private ALONE TOGETHER (𓆟) moonbeam


it's hard to make the good things last ✦
Jan 29, 2024
"No! No! No!" Turtlepaw screeched, voice raw now from her continued yowling. She couldn't see anyone she knew nor smell them. Everything felt strange and hopeless. Like earlier, she slammed her face against the cage bars. Hot, coppery blood dripped from the bridge of her nose and down her muzzle. She had seen her blood once or twice: injuries from roughhousing or stepping on a stray thorn. This felt awful and foreign to her. The panic that ran through her small body as she watched the brush, hoping to see a familiar lithe form to save her, felt hot and sickening.

The twoleg paid her no mind as it cooed and patted the cage. It crashed through the undergrowth until it reached a village of long, stationary monsters. Turtlepaw found no words at the sight and crouched lower and lower in her prison, now silent. The twoleg opened the side of a monster and stepped inside. Cold, stale air filled her nose as well as the overwhelming twoleg smell. Her nose wrinkled and the cut on her nose stung in response.

The cage clattered against the hard, tiled floor as the twoleg set it down. Turtlepaw glanced nervously behind her at the closing door, her last glimpse of trees and green before it was blocked. A low, thin wail left her as muffled birdsong felt far away on the other side of the door. She was never going home. She would never see Snakeblink again. She would never taste fresh fish from the river or feel its cool current playfully tug her paws. The twoleg muttered something aloud before its fleshy paw reached to open the cage door.

Turtlepaw stayed stationary with wide green eyes flicking to look around the foreign land. She had heard of kittypets and their twoleg's nests, but never imagined how cold it would be. Or how unusually quiet it was. No birds or bugs or splashing riverbank. It was just the hum of the monster and the twoleg's own garbling voice. The twoleg shrugged at Turtlepaw's immovable form and walked to another room in the monster, seemingly wanting to give her space. A soft click sounded and the soft steps of paws before a familiar white pelt turned the corner. "Moonbeam?" She choked out, voice hoarse from yowling the entire way here.

ooc: mobile post
swordtail for bingo!
continuation of this post (gonna edit in the link later haha)

Moonbeam had quickly learned in her time here that if she didn't get out of the metal cage that the twoleg kept her in while gone when given the chance there would be no time to stretch her legs, no time to move and try to hide no matter how fruitless that would be in the end. She heard the low wail that escaped from someone else as doors shut to the large monster and as soon as Moonbeam was let free she ran, turning the corner to see familiar charcoal pelt and brows furrowed as she moved forward.

"Turtlepaw!" Name would slip from the medicine cat's lips as she found herself nearing the cage she still reside in, paw moving to push at the door to make sure it stayed open - they had a habit of swinging - before motioning for her to get out. "I don't know what the twolegs want with us but when the thing is open we have to get out, move around so that we can get out and not be slow when the time comes... there's gotta be a chance to get out some time." There were kittypets here, they got to be let out to walk around outside and maybe the twoleg keeping the two prisoner now would allow that at some point.

She'd look over the other for a moment before motioning for her to come nearer before trying to move a tongue over the apprentice's nose to try to clean up the blood the best she could before moving back. "Are you hurt anywhere else? I don't have herbs here but..." She trailed off. But what? If Turtlepaw was injured anywhere that could cause issues Moonbeam wouldn't be able to heal it, she needed her herbs, needed to be home.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Relief flooded her muscles and Turtlepaw sank to the floor of the cage. The familiar scent of her medicine cat (and the slight smell of twoleg) soothed some of the confusion in her. She pushed past Moonbeam and shot the cage a furious glare at trying to hold her captive and bringing her here. The apprentice listened to her wide-eyed and nodded along. She was eager to escape this unusually cold interior, and would do anything to make it happen.

At the medicine cat's motion, she eagerly pressed into her touch. Turtlepaw purred as Moonbeam's warm tongue rasped over her new cut. Touch was her comfort language. Snakeblink had caught on quick and even let her snuggle up to him after a long training session. The memory of his touch hitched in her chest and a sob leaked from her. "No… No. I'm okay. Just the cut." Well, her head hurt a little from smashing it on the cage, but she figured no herb would help that.

Heavy footsteps started from the room Moonbeam came from and the twoleg rounded the corner. Turtlepaw hissed and arched her back in response. She moved in front of Moonbeam. She would use every move she'd learned from Snakeblink on this ugly, hairless thing in order to protect her. She hadn't progressed yet to using her claws in training, but she wasn't afraid to.

The twoleg cooed again ("Spicy kitten!"), crouched low, and extended a paw to her. Turtlepaw felt unbridled panic fill her again and swiped out. She was shocked as the twoleg reeled their hand back, now adorned with three small scratches. It shook its head, rose to its terrifying height, and meandered away again. The apprentice slowly turned her head to look at Moonbeam and gave a small smile. "Did you see that?" She asked, surprised at herself.

ooc: another mobile post boooo

The quick movement of Turtlepaw caused the medicine cat to jump back for a moment before ears pinned and she looked to the twoleg that had come towards them, her own fur fluffing before the large thing moved out of the room and with a small sigh of relief fur would lie flat once more before offering the other a small smile. "We need to figure out how to get out of here... I don't know how long you can hold it off by yourself." She'd muse, offering Turtlepaw a small lick on the top of her head before moving away to begin walking around the small space that they had offered to them.

"There's not a lot of spaces to move around, but there's a few places to hide that's hard for the twoleg to reach at first, but it has these long sticks with stuff at the end of them that you can't get away from - they don't hurt but they're still... unsettling." Maybe if they both hid it could buy them some time the next time the twoleg wanted to go outside of their monster, that way they could find a proper place to leave from.

  • --
  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently mentoring none
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed

———————————riverclan | apprentice | she/her——————————
Turtlepaw was not smart. She knew this. She beat herself over the head with this whenever she watched other apprentices actually use their brain instead of their paws. All Turtlepaw knew to do was bash her head into problems until they were fixed. The aching bridge of her nose was proof enough. Her tongue swiped over the fresh cut anxiously again.

"I'll try whatever, Moonbeam." She meant it. She'd only been here for a short amount of time, but the lack of sun and breeze was already grating on her. The apprentice took a deep breath and finally took a good look around the monster interior. Plush, unnaturally shaped things hugged the walls, and the smell of sleep permeated from the room the twoleg walked into earlier. That must be where their nest is. She couldn't imagine sleeping in a monster, but today had been a strange day. If they couldn't find a way to get out soon, they probably would be.

Turtlepaw shook her pelt out and trotted after Moonbeam. "I could always be a distraction! I could run real fast to lead the twoleg away from you." An unspoken deal was being offered to the medicine cat. You go free and I'll stay if that what it takes. It stung to think about never returning, but warriors were lost all the time. StarClan would have a terrible time trying to appoint a new medicine cat. Iciclefang's litter was almost old enough to be apprentices; Snakeblink could mentor one of them as a replacement. She frowned at this thought, but knew that if that decision had to be made Moonbeam would be the one going home.

[penned by muddly].