all time low — minor injury


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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THE OBSIDIAN-HUED MALE GRUMBLED, FUMBLING INTO CAMP with sopping wet fur that clung to his muscular frame, looking more like a drowned raccoon than an actual feline. His nose scrunched up at the odd sensation along the lengths of his spine causing gooseflesh despite the otherwise decent temperatures. Damn. He cursed with an inaudible huff wanting nothing more than to see if he could have something for the pain before stumbling his way to his makeshift nest down by the river, hidden inside a tree.

With a tired grunt, he wobbled further into camp, blinking barely at everything with blurred vision from the fat droplets that slid down his furred cheeks of obsidian and velvety white. He felt downright awful, not that Dusk wanted anyone to know. His muscles were weak from the strong currents threatening to pull him under while he struggled to keep them afloat.

He sighed, glancing behind to stare at his right hind leg that hovered off the ground, savoring it with a hefty limp causing his crooked front leg to bubble in protest with the extra weight, struggling to keep himself upright. Just a bit further you damn fool. He grumbled. His willowy tail dragged lazily behind him, far too tired to keep the appendage from getting tangled with twigs and leaves.

Dusk sighed through his parted maw, shaking his helm with a grumble. “Moron.” He couldn’t believe the chimera thought it was safe to travel to see him, of course, it didn’t end well. The mismatched male tumbled into the water that seized Dusk in a vise-like grip until he dove into the water without a second thought. Fucking idiot. He sure as hell hoped Keane and Mason knocked some sense into Yuhwa otherwise he’d march down there and throttle the chimera himself for his stupidity. Yeah. He was damn well happy to see his adoptive kit, but he could have done without the damn dramatic reunion that left them both sopping wet and in need of some rest.

The ex-loner blinked rapidly to clear the water from his otherwise hazy vision, claws digging into the ground to support his massive frame that threatened to tip over the longer he stood there. Oh, fuck it. He leaned back, flopping on his side with an inaudible oof that slipped past his parted maw, rolling his copper-molten hues. “Damn rocks.” He griped, shaking his helm.

thoughts speech


It was hard not to notice Dusk considering how soaked his fur was when he entered camp, and it didn’t take long at all for his hobbling to cease. He flops down onto the camp floor before mumbling what the girl assumes is curses, its hard not to let out a giggle but by a miracle she suppresses it with a paw over her mouth.

Once safe to do so to hurry over, while it had been a bit amusing she was concerned. Was the warrior okay…? ”Hi! Um, are you okay? Should I… get someone?” She meows, hovering above him. He hadn’t exactly made it to his nest… so the question was fair to ask, she felt.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 11 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.
The sorry state of the dark warrior as he hobbles into their camp and then sinks to the ground isn't missed. Blazestar watches Figpaw trot over, inspecting Duskpool with bright golden eyes. The Ragdoll pads closer, blue eyes dim with worry. "Did you... fall in the river?" He meows, before noticing the strange way he holds his leg. "That doesn't look good. Can you walk on it? You'll need to see Dawnglare," he says seriously.


The pitter-patter of paws attracts his notice. Shrimpy Boy pivots his noggin over a hunched shoulder to see what the fuss is about, and when he does, he cannot stop the ensuing gasp. There lay Duskpool prone in a waterlogged heap, handling one of his limbs in a comfortless manner. Blazestar and Figpaw hurtle over to his side and give him a once-over or two. As the duo commentate on the situation, the orange tom meanders over, taking silent note of the wet warrior's apparent displeasure.

"You must be cold," meows Shrimpy Boy on his approach. He's stating the obvious, what with echoes of Leaf-bare still hanging in the air. "Better get yourself inside Dawnglare's den," he continues, "it's all nice and warm in there."

The fellow was a semi-familiar face, yet the tom wagers he hasn't seen him in such an exposed state. For Duskpool's sake, Shrimpy Boy wouldn't carve up any dorky puns befitting of the predicament, but it was admittedly a little difficult stifling the one about catfish.
Turning her attention away from the conversation she was currently having, Chestnutsplash bounded over to Duskpool, eyes widening, though she playfully smiled at first. "Did you take a tumble into the river? I imagine in the greenleaf heat that'd feel good, but when it's still so early into newleaf..."

Their eyes moved to his injury, the smile transforming into a frown. "Did you walk back on that? That's no good, wouldn't that just make it worse? Here, lean on me, I'll walk you to Dawnglare's den." Their tone was that of a scolding parent, telling off their kit for a silly stunt. Though they were much smaller than Duskpool, they were determined to support their friend's weight, puffing their cheeks out.

'Actually, are we friends?' she thought as she made her way to his side. 'Never mind that! Not important right now.'


.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
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HE CRACKED OPEN A COPPER-MOLTEN HUE, staring at the apprentice blankly. He offered a shake of his helm, shrugging his shoulders despite the odd position he flopped in, uncaring of the twigs and rocks digging into his skin. “Perfectly fine.” He mumbled sarcastically. He just … needs to lie off the leg for a bit, it was nothing serious.

Dusk glanced to stare at Blazestar, head cocked with a sarcastic response settled heavily on his tongue, swallowing it down with a nod of his helm. Why else would I be soaking wet? He thought dryly. His copper-molten hues shifted to his leg, clambering up into a sitting position with a noticeable wince, biting back a pained grunt. “I can still walk.” He remarked, ear flickering, glancing at his extended leg pulsating in tandem with his heartbeat.

His maw parted to respond, knowing well enough that Dawn wouldn’t be able to help. He was sure it was nothing more than a sprain. The med-cat wouldn’t be able to do much. His brow rose at the statement, not realizing the subtle shivers that coursed through his muscular frame. Ah, damnit. He sighed, rolling his shoulders with a nod of his helm, contemplating whether getting up was worth it. No. It really wasn’t. He’d rather just say here shivering his ass off until he was semi-dry before moseying on back to his makeshift nest in the pines along the river.

He grumbled, moving to clamber to his paws, ignoring the way his body groaned in protest. His copper-molten hues shifted to a familiar face, brow raised at the mild scolding, darkened lips quirking into a scowl. “I’d flatten you.” He remarked rather bluntly at the mention of leaning his weight against the smaller feline.

“It’s fine.” He huffed, already spent out just from standing having glanced at his hind leg that hovered above the ground. The obsidian-hued male glanced at the growing crowd in discomfort, skin prickling in an almost suffocating way. Let’s hope I make it to the damn thing before I faceplant. He thought numbly, already shuffling forward despite the sharp twinge of his head, pounding in tandem with his heartbeat, already feeling sick to his stomach. Remind me to thank them when I don’t feel like kneeling over.

thoughts speech

it was not every day that a skyclanner walked in soaking wet. she didn't judge, but why would he want to go swimming? it's getting warmer, but eveningpaw thinks that the sun would have to be setting fire to her fur before she willingly took a dip. duskpool walked with a limp though, maybe it wasn't his choice. that would make much more sense to her.

he denied and denied a visit to dawnglare, a little stupid in her mind. he helped those who were hurt, duskpool was obviously hurt. her brow quirked in confusion as she approached to hear him protest again. it was fine, he said, well that just could not be true. the warrior could barely even stand. her ears flicked downwards. "doesn't look fine," she scolded, "like really, it looks absolutely un-fine. how do you expect to hunt and stuff on that? might get mistaken for a rabbit, hoppin and hobblin around," she thinks it would be incredibly difficult. and maybe he wasn't likely to be mistaken for prey, but what if.