you.”

  • ooc–
  • OAKRUMBLE —— skyclan warrior, she/her or they/them, 56 moons

Chickbloom admittedly hadn’t spent much time with Oakrumble, but he was used to the older she-cat being much more irritable than she was now. Maybe that was why the whelp stiffened up when she spoke, unsure if the warrior was laying some sort of trap. Folded ears flattened for a moment as an amber gaze stared straight ahead, pretending to not hear the question before it became clear that there was no escape from the interaction.

Chickbloom wasn’t much of a talker on a good day, but the milksop had been practically mute since Silversmoke’s disappearance. An anxious mind had been on overdrive, flipping between gruesome imaginings of the stern warrior’s fate and inward-focused anger at his inability to do anything about it. Perhaps…perhaps speaking to Oakrumble would do some good. Get his mind off things.

“Fine - er - s-sorta fine, I guess” Chickbloom sighed, steeling his resolve as he remembered Oakrumble’s anger at a simple stone in her nest. How would she react if he only spoke it half-truths? “I was - I was thinking about the last g-gathering. It was my first, and…” A shiver went through the tom at the memory. He hadn’t spoken to anyone and hardly moved, opting to cower at the edge of the clearing all night. “I don’t know how you all l-like ‘em so much…t-too many cats, y’know?”
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"You'll get used to it if you attend more, Chickbloom!" Howlfire trilled, padding over to join the two. It was good to him talking again, especially after how reclusive he had become following Silversmoke's disappearance. The loss of the lead warrior had been felt by many, but it was clear some more than others. At least Oakrumble seemed to be coaxing him out of his shell some more. The older she-cat always seemed to be a bit more softer with the younger members of the clan. "At least nothing bad happened at this gathering," Howlfire mused. Well, the personal news she would contend with was not so nice, but for the most part, the gathering had been peaceful. "Believe me, there are worse times you could have attended."

Her amber eyes shift away from Chickbloom to look at Oakrumble, asking, "And how are you faring Oakrumble?" The torbie inclines her head as she speaks.


Johnnyflame couldn't help the small frown that settled on his lips at Oakrumbles words. He knew it wasn't her fault, that she was only trying to be nice, but any of the things bothering him were far too raw to voice allowed in such casual conversation. Besides, it was nothing that wasn't obvious anyway, and the bobtail had little interest in ripping his heart open talking about Silversmoke. Instead, he chose to lean into Chickblooms response, wondering if they were avoiding it as well.

"I don't mind the crowds so much as the distance- it never sits rights with me to leave the camp with so few warriors in it. I usually stay back and spend the nights to help look after things here." commented Johnny, forcing the corner of his lips up into half-hearted smile, trying to at least put some effort into masking his foul mood for his clanmates. "Windclan and those rogues have proven they can't be trusted one too many times. and I wouldn't put it past either to attack our camp while our clanmates are away." he'd seen just how sneaky and savage they could be.

Howlfires words did leave him a bit envious, though. "Aye, it must be something else, seeing it all happen up close like that. Sometimes I feel like that's all the gathering is-just stories you lot tell me when you get back."

It would be easy enough to remedy, to just go, but it hardly seemed important. Little did.

"Any gossip for us?" he prompted, joining Howlfire in addressing Oakrumble even if his paws itched to be elsewhere, twolegplace and the answers it held constantly looming over him.

The atmosphere was calm as Bat made his way back towards camp at a leisurely pace, his mind having been cleared now that he had been allowed some solitude. He had settled into clan life as well as he could for the time being, however one of the things he was convinced he would be unable to acclimate to would be the bustling nature of the camp. He swore he could still hear the incessant rumble of overlapping chatter even when he removed himself, as if it was permanently etched into his mind, a continuous echo pressing against his temples so that he could no longer form a singular comprehensible thought. But not today, today was different. He felt uncharacteristically at peace, the world around him greeting him with its natural symphony, the soft pulsing beat emitting from every step of his paw falling perfectly in tune with it.

Regrettably, this serene state of mind was not built to last as he pushed his way through the barrier which encased the heart of SkyClan, the cacophony of life- life that was nothing like what was outside this little piece of protected safe haven- rushed into his auricles like a raging torrent. He was never quite prepared for it, wincing slightly and shaking his head in response, letting out an exasperated grunt before sulking towards the den which held his tattered and unkept nest- he never did care enough to keep it as comfortable as his companions. Anything was better than sleeping on the cold, jagged street- the way it was devoid of life, soulless and cold as it met warm flesh, made one feel as though they were dead themselves.

