Newleaf brings brighter grass, and pretty flowers, and buzzy bees, and butterfly wings, and rain — which she does NOT like, but that's not nearly as bad as this... This mysterious sickness that has seemingly followed her all the way from horseplace. It made her nose runny and her eyes watery, and she looked totally ridiculous, walking around camp only to be interrupted by a loud sneeze every few seconds " No - hoooo, " she bemoans, the following sniff being anything but pretty. " I neeh'd a medicine cat... " she sniffs, and despite this, she shuffles her way towards Featherpaw, decidedly not a medicine cat. He practically was one in Pinkpaw's eyes. He was all... smart n' stuff.

She plops beside her friend without decorum, and as if on cue, a loud " AH - CHOO! " comes afterward. Pinkpaw only just barely moves in time to not sneeze all over Featherpaw. She's a real good friend like that. " I... like the flowers, " she mumbles, nose wrinkling. " But I don't think they like meee! " Her sickness, rudely, barely lets her finish her sentence, afflicting her with a whole THREE more sneezes after she says this. There's no hope for her... " Tell my famiwy... I wub dem... " she mews, before promptly flopping onto the sand.

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    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

The pollen had come to bite Featherpaw before, though it appeared he did not have it quite as rough as Pinkpaw. The calico- bright pelted, now, and it was odd to see her without that coating of dust, sunset-splashed instead- came tottering over, her eyes bleary and saddened. As always, Featherpaw had heard Pinkpaw before she had seen her; narrowed eyes blinked in subtle surprise. And then, StarClan help him, she started beelining- snuffling, rolling her way over to him...

The sneeze burst out of Pinkpaw, though she thankfully had grown enough of a brain not to soak Featherpaw too. A frown, of course, vaguely etched itself onto his face... but he looked at her with sharp curiosity, rather than abject disdain. She fell like a lightning-struck tree, and the dramatics of it all stunned Featherpaw into complete silence for a few moments. "Now," Featherpaw chided, voice a little softened. She sniffed, too... mostly out of sympathy. Or paranoia, or something... stars, she hoped Pinkpaw wasn't giving her anything nasty. "Why wouldn't they like you? D-did you upset them?"

There was the tiniest quirk of amusement in his voice... something that Pinkpaw often drew out of him. She would be embarrassed if anyone were to overhear, of course. She would correct it, of course, but for now... something enticed her to have a little fun.
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She interrupts her own snuffling to give Featherpaw her attention. It was the smart thing to do, to always give her attention when she could, cause Featherpaw usually had smart things to say... Well, she usually had grumpy things to say, but sometimes they were smart too! And even if she didn't always say them, she must have a tonnn of smart things in her brain all the time since she's like... Medicine Cat and Leader, basically. As if she has been brought from the brink of death, Pinkpaw peeps an eye open.

" Nuh - uh! " she protests at once. " I din't do nothin' bad. I never do anythin' bad... " she says, and it's totally true. Her white paw reaches up to rub at her nose. " Unless... " Maybe she didn't think she did anything bad cause she's not thinkin' like a flower? Is there somethin' she's done that's totally upset the flower - folk? " Maybe I smelled too many of them, and they think it's rude? Maybe I stepped on one and didn't notice? " she muses.

Another sneeze rips through her then. " I got sick first... At the barn. " She says. And it's weird. That feels like a while ago now, when they were all huddled in the barn and not allowed to even run around their own territory. A realization strikes her then: " Maybe... there were flowers at the barn, and they're mad that I didn't sniff them! I didn't know they were there, " she says at once, as if there was a heather stem listening very closely for her explanation there and then. ...For all she knows, they were. Blue - ringed eyes suspiciously eye the walls of camp.

" Did I tell you I had an auntie at the horseplace? And a secret sister? A really old one, too, " she shares, unprompted. " I didn't know they were there, either."

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    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

I never do anything bad, Pinkpaw said, and Featherpaw snorted on instinct- but a retort didn't manage to tumble out of her mouth. He supposed Pinkpaw had never done anything completely awful... or certainly anything ill-intentioned. She didn't believe the calico was capable of it- there wasn't a malicious fur on her pelt. Horned ears angled to subtle attention at Pinkpaw's theorising- smelled too many, stepped on a few, it was so ridiculous. The flowers using their petals for evil was as ridiculous as Pinkpaw meaning badly.

A breeze flew past them, and Featherpaw sniffed again. "I think the flowes are just b-b-buh... b-being unreasonable," she concluded. They had been unreasonable to him too, at the start of newleaf... they'd seized his body in a sneeze in the middle of a hunting patrol, earning ire from Firefang especially, whose head Featherpaw would have liked to kick right in.

