pafp ALL WE NEED IS A SMILE (prompt + giving compliment)

// please wait for @orangeblossom to respond!

The sun is beginning to set in the sky and as such, several SkyClanners are already gathering in the clearing for some relaxation. Many cats begin to share tongues and chatter, and Butterflytuft isn't going to be left out. She's spent the last half year of her life getting to know these cats, and she's grown quite comfortable with the lot of them. She is able to be herself now, and she knows she doesn't have to hide behind Blazestar or Daisyflight any time a cat approaches. This is her clan, her family and friends and she fits in in her own special way.

She is seated by Orangeblossom, grooming the she-cat as is customary for the warriors of the clan. The two exchange idle chit-chat, the going-ons of camp, how the day's hunting had been, the regular stuff. Butterflytuft sits back to straighten her spine for a moment in a stretch, jaws parting in a quick yawn. "I'll need to go to bed early tonight," She admits to the deputy with an amused smile, her eyes now roving over her handy-work after some time of sharing tongues. "You have such beautiful fur, Orangeblossom! Has anyone ever told you that?" The young girl trills, her grin growing wider as she compliments the woman beside her. She has the upmost respect for the deputy, so she hopes she isn't put off by the sudden compliment! "It's so soft!" She purrs in continuation, wrapping her own tail tightly around herself.
As she's grown older, Orangeblossom has grown used to sharing tongues with her Clanmates. At first it had been awkward for her to groom at the fur of any cat outside of her immediate family, but as the tradition has slowly settled its way into SkyClan life as a pre-bedtime routine the stuffy deputy has become more comfortable with it. Tonight, she sits patiently as Butterflytuft works at the tangles in her neck fur, smoothing them out until they're something presentable. The young warrior straightens and Orangeblossom takes the opportunity to stretch, finally moving her head from the awkward angle she'd kept it at so that Butterflytuft could reach.

Amused sympathy breaks off into an abrupt, surprised silence as Butterflytuft compliments her fur - and Orangeblossom is left blinking at the earnest enthusiasm with which it's delivered. She stares for a long moment, piecing fragments of her mentality back together, but after those few heartbeats pass her expression softens into something a little kinder.

"Aside from my parents? I don't know, actually." But her parents, like all good parents, were biased. Now, as an adult, she takes their compliments with a grain of salt so as to not promote her ego too much. "Thank you, Butterflytuft. You're very blessed to have such vibrant colours in your pelt, they're practical."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

She prefers this time of day best, and she can't say it's entirely for the relief it offers from the intensity of daylight, otherwise she would like moon-high best. They are balanced on a cusp matched only by dawn, when the intermingling duality of the world is at its most clear: night and day converging, just for a short while. It makes for a beautiful horizon that does not spring water in her sensitive eyes.

She doesn't often participate in the mutual-grooming practice that's become a fixture of the clan, though. Proudsight is prone to oversensitivity; even grooming herself can be too much on occasion. That doesn't mean she abstains from the gossip, of course.

"'Practical,'" she echoes with a low, warm chuckle. Of course that would be Orangeblossom's compliment of choice. There's nothing wrong with it, but there is a marked difference between calling someone's markings beautiful and saying they have optimal camouflage. "It's like a meeting of clouds on your fur," she says to Butterflytuft. When she was younger, she might have been envious of that. "Clouds touched by dawn, the others by a dark storm."
  • proudsight. loner to kittypet to skyclan warrior.
    30 moons old. cisgender female; uses she/her.
    gray-ace panro & single. not really not looking.
    very tall, willowy and scarred albino. reference.

Thistle chuckles in unison with Proudsight toward Orangeblossom’s return of compliment in a way the stoic assiduous woman would. Thistleback liked the way she was, hell- he thought the way she did at times. Though, having two daughters taught him it’s important to be willing to learn and understand other things. No matter how trivial such as appearances. Deersong’s ethereal beauty was not what bewitched him.

From where he is planted on the ground chewing on a bone like a hound, he lifts his jaws to speak to the young cat.

" I daresay Butterflytuft has a pelt stained by the wings of the monarch butterflies in which she was named by. very unique. Orangeblossom’s looks like the sun peeking through snow. And you Proudsight- like winter herself " he chimes in hoarsely, agreeing meanwhile tacking on his own share of compliments. " but as everyone knows. As soon as I enter camp, it’s always over for you pretty lasses. Everyone knows I carry the loveliest coat " he smirks jokingly.

