pafp always forever — rude awakening


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
It was his fault for fallin’ asleep in the nursery, body tucked in a familiar-lookin’ nest he’d help assemble with Pineberry while discussin’ what he’d do to help while she nursed the two. It’d been a long discussion, leavin’ Duskpool weary to the bone, but thankful for the queen’s acceptance. These thoughts also bled into the day he brought them home — a day he didn’t like to remember, no matter how bittersweet it’d been with their mother’s blood on his tongue and seepin’ into his fur.

Duskpool doubted he’d ever tell ‘em what happened. Not now. Though he supposed it was better to rip off the cobweb and get it out there than waitin’, but kits, nearly apprentices shouldn’t need to hear that till their warriorhood.

A muffled oomph escaped the warrior, molten hues snappin’ open in surprise at the bundle of energy jumpin’ smack dab on the soft flesh of his stomach. He groaned, limbs stretchin’ out from beneath him to stare at Parsleykit usin’ him as a trampoline. Right. “What’cha doin’ there little explorer?” His timbre was heavy with sleep, barely mufflin’ the sleep-addled grunt at another painful jab into his stomach. “Where’s yer sister—” He muttered after a pregnant pause, mangled ear swivelin’ at the sound of cats outside. How late is it? Seemed he needed the sleep more than he realized, helm twistin’ to stare at the jumpin’ critter. “Woah now, I’m up. I’m up.” He rumbled, timbre takin’ on a monotonous tone despite the evident amusement flickerin’ in fiery molten hues.

/ please wait for parsleykit
thought speech
Growing up during newleaf, bearing witness to the woods around camp springing back to life, had instilled the young Parsleykit with a zeal for life and abundant energy. As greenleaf reached its crescendo, and with his apprenticeship only a moon away, the cinnamon-coloured kit was constantly full of restless energy. He'd spent the majority of the day chasing butterflies around the camp, leaping into the air and trying to swat at them with his front paws. Most of them escaped his grasp- after all, his hunting skills were still very much unhoned- but the thrill of the chase was what mattered most to him, that rush of adrenaline propelling him to jump time and time again.

But a young mind is a wandering mind, and soon Parsleykit tired of the game. Shaking out his fur and licking his paws, he sauntered back into the nursery to search for a playmate. Either Ghostkit or mama Pineberry will do, he thought, his devious little mind already cooking up mischief, but to his surprise, he could spot neither of them in the nursery. Instead, he saw Duskpool curled up in their nest, sound asleep. An idea crept into his head, and he grinned mischievously, sinking low to the ground and sneaking towards his grandfather. Yellow eyes found their target- Duskpool's soft, exposed underbelly- and with a quiet yowl, he pounced.

Unsteady paws scrabbled to find footing on Duskpool's stomach, and as his grandfather awoke and addressed him with his nickname, Parsley couldn't help but laugh.

"Hi Grandpa Dusk!" he meowed, stretching out his front paws. "I can't find Ghostkit or mama Pineberry and I wanted to play, and you were right here!"
With a giggle, he licked Duskpool's fur affectionately, then bounced up and down on his stomach again.
"You've been asleep for a looong time, Grandpa! I was chasing butterflies for ages!"

(thought, speech)

((baby's first post! hi grandpa :3))
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Reactions: DUSKPOOL

———————daylight apprentice | 7mo | emptypilled——————
It wasn't so often kits were spotted beneath the bramble bush. Jellypaw could hardly poke her nose in a mouselength before being ushered away, but Parselykit seemed to have struck a lucky chance!

Duskpool's sleepy grumbled told her who Parsleykits target was, and she looked into the shadow den to see him waking up his grandfather.

"I can play with you, Parsleykit!" Jellypaw mewed, uncaring of her volume for the other warriors sleeping in this morning. "We can play warrior's and rogues! Duskpool, you can be the rogue. Parsleykit and I will chase you down for trespassing!"

[penned by beatae].
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
He huffed an amused breath, wooly plumage comin’ to pat affectionately at Parsleykit’s tufted ears. “Seems like I was, kiddo.” Seems I needed sleep more than I realized. He mused, tiredness seepin’ through each guttural word, that has yet to disturb the happy glow tinge his molten hues emitted. Perfect timin’ too, huh? He mused tiredly, groanin’ with stretched forepaws tossed carelessly over the brambled nest’s edges.

The older tom glanced through the nursery’s entrance once more, gaze shiftin’ momentarily to Jellypaw’s loud mew. He fought back a snort, instead hummin’ thoughtfully. “Reckon that’s somethin’ ya wanna play, little explorer?” He rumbled, mangled ears swivelin’ in Jellypaw’s direction. “Seems like it’ll be somethin’ fun.” Instead of usin’ me as a landin’ pad. He fought back a grimace as kitten paws dug into his stomach. And get ya to scratch somethin’. Preferably not his skin.

With a rumbled grunt, Duskpool nudged Parsleykit off, settlin’ him beside the older warrior as he pulled himself into a slouched sittin’ position. “Think I can get a headstart?” He prodded, fightin’ back a quirk of dark, obsidian lips.
thought speech