Like a little multicoloured hare, Pinkpaw jumped from subject to subject... the flowers reminded her or horseplace, somewhere Featherpaw would almost have liked to forget, if not for the battle experience she had gained there. But the secret sister... "Yeah, I remember your 'secret sister'... you announced her quite loudly." The irony was near-amusing, but Featherpaw merely frowned a little instead, settling into rest. The frown deepened when her friend's words truly set in, though. "I don't remember your auntie, though."

Pinkpaw's aunt, a barn cat? Maybe it would ring a bell with a little more of a reminder. There had been plent of barn cats there, but... perhaps selfishly, Featherpaw had been more focused on learning to defend herself than getting to know all of the intricate relationships the barn cats had with the Windclanners. Or- no, no, it wasn't selfish. He had merely done what was necessary.
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Being unreasonable... B-buh-being unreasonable, even. " Maybe! " she says, and this is an answer she's willing to accept, cause it's definitely the easiest one to... Judging by her following sneeze, maybe it's the wrong one though... Well, she's made up her mind! " Shoo! Get away... pollen! " She'd crane her neck then, in search of the nearest thing to aim her ire at. Too bad she can't see pollen. Not unless it clumped together into a weird, yellow - green dust. The closest thing she would find is a pale flower petal separated from the rest of its... family? Home? Who cares what the flower was to the flower petal! They were all unreasonable!

" Pollen's my secret auntie's name, too. Pollenfur, " she shares. If not for the association, maybe she wouldn't have even remembered that. Was that what the Pollen was here for? Trying to make her... think and stuff? " Did I? Oh good! " The celebration is kinda short - lived... Her eyes flicker to the lone petal, and then to Featherpaw's rippling fur. " You probably don't remember 'cuz... my secret sister came back, but my secret auntie didn't. " A sniff hastily saves her lip from getting all gross. " I wonder why... I mean, I know Sootstar was mean and stuff, but... "

Was she really, makes you hate WindClan forever and ever mean? Was she really makes you never wanna see your family again mean? Well... Pollenfur did seem happy to see them... but not enough to come back, apparently. " And I wonder why no one told me... " She wonders... had Sparkspirit known? And Morningsong? Was it only her and her littermates that had been kept in the dark? Did Downypaw even know? " Did they think I was too little? And can't keep secrets and stuff? I'm good at it, I really am! " she insists, making a scrunchy face.

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    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

Wishing it awat did no good... though something stopped Featherpaw from instantaneously shutting Pinkpaw up. In fact, she joined in the charade ... just a little bit. Yellow eyes, to match the flourescence of the pollen, narrowed in disdain... as if a grumpy enough face might cast a forcefield around them, and neither one would be struck with sniffles or seized in a sneeze. Featherpaw sighed when he felt his mind wandering, and stiffened against the softness of imagination. No, there was nothing to be done...

Pollenfur. The name twinkled softly in the darkened expanse of Featherpaw's mind- yes, he'd heard of her. Even in the clustering chaos of oncoming war, he'd heard the name on the mist. And- yes, Echolight, she was the secret sister... a Windclanner again. Pollenfur had refrained, though...

Sootstar being mean was the understatement of the century. A rough sigh scraped its way out of Featherpaw's maw again, and she looked over to Pinkpaw for a few long moments, her tail curling to guard her snowy paws. "Your auntie must have left for a reason. Maybe someone... maybe someone threatened her." Featherpaw's fur began to spike at the hostile memory, but he steeled himself against it, sorting through all the complex, sickening feelings to try and find an answer. "For example, Sootstar threatening my father was why I wanted to leave. Maybe..."

Featherpaw's tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth, hating the feeling of remembering Sootstar's screeching voice ordering that her father be killed. Telling her warriors to attack, a battle that had almost ripped RIvepaw to bits. "Maybe ... p-puh.. p-p-puh... Pollenfur... didn't feel safe anymore. And no one wanted you to feel like that." There was an odd lump in his throat all of a sudden, a sheen to space-staring eyes. Featherpaw had the sinking feeling that she wasn't just talking about Pollenfur anymore.
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She must've left for a reason... Course, she knows that... But did that mean she could never go back again? WindClan was basically perfect, now that Sootstar was gone... Did she now like cats like Bluepool and Mintshade? Bluefrost and Sootspot. Not even Pinkpaw totally liked all of those cats, but... Would she stay away from everyone because of that? " Threatened her? " she parrots, worry creasing her smile. " For what? "

Featherpaw mentions Sunstride — Sunstar. She remembers Sootstar telling them to attack... and Pinkpaw hadn't wanted to do that. Not at all. Sunstar could turn super mean like Sootstar someday, and she still wouldn't wanna do any of that... She meets Featherpaw's gaze as she speaks. Her prickles are always there, but even more so, they appeared along her back. If Pinkpaw tilted her head just the right way, she'd be able to see the scar that's settled between her shoulders.

