pafp ALL YOU HAVE IS YOUR FIRE ♕ owl attack

BRIARPAW — hello, my old heart.

As leaf-bare wanes, critters of various nature begins to re-emerge, rippling indistinct buzzing and rustles throughout the marshland, even under the comfortable cover of night.
Briarpaw had always thrived in the absence of the sun, her pitch-hued coat offering her an even bigger advantage than her silent paws.
Yet, there was no pleasure in the task she had forced herself to take. Her vow to Forestshade was set on replay as she slipped past swamp-land grass, brows furrowed. The apprentice had ignored Screechpaw’s antics for as long as she could, and now he was missing from their patrol. This is the last time, Briarpaw promises herself- she wouldn’t even scold him this time, only drag him back to the rest of the patrol by his scruff if she had to.
Led by a scent trail alone, when a dark paw parts tall grass to reveal the sight of her brother, she is left speechless with confusion.
He is standing there, head tipped sky-ward, eyes trailing something above their heads.
Cautiously, Briarpaw continues on, forgetting her earlier promise and baring her teeth in her brothers direction, hissing to catch his attention.
The moonlight that pooled on the ground flickers, and before Briarpaw can look up, something sky-born is ascending upon them, sharp talons crashing into her view- though, they don’t reach for her. Perhaps if it had been any other cat, Briarpaw would make the better judgment of simply yelling at them to move, let Mother Nature weed out the less bright. If not for the urgency of the situation, Briarpaw would be left in frozen shock to see Screechpaw brace himself, optics glazed with determination.
He had done this on purpose.
"Screechpaw!" Unlike the outburst that had escaped her the day she thought a monster had flattened both her littermates, when Briarpaw yells out, hardly registering the fact that she is moving forward, running towards the owls line of attack, it is a bark of white-hot rage, disbelief- heartbreak. She hadn’t taught him to be this stupid, Chilledstar hadn’t.
Before she truly realizes it, ebony paws are lunging forward, shoving her brother back with a rough force.
Standing in the place her brother had been only a heartbeat before, the blazing aggression that was smattered across her expression was suddenly fear.
Then, her perception is a violent blur of feathers, her former stance leaving the charging owl unprepared, and knocking both the both off-balance.
There’s a weight thrown against her flank, and in the short moment as she is thrown across the mud, a defiant forepaw flies upwards with thorny claws unsheathed, hooking weakly onto thin skin that was shielded with slick feathers, an angry screech splits in her eardrums. Talons that had intended to grasp upon unsuspecting shoulders had instead found a savage hold in the crook of her flank, dragging somewhere towards her tail in the fleeting chaos. What… what… what…
Something warm blossoms at the base of her ribcage, it snakes deceivingly around her stomach.
She can feel the predator's presence still hovering right above her, an owl determined to catch its meal.
Suddenly, Briarpaw can’t breathe. Suddenly, everything is slow, numb. A shaky breath comes out as a distorted groan, and Briarpaw finally forces her optics to find their way down to the fire that has begun to spark in her belly. Talons drip in what looks like the same black liquid that spills from her wounds, and in horror the apprentice watches as they bunch from only a whisker length above her, ready to sink in once more.
Briarpaw’s own legs try to protectively draw closer to her stomach, but they cannot against the weight of the split skin that leaves her facing sky-wards on the soil. The moonlight is blinding. Would it be worth it, to die this way?
Damnit. Of course it would. Even if it meant saving her littermate from his own stupidity.
Before the deathly talons can plunge into her once more and carry her into the unknown, Briarpaw rolls from under its shadow with an involuntary cry, saving herself from an untimely fate for only another moment, her forepaw finds the wound and presses against the top of her open wound as though she could hold it together long enough- just long enough to make sure Screechpaw was safe, that she wouldn’t die for nothing.

  • Sad
Reactions: orchidbloom

✧ . Patrols are often the highlight of Screechpaw’s days. A chance to leave the camp’s confines almost always is.

But, after the blunder of his last hunting patrol — an embarrassment of failing to catch anything in an otherwise successful group of hunters still so hot against his fur that he’s surprised it hasn’t created any extra spots from its flames — the apprentice hadn’t really been looking forward to the patrol ahead of him.

