camp ALLOW ME TO BREAK THE ICE ✧ . gifts

✧ . It’s been a while now since he’s done this last. Seasons have passed, his name has changed, his rank twice over. He’s lost family, gained family, felt the ice-cold of mountain stone beneath his paws. Been a mentor, and then a mentor again.

And while things are different — less strange in a way, far from the days of twoleg-stolen clanmates, but still tense from other circumstances — his objective still remains the same: to uplift the spirits of those around him. Just because.

He’s much busier now than he had been last time. Though dreaded apprentice duties had kept him busy then, a young Greenpaw would be astonished, he thinks with an amused purr to himself, to hear what little breaks in the day he has now.

But the lead warrior persists in his mission, gathering bits and bobs along the way. Between patrols, during training sessions — if he finds something that catches his eye, the tom makes sure to scoop it up, to bring it back to camp and to the temporary safety of his nest. Someone might like the glint of this stone, or the soft-edge of this feather, or the shape of this leaf.

He does this until he has enough to bring out into the sunlight on one of his slower days, organizing them in a sort of way he’d done seasons ago, with white paws pushing pebbles into a neat arrangement and straightening feathers and other trinkets until he’s satisfied.

Perfect, “ he hums to himself, bright eyes beaming at his efforts as he settles behind them. A crooked tail thumps at the ground as he calls a hardly new song to gather his clanmates. “ Gifts! Come get your gifts! “​
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    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

Buttery paws were dragging an exhausted Scottish Fold into camp when Greeneyes’ call rang out. After an afternoon of running around the forest, the whelp had regrettably returned with nothing clasped in a yolk-stained jaw. Bad days happened, it was nothing unusual, but the boy still felt bad that he had nothing to deposit on the prey pile today.

Eggshellbloom took a moment to catch his breath before wandering over to Greeneyes, hoping to distract himself from disappointment with the other’s trinkets. Amber eyes light up as the warrior perused the rows of rocks and feathers, letting out an involuntary purr before snapping back to embarrassed silence. “These are - These are all r-really pretty…” he mumbled, nodding to his peer. The whelp wanted one, but guilt gnawed away at him. Anxious eyes glanced back towards the prey pile. Was it really okay to reward himself when he hadn’t helped today?

Eggshellbloom may have been a more confident cat that when he joined Skyclan, but that only went so far. “Is it - w-would it be okay if I took one?” The unsure voice squeaked out, not wanting to deprive the more worthy of a gift even as amber eyes were focused on a particularly pretty rock.​
Greeneye's call caused the tabby's fur to jolt with surprise. He hadn't been far from where the other had set up shop. Dragging out an old nest through dirt place and setting up a new one. Mind driven elsewhere and blissfully unaware of his fellow Lead's musings.

That is until his denmate's voice beckoned him. Dropping his clean nest at the mouth of the den he turned to take a gander at Greeneye's findings. Blue eye peering curiously as his pale paws fell to a halt. Scraggly frame resting next Eggshellbloom who seemed to deflate with shyness. Aw...

He couldn't help the twinge of empathy for the other's more nervous nature. Hoping to give the yellow splotched tom some confidence he softly meowed. "I couldn't agree more. These are very beautiful." He could understand it, albeit Dogbite tended to put on a more brave front.

Clearing their throat he beamed a pleasant smile. "I'd love a gift Greeneye's. Thank you " Then like a bump on a log the Lead seemed to stand still. Frozen by decision paralysis that mirrored Eggshellbloom's own uncertainty. "Uh... Which one should I take?" The one-eyed Skyclanner slouched sheepishly as he asked.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; mentor to hollypaw
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric

✧ . Greeneyes is greeted first by yolk-dyed and honey-splotched forms, both of which he sends a smile to. “ Hi, Eggshellbloom! Dogbite! “ he greets two of them, with a dip of the head. “ Come take a look, will you?

With their appraisal of his gathered trinkets’ beauty, the lead warrior beams further. “ Thank you! I’ve been working hard, trying to find some nice things for everyone ~ “ The tom expects they’ll both be able to find something within his collection to take — or, at least, he hopes they do! Malachite eyes watch on as the duo scans the assortment, wondering just what they might take, only for his head to tilt at the uncertainty brought forth by Eggshellbloom.