He stalled for only a moment as his viridescent eyes glinted with curiosity, his perpetually exhausted looking orbs squinting to slits as the sound of worried mumbles snaked its way to his newly perked ears. He hardly had to duck as he slid with ease beneath the overhang- he was quite a small cat, unassuming in his shrunken stature, not to be confused for a lack of strength- if anything, it was an asset. The space seemed to grow silent upon his arrival, and understandably so- he was unfamiliar to most, only having joined one moon prior by this point- and he did keep information close to his chest.

With a swift sweep of the area, his lazy gaze lingered on the only truly familiar face he knew, his mentor- or whatever else was as close to such a thing- Oakrumble. "Workin' these poor gits into a fit are we?" A pause as he weaved his way around a mass of accumulating bodies, pawing at his cold and vacant nest with extended claws before slowly settling down inside of its broken frame. "What load of bollocks did you run out yer trap this time 'round, eh?" His tone sounded uninterested, sarcasm dripping from the edges of every word- his voice smooth and just a little too deep for his stature, almost as though it didn't align. Despite the confrontational choice of words, his strikingly green optics glistened with a playful sort of challenge that only the two of them seemed to understand.​
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Newleaf is amazing. The sun is nice, the fulfillment he gains from looking at the stocked fresh kill pile is nice, it leaves him in such a good mood he's voluntarily joining the group. It's hard to miss the shaggy, lumbering feline. Today, seemingly behind his eyes, the sadness that lingers is oddly vacant.

Oakrumble's request for gossip is an amusement to the recluse, more than contented to refrain from rumour spreading. Talking seems innocuous enough so he settles in the vicinity, only his staunch seating giving away the discomfort he's never able to shake. Even Chickbloom's description of the gathering is enough to send a shudder down his spine, it has always struck him as odd in the camp, how there were constantly bodies doing things, depositing prey or moving to dens.

Unable to offer any of the assurance offered by Howlfire, Bear licks his lips, rusts out: "Too many cats? I understand that." His ears push back at Johnnyflame's consideration of WindClan and rogues. He has been a rogue for most of his life - knows the depths survival one can plunge into.

Ease settles over him as the revelations that he's not expected to offer his own sacrifice of information, with the knowledge of his clanmates largely useless information lacking any scandal. Instead he directs his attention to Oakrumble. Batscreech's teasing flies clear over his head, and socially, he's never been the best, long reclusive periods doing him little to no favors. "We should assume you have nothing to add?"

ᯓ⚘ "I understand. The gatherings can be... a little much." Oakbloom nods her portly head in agreement when Howlfire inputs it'll be a better experience as he continues to attend. She tilts her head and regards the yellow-and-white tom through narrowed eyes, as though intending to peel back layers and see the truth behind his words, her gaze also lingering upon Johnnyflame. It is not a secret the two have been greatly affected by Silversmoke's disappearance. The molly is concerned for them, and she's decided as of now, she'll be keeping an eye out for him. Oakrumble affirms, speaking to the both of them, "Sit with me next time and we'll take it easy there. And Johnnyflame, I 'preciate you lookin' out for us when we're out."

Oakrumble had not intended for the conversation to be turned back to her and she grumbles, stretching out on her makeshift nest. "Me...? Oh. Well... let me think." Oakrumble considers what she'd like to divulge about her personal affairs and a mischievous expression arcs across her face. "No, no. Nothing worth sharing. She feels her tattered eartips begin to warm as she her mind races to Sfogliatella. As she considers how she may be able to flip the attention upon Howlfire-- she's hesitant to push them in their fragile states-- but thankfully the focus is naturally directed away from her when the grating accent of Batscreech from behind herself.

Her shadow for about a month now, she's grown to be quite fond of the accented tom. Oakrumble feels a pressure to mold him into a perfect member of Skyclan, perhaps in the image of herself... "Y'know it... Just tryin' to be in the loop. She casts a grin upon Batscreech-- he's been a victim to her persistent pestering to ease out his thoughts and also details of his past.

  • ooc–
  • OAKRUMBLE —— skyclan warrior, she/her or they/them, 56 moons