It’s a chance for his fur to cool down, to absorb the shadows he’d nearly wished would swallow him whole when Orchidbloom of all cats covered for him. The lame she-cat he’s known since kithood, nervous and stammering as his mother’s apprentice. He’d done so poorly that she thought it’d be best to lie for him.

But… Maybe an opportunity lies ahead for him — off the path the patrol walks. He’d promised himself that the next patrol would be better for him, after all. The scent of prey he catches is enough of a sign to stray away from the group. He hardly hesitates at the thought of his sister also taking part in the night’s patrol — she’ll be too busy taking part in it, he hopes as he sets off in the other direction.

Following the scent trail is easier than it has been. He’s a true hunter, of course — perhaps he’s just meant to be hunting at night, when he’s off on his own accord.

Copper tinges his tongue with each paw-step closer to his target. Injured, he figures with little thought as to why. This will be a free catch for him, then, something to fill the void where his prize from the last patrol should’ve been. As he locates his imminent catch, he realizes that it’s… a little more than injured. The rat is unmoving. Dead. Two-toned eyes blink and dark paws move closer, wondering if he can still salvage it, can still pass it off as a catch of his own.

It’s a meal already made, he realizes with a twisting stomach. He’ll be returning without triumph, for his prize has already been claimed. By what, Screechpaw learns of soon after — in shadows shifting above and flapping wings making their warning call. Lifting his head upwards, Screechpaw sees another opportunity in the form of an owl.

What a prize this would be! An atonement for his failed catches, bring this home would surely be a feast for ShadowClan. And he’d be able to prove himself as Forestshade’s son — as the hunter he’s always been.

Tracking the owl’s circling path, a glint of determination masks the fear that the sight of bramble-sharp talons and the song he shares with the avian predator nearly drown him with, claws unsheathed and ready to counterstrike what’s to come — for it’s all he can do now: fight, survive, kill the owl and bring his trophy home.

Come here, you stupid owl, “ he mutters. His eyes narrow at its tree-woven silhouette, and a stomping of paws makes his presence known.

I can do this, Screechpaw thinks as large wings shift course, I can do this.

If there had been more time, would such a risk have been fully realized? Would he have turned back around and warned the patrol instead? Forgotten all about the owl, tried to find prey elsewhere?

He has no moment to ask himself these questions. Because time moves too fast — and his sister does too.


Determination is cut short, burned aflame by anger. Of course she’s here. Of course. His face contorts into a frown, a look shot her way — sharp and seething, as if she’s the owl he’s meant to be catching.

The owl. A sun-marked face snaps forward to track its place in the sky, only for his gaze to widen at swooping wings and piercing talons coming his way.

Would he have braced for impact? Would he have leapt forward, or out of his way?

A force hits him before a choice is made, and he’s sent tumbling to the side and crashing to the ground. His heart pounds as he scrambles upward in an attempt to regain his balance. As he looks toward where he stood seconds before. As he finds Briarpaw in his place, feathers and talons shrouding her form.

Flames extinguish. His blood runs cold.

No. No. This — This isn’t what was supposed to happen! He was supposed to fight this owl. He was supposed to bring home a feast. And now — And now his sister crumbles in his place. And now her blood spills over the marshes.

No, “ Screechpaw lets out through choked, stomach-turning breaths. “ No, Bri — “ Paws move — finally they move — toward his his shadow, toward his mirror. Is she…?

She can’t. She can’t be another catch for the owl to make. Panic clouds his awareness, hides away the avian beast’s looming presence. It hasn’t left yet, he learns too late.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry, his mouth opens to speak the apology, but it’s the owl’s song he hears. Wide gaze moves, his form twisting in an effort to face the beast. To shield his sister further.

He’s hardly able to before impact arrives and talons find his form. Warmth washes over him again, but it’s not embarrassment that paints his ribs in red. It’s sharp, a thousand brambles shredding his skin, urging his namesake forward. He wants his mom, but she never seems to find him on time. He wants his mentor, but they’re bound to kill him themselves, if this owl doesn’t first. He wants…

Briarpaw — ! “ he cries out in terror as limbs flail in an effort to strike back at the owl. Talons free themselves and wings swoop around for another lap around its prey. The tom’s body crumbles, sides heaving, his eyes blown wide as the ground beneath him becomes a concoction of his and Briarpaw’s blood. Up, he tries to urge himself, but his sides burn, and his world spins.