Maybe Pollenfur didn't feel safe anymore. Not then, and... not ever? And no one wanted you to feel like that. Pinkpaw blinks.

" Oh, " she mews, " I didn't think of it like that... " She had been mad for a second, but... maybe it was actually a really nice thing they were doing. Suddenly, she doesn't have the sniffles so bad anymore, and her eyes don't sting as bad. She lies with her paws held close to her, thinking about what all this meant.

" I hated that, " looking away, she admits, and she doesn't really like using such a sad word... but she did. " When Sootstar told us to get... Sunstar. I know we gotta listen to leaders, but I really didn't wanna... " That had been the right thing to do. She knew that cause her mama hadn't listened either. And neither had Finchpaw, or Wolfsong... But Bluefrost had. Bluefrost, and some others...

She didn't know Featherpaw had wanted to leave. It's kinda obvious, she guesses... but it kinda isn't, too. " I didn't wanna leave... But I had to, " she sniffs. And then she looks to her friend again, eyes wide. " What if... you went, and I hadn't? "

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  • 74869745_2wuYhU20pHwieui.gif

    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
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For what was a question with an answer Featherpaw did not have, much to his chagrin. In all the studying of the outside world, of what it meant to be an apprentice when she was younger, the marbled tabby had never done much research into the politics of the past. In youth, uncritical and obedient- before ashen fangs had tried to rip out Sunstar's throat- she had been loyal to Sootstar, as any WindClanner would be loyal to their leader.

Frustration broiling behind her eyes, Featherpaw merely shook her head. For what, indeed. "P-p-puh... p-probably somethin' stupid." Something like disloyalty, in Sootstar's court when disloyalty was disagreement, never prying apart the nuance. He felt frustrated at the child within him for never having seen it until his father had spoken out. Featherkit had not tried hard enough. Without familial connection, would he have simply become another claw in Sootstar's repertoire?

Bitterness twisted within him with nauseating velocity. Surely, she had not been so cruel... she was not so rotten.

I hated that. Sharp eyes blunted, expression softening as he looked to Pinkpaw then. Surprise glimmered sun-flare in her gaze, to hear Pinkpaw say something so staunchly negative. "I hated it too... maybe it was obvious." There was some hint of self-aware amusement in Featherpaw's voice, then... only a peppering, but there all the same. "We d-did the right thing." Featherpaw asserted, more as though she was convincing herself over Pinkpaw.

It had challenged everything they had ever been taught. To raise your claws against a leader would surely be punishable by StarClan, but... Sootstar had made no secret her disdain for StarClan at the end, so Featherpaw had heard. As Pinkpaw's wide, blue-ringed eyes looked to her, Featherpaw held her gaze. I had to, she said. The ghost of a smile began to drift across Featherpaw's face, then. Duty. Maybe he'd left some impression after all...

Her hypothetical posed a conundrum, though. There was a great quiet between them- though he ultimately decided he would not cushion anything. All of a sudden her voice lost a bit of its bite, and became something quieter... thistle-spines, brushed the right way so that they wouldn't puncture flesh. "I would've b-b-been furious."

There was no hiding it. Perhaps her friend had reached that conclusion on her own. "I would've felt b-b-buh... felt b-b-buh..." A frustrated sigh cut through her words- when would she stop getting snagged like this? "I would've called you a traitor." It would have been a complicated mess of emotions, no doubt sickening, spiralling.

Featherpaw's voice dropped even quieter. "And I would've b-been very lonely."
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  • Crying
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At that, Pinkpaw nods. " Yeah... " punctuated with a sniffle. The worst thing hadn't been that Sootstar got mad, or that she was a bit mean...but nothing she got mad at made any sense at all. What did Sunstar do that made it so he had to die? What did Pinkpaw do that made it okay to yell at her? All she had ever done is asked a question... A little more determinedly, she says again, " Yeah. " Poor Pollenfur... maybe everything she did made Sootstar mad, and she's afraid of it happening again if she ever comes back, no matter how nice Sunstar is...

Featherpaw gives her a look when she says she says she hated something... She feels a little bit funny, but... she understands. She kinda wanted to give herself a funny look too. She felt like she had a lot of thoughts... but her brain was speaking in a secret code she couldn't understand. Which is completely unfair — It was her brain after all. I hated it too, Featherpaw admits, and Pinkpaw is smiling, because she to-tally knew that already. A small giggle peeps out of her mouth, and she nods very fiercely. It had been obvious... but... they did the right thing. Pinkpaw knows them now.

