private ALWAYS CHASING TIME // Scorpionpaw




Perchpaw had tracked down a vole and he tried to remember everything his father had teached him this far as he rushed after it, chasing the vole through the territory as he tried to catch up to it. He was failing completely when it came to fishing but maybe just maybe he could at least hunt down a vole today. Or he would fail. Probably would. But with his fathers glare biting him at the back of his mind Perchpaw could do nothing but keep on trying, to not give up even if his mind told him so. Jumping over branches, running through reeds and tall grass Perchpaw was giving his all as he chased the vole not realising the pine trees they were getting close to until he smelled that alarming scent. With a paniced realisation Perchpaw would put down the brake with his front paws, and he skided down to a hastic halt right at the border.

He was breathing heavily after that intense chase and helplessly he would watch as the vole disappeared into the pine forest with his long spiky ears perked straight up. Perchpaw would give an anxious grimace, knowing very well how his father was gonna scold him for this to have let one of their prey disappear into skyclans territory. Once again he had put shame to his fathers name, to embarrass both of them. With a defeated sad sigh he would look down at his blue paws. If only he had been faster. Now he would return back empty pawed once again. Perchpaw...did not wanted to go back home.


A rough training session, a slip on the bark while performing a simple climb reprimanded him without his mentor having to say anything. Scorpionpaw’s brows are pushed together, he’s watching the nettles blur under his paws but it’s more out of fascination rather than depression at this point because if there was anything that couldn’t be extinguished it was the fire burning in his chest.

He blows out hard to see the foggy frosted breath smoke from his warm lungs. Easily entertained and foolishly fearless despite the deathly kidnap of Centipedepaw, laying fresh on the minds and hearts around him. Scorpionpaw wasn’t ignorant, just- a bit daft at times. It’s probably why he was using his break time from training wandering the sandy ravine. His mentor visiting someone in the twolegplace, it was not an illegal affair on his part. It wasn’t like he planned on steering so close to the river.

Scratchy small feet on the snow, hammering pawsteps of feline pursuit, the light hum of the dreadful river gurgling in the background. The tan and blonde apprentice halts with a searching stare. Riverclan’s border ripped closely into the land, but Scorpionpaw normally kept well away from it out of irrational fears. That creatures lived in the waters with large teeth, because logically- if bears of land exist, bears of water must too. That and, he’d sink like a blimmin’ rock.

A small brown shape whisks ahead of him, and he kicks off the ground hurtling forth. Springing off back-feet like a jackrabbit, tilting his body mid-air. He uses the bark of a pine to propel himself down upon the retreating vole. His claws pin the little rodent, but his shoulder smacks the ground. Instead of righting himself, Scorpionpaw bites down on its neck with his face comically pressed to the snow.

" I bloody got it! … I’ve never caught a vole before did y- " he thought he was talking to a clanmate. This close to Riverclan, yet it hadn’t occurred to him it could be a Riverclanner.

His smile squinting his pumpkin orange eyes falters a bit but only in surprise. He freezes, a blue eyed blue furred unfamiliar stands panting, the scent of the reeds clinging to his fur. " w-… well hello " Scorpionpaw’s tail curls up in confidence on his back like his namesake. He leaves the vole as it lies, padding toward the other apprentice with a pensive inspection of the other.

" have you been chasing that vole long? you look wicked tired " Scorpionpaw keeps stepping closer, stopping perhaps a tail’s length away. A curious smile plastering his maw, despite his hackle’s slight lift.

  • — sorry this is so long! no need to match muse hun <3

  • ✧ S C O R P I O N P A W
    — nine moons
    — apprentice of Skyclan
    — gay crushing on n/a
    — mentored by n/a
    — spiky furred tan and brown tom with orange eyes.
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Perchpaw was still trying to catch his breath when he heared a strangers voice coming from the pine trees. Oh no. Like a deer caught in headlight Perchpaw would freeze up right at the spot never having actually meet another skyclanner and he had feared this day would come one day. Now it had and he was panicing, anxiety growing for every passing second as the tom who had caught the vole he had been hunting come closer to his direction. No,no,no, why was he coming here for?!. The closer the skyclanner come the more Perchpaw seemed to grow closer to the ground like he was gonna sink right underneath. Ears got perked backwards and his eyes widen but beside that...he didn't move, frozen in place. He didn't even realise any longer that he was still panting.

By the time the skyclanner had come a tail length away Perchpaw looked ready to burst into tears. His trembled mouth parted slightly, like he was about to say something but instead he seemed to have had a change of heart and he just shook his head multiply of times before he broke himself free from his paralyzed trance, and cover he took to hide behind one of the rocks. Back there he would hide himself all crouched up but had forgotten all about his tail which was sticking out from behind the rock.

" T-the v-v-vole is yours...i...i do-dont want any tro-trouble..." he would stammer behind that rock, his voice soft and shaky from anxiety. He stared down at the sand, tears still beaming in his eyes.

// so SORRY for how late this is (': and dont worry about the muse! i LOVE reading your writing <33