Is this it? Is this how the two of them die? Another mistake, another moment gone awry?​
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    SCREECHPAW AMAB. He / Him. Apprentice of ShadowClan.
    ✧ . A black/red tabby chimera tom with mismatched green eyes.
    ✧ . Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ✧ . Mentored by Chilledstar
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
  • Crying
Reactions: Noor ♡
The patrol was going good, until... Screechpaw had gone missing, and the patrol had agreed to split to find him. Orchid finds a scent trail, and hurries down.

Where have they gone off to...? Misfortune had been falling upon their apprentices recently, Stars forbid if anything happened to them...

Something metallic hits her nose and immediately goes her heart drop in to her stomach, anxiety churning within. Just a messy catch. They try to assure themselves, but its... quite the opposite as they stumble upon the scene. Her heart stops and the world seems to slow as two nearly crumpled bodies come in to her vision. Oh? Why are Screechpaw and Briarpaw... Why are they- Blue eyes shift downwards. Red splatters the earth beneath them, it pours from Briarpaw and Screechpaw, Stars, the leaves are red, the marsh earth is red, everything is red, theres so much of it.

All they can focus on is the red puddle beneath the pair. They ignore the nauseous feeling that rises in their throat as ivory paws guide them forth. They need to be brave. Raggedbite had shown Orchidbloom what it means to be brave, and now its their turn. Be brave, they soar over a log, nearly tripping over it in the process. Be brave, they repeat it like a mantra, because if they say it enough maybe they'll actually feel like they are.

Teeth bared, the lanky warrior rushes to shield the pair of fallen apprentices, their tail lashing wildly behind them. Their fear runs rampant within their body, coursing through every vein, it makes their shoulders hurt, it makes their heart hurt. They've never fought an owl. They've... never fought. Be brave, claws dig in to the marsh earth below, they can feel their heart pounding too hard, be brave for them.

What would Forestshade have done in a situation like this? Their mind draws a blank. Forestshade would have fought tooth and claw for her babies, right? Right? Is that what Orchidbloom is expected to do when their limbs feel like collapsing beneath them? They've been a coward their whole life. They don't know what to do, but if its for the sake of her mentors kids... They will try as they might.

"I-I've got you guys, d-don't... Don't die... Please, d-don't die." their voice comes out in a keening whine, grief flooding through every syllable. If she fails them... No, it's not an option. I'm brave, i'm brave, i'm brave, i'm brave, i'm brave. Orchidbloom swallows down the rising whine of fear. I'm brave, a paw steps back, muscles tensing as the owl swoops in. A tail lashes. They're ready, they're sure of it, and when the owl attacks, they will too.

I just need to fend it off until the rest of the patrol arrives.

A paw lashes out as soon as the owl gets close and Orchid nearly gags as claws hook on to something, but yelps as talons tear open foreleg skin. Blood beads beneath white fur, but its not gushing. That means its not deep, right? It's not like Briarpaw laying limply on the ground, its not like Screechpaw, laying, dazed, heaving. It's just a scratch, just a scratch, she convinces herself as it doubles back. She turns back to Screechpaw, eyes blown wide in panic. "C-Can either of you w-walk, can either of you walk?" they need to get Briarpaw back to Starlingheart. They need someone else, what is Orchid supposed to do with two potentially dying apprentices?

Oh, please, Forestshade, please come soon, someone, anyone. She just needs to buy them some time. "Y-You're b-both gonna make it out, I p-promise, I swear-" maybe its more for herself now. Maybe it falls upon deaf ears. Maybe shes truly not as brave as she thought. "I- I can fend it o-off. I-I've got you guys." she's terrified as she reiterates, and yet she does not blame the pair at all. The flapping of wings brings them snapping back and they bare their fangs once more. They can do this.

  • 80192257_BM5b2gMLix2zWQF.png
    ❝ i smile because i want to, i smile because you want to. ❞
    orchidkit, orchidpaw, orchidbloom
    ❥ afab ,, she/they ,, 13 months
    ❥ warrior of shadowclan ,, formerly mentored by forestshade
    ❥ lanky yet fluffy cinnamon smoke she-cat with wide blue eyes
    ❥ "speech, d1afed" ,, thoughts
    ❥ bisexual ,, mates with raggedbite
    ❥ smells like lilies and iris'
Last edited:

What a way to make a patrol take even longer. Laurelpaw's feet dragged in annoyance through the dark forest as they looked for Screechpaw. He would much rather be in his nest already sleeping off the day, but no, some cat had to get lost or worse wander off on purpose. Now Laurelpaw wasn't particularly fond of rules and regulations, but he knew that there was power in numbers, that's why he and Halfpaw were always at each other's sides, and he especially knew that apprentice after apprentice were receiving vigils. He wouldn't risk that kind of safety for any kind of freedom. But, perhaps Screechpaw didn't have the same sense.