Thistleback’s coat was a raven black and an always white flecked with dirt and chips of wood. His fur spiked like an urchin- if anything he was actually just practical himself. With that, he lifts and pads away.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring quillpaw & Snowpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


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A little white patched face popped up from behind Orangeblossom, "Whatcha doin'?" She questioned curiously, and blinked up at her sister for a second before looking to Proudsight then Thistleback as he walked away. She couldn't help the laugh that left her maw, stiffling it with a white paw-of course Thistleback was the prettiest princess of Skyclan. Everyone knew that! Bananapaws' deep green gaze brightened as she connected to what they where doing, "Oh oh! Butterflytuft! Your coat is so pretty! You're so pretty and sweet! Always lighting up a room!," She smiled sweetly with a bounce on her toes.

"And of course, mama makes the prettiest she-cats! Just look at us, Ora!" She spoke to her sister this time with a giggle of amusement though she wanted to comment on Ashenclaw telling her shes pretty too- but that seemed like a sore subject. Bananapaw bounced in a circle excitedly, "And Proudsight! Where do I even begin? Your coat is so white that the snow is jealous of you!" Then she looked to where Thistleback had padded off and she giggled in a mischevious way, "And Thistleback is the prettiest at the party, obviously,"


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"D'aaw. You fallin' in love with yourself yet, Thistleback?" Bluejay coos, a soft giggle leaving her lips as she marches over. She wasn't doing anything important beforehand, after all. Just remaking her nest, but the sound of talking had distracted her so much that she just had to leave the nest behind! "I guess y'all are pretty alright- I haven't found a reason not to like y'all yet." She hums as she watches everyone compliment each other. Bunch of suckers, what type of Clan is this? She thinks fondly, a paw smoothing her fur out of her face.

"Uhm.. I think all of your pelts are pretty nice. Butterfly's looks like.. Well, a pretty butterfly. And Orangey, you're, like.. Orange. Pretty orange." As horrible as she was at complimenting, she could at least be honest. "And Thistle.. Your fur is so spiky, it looks rad as heck. I can see why your son admires you so much." Enough to change his hairstyle to match, apparently, too! Bananapaw compliments everyone in turn, and Bluejay grins down at the apprentice. "And you, little lady, are the prettiest out there. Don't let anyone tell 'ye any different."
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This was... weird. Silversmoke, attempting to make some sort of effort to better get to know his clanmates, overheard the chain of compliments just a short distance away from his sun-basking place. He moved closer as if investigating a suspicious object, his paws twitching and reclining with each new fetid praise offered up about each others' appearances. Silversmoke's tail lashed as he lost himself to memories of the past, coming to the realisation that a part of his discomfort with the praise circle may have just been a twinge of jealousy. His own coat, billowy and pale like a sheeted ghost, had been a source of contention some time ago, for reasons too shallow for the Lead Warrior to comprehend. Still, he knew that wasn't the only reason why he was perturbed by the clan's actions. His mouth twisted into an odd frown, Silversmoke's odd eyes glossed over everyone present. "What is this?" He mewed in a nasally voice. He tilted his head, the tufts of fur across his jaw squashed against his shoulder as he reclined onto his haunches. "Why are you all just... complimenting each other?" He couldn't comprehend how such a thing could've even started.

Butterflytuft gives a big smile back to the deputy, happy that she was accepting her compliment. When the tables are turned on her, though, she can't help but flatten her ears in embarrassment. "Oh, ah, thank you," She mews bashfully, unable to keep her face from heating up. It's hard for her to accept praise from anybody, or gain any attention whatsoever.

And when offering her compliment to Orangeblossom, she especially does not count on drawing the attention of several clanmates. Proudsight, Thistleback, Bananapaw, and Bluejay all pipe in and issue their own tributes to her pelt. Now this? The meek warrior cannot take it. She ducks low, practically hiding her face behind her fluffy tail. All she can utter in gratitude is a squeak, her jaws clamped shut shyly. She is oh-so thankful when Silversmoke pokes fun at the group for she can feel eyes leave her. Truly, she wishes she could have offered compliments back to everyone, but she has clammed up and will need at least a couple days to recover from this spotlight.