pafp ALL THINGS GROW [ questions ]


Apr 26, 2024

( 𖤓 ) since he's been alive, there are only a few cats whom basilkit takes authority from. swiftdawn and campionsong are obvious - the cream tabby adores his mama and loves his papa enough that he'll generally listen to what they say when they're stern about talking to him. howlingstar is another clear option, as she's the queen of the whole entire forest. flamewhisker, roeflame, both she-cats who have high positions and were queens while bas was growing up, are voices he'll generally agree with. besides that, he's reluctant to take too much instruction from just anyone. anyone, that is, except thundergleam. maybe it's because her fur shines bright in the moonlight, and her eyes glow like a rose at sunset. maybe it's because she speaks with calm, cool authority, her tongue weaving words too eloquent for the tom-kit to understand, and yet he feels he understands her all the same. she is starclan-sent, a star herself tossed into the forest to bring peace and change to the world of the living. or, at least, that's what he's heard.

truthfully, the kit would probably be enamored with the warrior whether she were heaven sent or not, but the fact that she is makes her even better. when she visits, he's the first on his paws, and when she comes home from patrol and bounds over to play, he always participates. there's just something about her that's so cool! he's certain if he gains her favor, he'll be cool forever too.

white splashed paws tap quickly across the leaf-strewn camp floor. sun filters down through narrow gaps in branches, great oak leaves trembling lightly in a soft breeze. basilkit is on a mission. bright green eyes scan camp, darting here and there as he follows his nose to the familiar scent he searches for. there! beneath the shade of a low branch, out of the way of the scorching sun, his target lounges, on a rare break from warrior duties. basilkit beelines for her, ears pricked up, tail kinked over his back. "thundergleam," he'll pant as he reaches her, little chest heaving as his breath returns. "hi, uhm, i have some questions, about you." blinking, he plops himself down next to the pale she-cat, head tipped in curiosity. maybe he comes off as rude, a bit, barging in like this, but this is an important mission he's on! "uhm, how did starclan find you? and where did you live before thunderclan? and how did you find us? ummm also can i get pink eyes too if i ask starclan?" for a kit so out of breath, he is bursting out questions quite quickly. the little jaw snaps shut after he asks them, expectation clear in his leafy gaze.

  • // wait for @THUNDERGLEAM to reply xoxo "#FAC966"
  • 81393563_8O53Igoh9sDSoNx.png

    a cream ticked tabby with high white, and green eyes. a tall boy sporting a chaotically ruffled coat of pale cream tabby. darker ticked stripes flow down his fur, and band around his legs and face. his chest, stomach, muzzle, and most of his tail are white, he has verdant green eyes that sparkle with mischief.