Whatever, it didn't matter any way. There were going to be out in here until they found the black and red tom, so he might as well actually put something into it. His nose was to the air and his eyes were open wide, trying to catch any scent or tracks or something. That's when he hears it, a far off scream. More than one actually. His heart drops for a second as he turns to the other cats with him, they've heard it too. In seconds they are crashing through the bushes, or he assumes they are. He had only taken the time to see that they heard the noise, he had then sprinted into the bush. He blindly plowed through the foliage until he started to see figures in a clearing.

He nearly tripped over himself though as he saw another creature swoop out of the sky, clawing at the warrior standing above two bodies. He couldn't see them fully in the dark, but he could smell them. Before that night if you asked Laurelpaw what the worst smell was he would probably say rotting frog, this night though, his answer would change. It's sickly sweet and metallic and somehow although it's just in his head, it also smells like fear.

He doesn't know what to do fully, does he go to help the lone warrior or does he go to get more help. He doesn't see the other cats following him and he is far too scared to even try to listen for them. So, he has to make a choice, right now.

"I AM GOING TO GET THE MEDICINE CATS! HOLD IT OFF FOR JUST A LITTLE LONGER!" his voice rings hollow in his ear but he hopes it finds Orchidbloom "please" the plead is whispered between gasps of air as his legs carry him quick and far.

He doesn't know how long it takes him but he makes it to camp and beelines it to the medicine den where he yells "AN OWL ATTACK! Two cats are down and another is still fighting! I'll take you to them! QUICK!" He only waits for them to stand up before he turns around again ready to start his race all over again.

//medicine cat tags @Starlingheart @Magpiepaw

As a shadow passes over her den, Starlingheart drags her lone green eye upwards from her meal, jaws parted in a greeting before it is quicky cut short by the apprentices rushed explanation of his presence. An owl attack he says, two cats down, one still fighting. She shoots Magpiepaw an alarmed look if an owl had indeed sunk its talons into a cat then the wounds were certain to be nasty. "Magpiepaw, get a couple of-of warriors to help us c-carry the injured back. I'll grab the herbs." May StarClan let their paws be swift. The prayer is sent silently as she scrabbles to her paws and she grabs the bundle of herbs she keeps wrapped in an ivy leaf at the entrance of her den. A habit she had picked up when she had first become a medicine cat. Always be prepared for the worst. Always. It was a difficult lesson to have learned but Starlingheart is glad that she at least knows it now.

Snow capped paws follow the blue-toned apprentice through the forest and when they come upon the scene, Starlingheart only pauses to take in what is happening for a moment before she springs into action, her brain working on auto-pilot. The two warriors that had accompanied them and Laurelpaw would have to be enough to help Orchidbloom fend the winged predator off, she and Magpiepaw needed to stop the bleeding, needed to ensure these apprentices lived long enough to reach their warrior ceremonies. "You take care of-of Screechpaw. I'll get Briarpaw." Her mothers namesake, she would not let the shadow-furred apprentice die. She couldn't.

She places expert paws over the wound and immediately red stains white as she tries to stop the bleeding. Paws are replaced with cobwebs and then Starlingheart is chewing herbs as quickly as she can to make a poultice. Horsetail to stop the bleeding. Marigold and Goldenrod to heal. Dandelion ushered into the apprentices mouth to soothe the pain and the shock, at least just for a little bit. "I'm here Briarpaw it's- it's okay I'm here" she soothes softly through the sound of furious screeches, of usually silent wings beating as the fight continues on in the background.