Well, of course you can! “ the lead warrior chirps, “ Why wouldn’t you be able to? They’re for anyone who wants one, and if you want one then — “ His gaze follows amber eyesight, focusing on a rock sat between them. A good choice, he thinks! A white paw pushes it forward, encouraging the uncertain tom before him. “ — take it!

Next, he focuses on Dogbite, yet to make a choice of his own. “ Found anything yet? “ Greeneyes asks, though his co-lead seems just as uncertain as his first customer. Which one should I take? He can’t help the soft laugh of amusement that escapes his maw. “ Whichever catches your eye, I suppose! Do any speak to you, Dogbite? I can help you choose, if you’d like. “ ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    GREENEYES AMAB. He / Him. Lead Warrior of SkyClan.
    ✧ . A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ✧ . Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ✧ . Mentored by Sheepcurl ; Mentor to Fluffypaw, formerly Falcongaze
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack
〕Curious blue eyes glance over the array of knick-knacks that Greeneyes had apparently gathered for the purpose of distributing. Lionpaw was not sure if he fully understood the intent of a "gift"; was it simply just something interesting to look at? It seemed to bring others joy, judging by his clanmates' admiration toward the random items. They were pretty, and while a small part of Lionpaw desired to take a shiny stone or a patterned feather for himself, he thought of someone who may appreciate the gesture more.

Approaching the layout of objects, the chocolate point studies them closely as if this were an important task. Well, it was, wasn't it? "Which one do y'think my Mama would like?" The apprentice inquires hushedly to Greeneyes, stomach churning slightly from nervousness as he does not know the lead warrior well. However, he wanted to make sure he secured an excellent pick to make his mother happy.

  • ooc.
  • LIONPAW —— apprentice of skyclan , mentored by crowsight ✦ penned by beatles
    trans male / he/they pronouns / 6 moons & ages every 9th
    single / bisexual & monogamous
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— easy combat difficulty / won't start fights, won't kill

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 78922242_RoBq9inRj8ibOv1.png

    a longhaired chocolate torbie point with blue eyes. a silky, cream-colored pelt is adorned with chocolate points. his points are splashed with ginger spots. tabby patterns also stripe around their dark limbs and face.

Howlfire has small memories of the last time Greeneyeshad given gifts. It was a sweet gesture then, and it is a sweet gesture now. A little gift is just perfect to brighten the mood.

When Greeneyes calls out to the clan to get their gifts, Howlfire pads over along with a few others. "That's quite the array of items you have there, Greeneyes!" Howlfire remarked with a good natured chuckle. Her amber eyes scan over the assembled items in turn, surprised at just how much of a mix he seems to have gathered together. Howlfire had seen him tucking away a few bits and bobs, but had no idea of the sheer amount he had squirrelled away. She smiles fondly as her half-brother asks after something nice for Bobbie, thinking it to be a sweet gesture for the older warrior. "What do you have that would suit me?" She asks politely.
Fireflyglow rumbles a low purr as Greeneyes brings over a pile of gifts for everyone, always having been one to try and lighten everyone's mood. Today, Greeneyes was gifting new things to everyone. New clanmates were receiving offerings from the orange and white tom, and Fi knew that they'd enjoy the thoughtful little trinkets Greenie gives.

He slowly saunters up to Greeneyes' side from behind him, giving a low mrrow to alert the tom that he was present before he settles down beside him comfortably. His tail twitches, once, then twice, before it carefully settles on Greeneyes' spine while his eyes gaze away from his friend. He listens to everyone dig through the trinkets, Greeneyes assigning specific gifts for everyone. Lionpaw mentions getting something for his mother. "Possibly something thoughtful. That reminds you of her fondly." He suggests with a soft purr of happiness, his sister speaking up next. She questions what would suit her, and Fireflyglow knows anything would suit his lovely little sister. She was stunningly pretty, she had gotten that from both of their parents.

"Anything would look pretty on or near you, Howie." Fireflyglow smiles kindly towards his sister, his nose faintly smelling the scent of clover near him. He still remembers when he gifted Greeneyes clovers, and he's happy that Greenie decided to continue wearing them in his fur. His face flushes a bit at the thought, but he doesn't go forward to ask for his own gift. He already had a sentimental rock from Greeneyes that he kept buried in his nest.​