It's strange, that they're here, and so is Sunstar, and Scorchstreak, and everyone else. In another future, she would've never seen Sunstar again. Instead of listening to him talk all cool-like atop High Rock it would still be Sootstar, growling every word. Or maybe Pinkpaw wouldn't be here at all. Maybe she and Finchpaw and Brightshine and everyone would've stayed at the barn... And she'd just know Sunstar was gone... And she'd never see Downypaw again, and Featherpaw...

She doesn't wanna let his gaze go right now... That future wasn't real. She knew it, but it made her too sad to think about. Too sad and no fun at all. If she just keeps Featherpaw here... Looks and remembers this is real... A traitor. Pinkpaw would've been a traitor. That word sounds so serious, but she guesses it would've been true... But that isn't real, this is.

She sniffs, and she isn't sure if it's just the pollen no more. Her ears prick to hear the last of what Featherpaw had to say, low - spoken and sad.

" Good thing that didn't happen... " She mews at last. She sits up, so that Featherpaw could see her and know for sure that this is real. She doesn't want either of them to worry about Sootstar, or the barn, or Sunstar, or anything... never ever again. Her head dips to the side, down and down until it met the tabby stripes of Featherpaw's side. Maybe he'd let her, now that she isn't so dirty anymore... " I'm glad we're friends, " she smiles.

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  • 74869745_2wuYhU20pHwieui.gif

    Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
  • Crying
Reactions: waluigipinball

Something crackled between them like static, this feeling of dread for something that couldn't happen. A mournfulness for a loss that would never occur, because its inception had passed them by. Still, Featherpaw held her gaze long, long, long. This lonely, torn-up future... one that they could be living in, now... Featherpaw, stupidly, felt miserable because of it.

Hearing Pinkpaw sniff, Featherpaw worried for a moment that he had upset her. It was a lurching and unfamiliar feeling, a tang of uncertainty on his tongue. Heart thumping with ferocity, with sickening persistence, he almost backtracked- but Pinkpaw beat him to it. good thing that didn't happen. Whatever she'd wanted to say met a quick death, and Featherpaw nodded, a frown starting to carve into the softness that had been there before. It was cutting deeper; she steeled herself from the worry about make-believe, though knew deep in her heart that even imagined loneliness might meet her in her dreams.

A blur of tears returned when Pinkpaw's head dipped down, resting against her. Featherpaw's breath snagged on something, and he might have blamed Pinkpaw for knocking a gasp out of him with her big head if he weren't so grateful for her in that moment.

It felt like second nature to bring her head down too, to brush her nose against Pinkpaw's ear. "Me too," Featherpaw murmured, meaning it even more than the words betrayed. There was something about Pinkpaw that could make him forget he had ever disliked her- that once upon a time, he'd greeted her voice with bristles and overt disdain. He'd thought her a lost cause, stupid and thoughtless, who would hurt herself- and hurt everyone around her by bearing an injury, or dying. And though she still worried for her, she knew now the kindness, the loyalty, the sense Pinkpaw had to have done the right thing.

For a moment, Featherpaw closed his eyes. I won't let anything bad happen to you. It was a promise made to her friend in silence, but forged with the permanence of Sunstar and Wolfsong's blood within her.

Drawing her nose away, Featherpaw fixed Pinkpaw with a quick smile. "Now. Want to go stomp on some flowers?" It would be better now to draw away from talk like this, lest her spines soften even more...
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It's comfortable, the press of Featherpaw's nose atop atop her head. it reassures her completely. The what - ifs and weres don't matter when they can sit together like this, and Pinkpaw would stay there for as long as Featherpaw was okay with. She forgets all about her sniffles, and how much did they really matter when WindClan's been through worse? When they've been through worse. She wonders if Featherpaw's spine stings the same way that the pollen made Pinkpaw's eyes itch. At least it didn't last forever, and it wasn't so hard to not think about.

Everything was okay. She's always thought that, since she was a little bitty Pink-kit, and she's glad that wasn't one of the things that was disproven the older she got. If she was ever sad, it only lasted for a little bit.

When its over, she doesn't mind, as long as she can keep talking to her friend. She perks with her usual smile, and an uber annoying— but ignorable snuffling of her nose. " Uhuh! " she eagerly agrees, her mighty paws driven by vengeance as she leaps to them. " They won't see us comin'! " She flashes her biggest, best smile, cause (besides the flowers) everything was gonna be okay.

A white - and - red striped tail flicks her friend across the flank, and then she's dashing to find the nearest cluster of flowers, determined to beat Featherpaw there whether he took her up on a race or not.
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