all you see and all you feel [☼] Berryheart

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Leafbares arrival had not come quietly, pushing sickness and death before the first snow. For the past two moons Roeflames routine had been rigorous, paws kept too busy for even her racing mind to keep up with.
Yet, with the journey cats return and the news of Little Wolfs death there had been a pause, swollen with grief and stillness.
Her short time in the medicine den had been mostly spent with Burnstorm whenever she had the chance, but now they shared the same nest, and Roeflame found her mind and schedule coming to a slow, an uneasy sense of true security blanketing her for the first time in her young life.
With security, came free-time, which Roeflame was happy to spend taking a squirrel to Berryhearts doorstep, both as a thank you and as an excuse to catch up with the brindled healer.
Bundle of russet clasped between her jaws, she tentatively pokes her head into the entrance, eyes scanning until they’d find the tom, likely fussing over his herbs and plants.
"Hungry?" She’d chime happily from where Roeflame still stood, her words heavily muffled but a smile working its way around the squirrel.

Though Berryheart was beginning to feel soothed, to feel as if he had a purpose once again, his heart still beat with a heaviness when he recalled Freckles. Having Cloudy around was wonderful, was rewarding- was just as he remembered teaching to be. But part of him could not let go of what was lost, of the fizzling, brilliant potential that had dwelled in the paws of his passed student.

It was during a particular low point that Fawny drifted into view- a cat who had once been distant toward him, no doubt because of his position. Over time, though... it seemed to Berryheart that they had formed a friendship. Stony expression very-slightly curving into a smile, he softly greeted her with a small hum of, "Always." The russet bundle in her maw betrayed to him exactly what she had managed to fetch.

A purr of approval, short and quiet, rippled pleasantly through him. "You did your research," he noted, gesturing with a small movement of the paw toward the squirrel she'd brought him. Undoubtedly, his favourite meal- and he had certainly tried plenty.
ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago. Pleased with the medicine cats answer, Roeflame is happy to fully step out of the chill and into the den, head dipping to place the squirrel down when Berryheart notes that she must have done her research.
A spark of fleeting confusion is concealed by her bowed head, quickly dissipated by the time the warrior is looking back at him.
Have I? Perhaps subconsciously, Roeflame had never been the studious type.
Either way, the information is now locked behind celadon optics, and she gives an eager nod.
"Mhm, you deserved a nice meal." She chirps in reply, smile earnest.
"Would you care for some company? I could help… uh.. hm." Eyes dance around the den, and the pale tabby realizes she is in a completely different universe.
"Well ah, I’ve been told I’m a great conversationalist!" At least, Roeflame believes she is.
With whatever approval Berryheart would give, Roeflame would tentatively take a seat, now a little too aware of the delicate herbs and foliage around her.
"How have things been?" A phrase typically used for small talk, but Roeflame’s demeanor is genuine. She supposes she knows how things had been, but surely it would be better to hear from Berryheart himself. "speech"

Some might construe it as sad, that Berryheart was surprised to be asked for his company- in truth, he did not often expect it. Cats spent time with him out of necessity, stuck in this den with injuries- they called for him when he was needed to heal. No bitterness lay in this knowledge. It was cold, comforting fact- it was all certainty that Berryheart was used to, and that he appreciated. Still, it did not make Fawny's offer unwelcome- his dull gaze warmed a little, and an ember-flicked tail beckoned her to take a seat. Wasting not a moment, he took a bite out of the squirrel.

How have things been? He chewed as he contemplated the best manner in which to answer. It would not do to mince his words... she had asked, after all. "I'm grieving, still." His tone was level despite the sadness he spoke of. The misery and regret that writhed in his heart was kept behind an iron wall, but was there nonetheless. Why would he lie, conceal its existence, when asked?

"Teaching is my passion. Having a new apprentice has made it easier, but it does not erase who we lost." He would remember Freckles until the end of time. Would regret their death until the day he died himself.

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

The toms honesty comes as no surprise to Roeflame, his consistent bluntness a trait the younger molly had always admired about him- and possibly aspired from.
As Berryheart would continue, Roeflame would happily take the seat offered to her, listening to him with a softly tilted head.
"I miss them, too." The tabby finally echoes after a moment, speaking for both Lichenpaw and Little Wolf.
While never truly close to either, Roeflame will never forget the heated conversation between her and Lichenpaw that was quick to fizzle into sad tension. Both of them had been young, and so terribly hurt, Roeflame could only hope they had found their peace in the stars.
Little Wolf was a cat you inspired to be, a clanmate who would always be in your corner, and who also happened to be the reason she was privileged with the presence of Burnstorm in her life.
"Y’know… I’ve always kinda admired you- even when I didn’t think I did." Roeflame admits, gaze flickering from the toms face to his dappled forepaws, "You are always what everyone needs, when everyone needs it… I just hope you’re giving yourself the time you need to heal, too." She shrugs slightly at the end of her words, as though trying to be casual. Perhaps the young warriors own strange way of saying “I care about you.”


He could give no response except a quiet breath, a comforted silence that showcased his agreement. Soft and slight, never bitter- for he had no more right to grieve than she. His own sister was loved by many outside of himself- it comforted him, in some dark way, to know his pain was not felt solely. Even if it felt odd on his skin, it was never- it would never- be a grief to shoulder alone.

Fawny was eloquent, put-together- her words had feathers that encircled him, cradled him like a nest. Berryheart blinked, gently and earnestly, truly touched despite how much his gaze kept hidden within him. For a moment, all he could offer was a quiet, surprised, "Oh."

Silence entrapped him for a moment, a pondering lull. The cogs in his mind whirred for a response, and only when they stopped would he utter anything. "You're kind to say so." A blink, mildly confused. "I'm only doing what's right, though. I'm only doing my duty." In truth he did not think himself much to be admired.