  • PSgWDJV.jpeg

  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training

.·:*¨༺🕷༻¨*:·. Through squinted eyes, Briarpaw is only able to catch blurred glimpses of the scene unfolding before her. Screechpaw is as stubborn as ever, and when her brothers cries slam against large ebony ears, Briarpaw cannot help but wince, to see him bleed makes her almost want to throttle him for being so toad-brained. Mostly, though, it makes her want to hug him, usher her litter mate away from the danger just like always.
He cries out her name, crumbling into crimson-shaded mud nearby.
Forelimb still clasped to the laceration that continues to spill life into the soil, the raven-furred she-cat cannot resist the instinct that has been instilled in her from kithood, and she reaches for him.
"… it’s okay Screech, I’m right here." Just as coarse comforts are exhaled, Orchidbloom is standing over them, voices throb against Briarpaw’s ear drums.
Can you walk? Can either of you walk?
Black edges around her vision, and Briarpaw finally lets her temple thump against the ground, her head shaking softly.
They were safe, Screechpaw would live.
Just as the sweet whispers of sleep begin to lull her, there is another standing above her. Briarpaw vaguely recognizes the others scent, instinctively turning her head to face it.
"Ma…?" Her voice is thick and sluggish, words quick to die on her tongue when it is not Forestshade, but Starlingheart standing over her, ushering stems into her maw.
They are bitter, but Briarpaw embraces the taste, hesitatingly moving her own forelimb to let the medicine cat work. She feels vulnerable, weak. "I’m tired."

  • BRIARPAW she/her, apprentice of shadowclan, 9 moons.
    slender, lean-muscled black she-cat with sharp hazel eyes & large ears.
    daughter of Forestshade && Vulturemask ࿏ sister to Screechpaw && Sweetpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

stupid. stupid stupid stupid mouse brained little apprentices, is the first thing their kind rings. they can't even fully think about what they're seeing. what they're hearing, smelling, or even... feeling. this feeling hurts. they want to shut it off so bad, retreat to the back of their mind and coldly shut everyone out because that's where they were comfortable. but they can't. briarpaw and screechpaw had almost been like kin to them. niece and nephews, if there were any words to it, because chilledstar thought of forestshade like a little sister. treated her like one. talked to her, and practically raised her like one. made her a damned good warrior... aimed to do the same with screechpaw but... he was proving to be a lot more difficult than his mother, and that was saying something. forestshade, by no means, was an easy apprentice. became worse, for a while, when chilledstar was made deputy. still... he had been taught better than this. they're so angry, and scared, and worried that they really think they might throw up.

"i-i'll... help. I'll help. stay awake, little tadpoles, alright? just stay awake until starlingheart and magpiepaw can fully look at you. and after youvr gotten some rest... after you've relaxed, we can talk. but just stay awake."

forestshade very well may kill them for letting her children get hurt, and having the relationship they do with her– they'd very much let her.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    45 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
*+:。.。 Duckshimmer liked to think she'd kept quite the regal performance as of late. Although her chest still ached every time she glanced towards the medicine den and thought of her uselessly stupid son, that wouldn't stop her from being an available warrior 24/7 in the name of her clan. Thus, she's more than ready when Laurelpaw comes screeching into camp. This is yet another instance proving Shadowclan's youth have been struck with the idiot stick.
Barreling into the scene behind Starlingheart, periwinkle blue eyes aglow with determination to keep everyone safe, she nearly chokes on her resolve when she comes upon the sight. An owl. It's the first thing she sees as it swoops languidly above their heads. Normally the suckers are more adept at being quieter - ambush predators rather than scavengers. But it must think itself quite the big man if it continues to fly instead of retreating despite the number of cats that have come to swarm it. Or maybe the fool is hungry. Either way, Duckshimmer unsheathes her pearly claws and lowers herself into a stance.

She smells Briarpaw and Screechpaw's blood, making her more than happy to keep her sights on the bird. What are they even doing without a warrior escort? Or if they have one, Duckshimmer's ready to throttle the bastard for letting this get so out of hand. Letting them get hurt. Her mind flashes to her own kit, shaken after being nearly snatched by the same kind of bird. In the back of her mind, her heart aches for Forestshade.

Flexing her claws as her eyes trail the bird, she distantly hears herself whisper, "I'm going to rip out each of your talons, one by one, and shove them through those wings of yours, pinning you in place so I can tear out your entrails and eat them right in front of those beady little eyes of yours" The image of the threat - the promise - coming to life in her head is enough to widen the pull of her lips, exposing lovely ivories to the night, eager to find their home in the avian's throat.

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently