allergy season ⚘ pollenfur

Dandelionwish avoided two-leg place generally, he didn't want to cause issues for his new clan by constantly visiting his old exiled friends out here but he also didn't want to come across callous. He had found a new home, been accepted, meanwhile they lived with one another in desolate streets away from the clans; it felt cruel to keep reminding them he existed in the life he'd wanted in WindClan, so he kept his distance. Today, however, he is returning back from walking Sweetybee back to her two-legs, an offhand comment about some rough loners in the area made him not want to let his friend wander alone especially with how soft she was, so he had volunteered as an escort. It was the least he could do to thank her for the bandanna that now swung snuggly around his neck; vibrant green as the moorland fields he once loved, a final reminder of the home he would never care for again. The ex-WindClanner had adjusted well enough, little did he think of the old days but there was a gnawing feeling in his gut now knowing that he was able to go to the gatherings once more per Blazestar's permission; part of him felt afraid. Another part of him desperately wanted to see his sister and ask about their father but Shrewtuft rarely went to gatherings before, it was unlikely she would now. And then there was Sootstar, all of WindClan thought him dead and he had kept that secret until now, to go would be to reveal his existence and possibly cause more issues for SkyClan but...if his leader said it was fine then surely it would be?
Regardless, if it came down to a fight he would defend his new home with claws and teeth without hesitation though he was loathe to take a life as easily as a WindClanner might be inclined to.
As he walked he heard the soft step of paws, found himself slow to a stop as he recalled the worries of aggressive loners in this area and his hackles rose; fur along his spine bristling in wariness as mismatched eyes darted around for the source.
"...I know yer there, ye ain't surprisin' nobody so come out."

She hadn’t expected to find him here, of all places. Twolegplace is as she remembers it from her travels—dull, filled with scents that burn the nostrils and harsh insults from trash-eating rogues. Pollenfur has not made it a habit to frequent the other WindClan refugees’ haunts, but today she’d dared to get closer than she normally has—to see Mallowlark, of course.

It’s not Mallowlark she spots, however. A tawny shape set against the blacktop catches her eye, and she ducks to hide—but mismatched green and gold eyes caught her. When he speaks, she knows it’s him—knows it’s the little medicine cat apprentice Honeytwist had been so fond of, the one who’d bled tirelessly for a Clan who wished him dead.

Hesitantly, she steps from her hiding place, her tail flicking nervously behind her. “D…Dandelionwish?” She smiles, nervous. “Are you living in Twolegplace now, or…?” Her heart aches to see the young cat, to see how life has worn him down—but he does not look thin, as she is, nor does he look defeated.

  • pollen . pollenfur
    — she/her ; loner ; windclan warrior
    — pansexual ; taken by Hyacinthbreath
    — long-haired chocolate calico with amber eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — pixel by Birdman