sensitive topics always forever | sick

For the last couple of days, Sheep has been feeling a little under the weather. Infinitely scratchy sore throat and exhausted, she told herself over and over again that it would pass, that she would be fine.

After all, she didn’t deserve to be treated. In her head, she has not earned it again, she has done nothing. She had not mentored another apprentice since her return, she had done nothing but minimal hunting and patrolling that she had been assigned to. And then cleaning… Oh, everything ached so bad. But… Sheep always bounced back, didn’t she?

"My head feels…" she trails off as her eyes flutter shut, her body burns with heat. Its sweltering beneath her pelt and she finds that the world is spinning, leading her to droop against a fellow warrior. "Wheres Redstorm?" she nearly cries, her voice slurred as tears gather in her eyes. She just wants her mate- her mate, where is he? Why is he not- "Here?" she’d finish her panicked thought out loud, a cough wracking her body that delves in to her just gagging. Why did she feel so bad, what was going on? This was worse than her stomach being slashed apart, at least she awoke from that. She had been terrified then, but moreso now… "I’m sorry-" her words cut off mid sentence as she removes herself from the warriors side and promptly flops over, breathing near shallow.

Bouncing back would not be todays agenda.

✿—— as has quickly become standard, she's returning from some duty—a patrol, training, some task forgotten in the wake of what happens next. she'd been worried by the news of tallulahwing's collapse, fearful when elderly mouser had fallen ill, and this truly strikes a white-hot bolt of terror into her heart. the small tabby's paused by the fresh-kill pile, contemplating the plump greenleaf prey piled within with a certain forelorn longing in her eyes when she hears something. a slurring voice, trailing off—bobbie only has the barest trace of a moment to turn her head before there's an all-too-warm body resting against her side, nearly bowling over her unprepared frame. a panicked glance down reveals it to be sheepcurl, the former lead warrior crying out for someone named redstorm with tears beading in her eyes. the tabby yelps, "sheepcurl? sh-sheepcurl?"

worry races electric through her veins as the fawn-furred warrior's body is seized by coughs—seized, yes, that feels like the word, sheepcurl's body heaving with gagging wheezes that seem to shake her as easily as any hound's jaws. she gasps something barely intelligible, the too-heated body leaving her side as quickly as it arrived as the other cat fell to the ground, chest heaving all too shallowly. rosemary-leaf eyes widen in shock, realization tearing through her chest like claws through a newly fallen leaf; sheepcurl is sick, too. she glances frantically between the yawning hateful mouth of dawnglare's den and the warrior slumped on the ground, turning on light paws to half-shout to whoever's nearby, "you - you keep an eye on her, i have to go get d-dawnglare, or fireflypaw, or somebody ..." she trails off and swivels again, rushing off to retrieve the crimson-pelted medicine cat.

  • ooc: assumed this was set in camp lmk if it's not <3
    she's running to get @DAWNGLARE and/or @Fireflypaw !!
  • 68403446_KpQyDZrn5ORVKjb.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & pine needles ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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It seemed as though everybody was getting sick lately. It started with Tallulahwing. They hadn't seen her, but the concern from the medicine cats was concern from them, too. They would simply have to do their best until they all got well again. They could pick up the slack.

Sparrowsong was dropping off a vole upon the fresh-kill pile when a cry and words of concern has their blood spiking with worry. Turning, the chocolate tabby laid eyes upon the scene, expression creasing and paws already moving over. Redstorm? Who's Redstorm? "Sheepcurl, what's wrong? Are you okay?"

Even as they asked, they knew it was pointless. She had fallen with the strange illness too. They looked to Bobbie just as she looked to them, the former queen urging them to stay by her side while they fetched help. Wordlessly, they nodded and watched her rush off.

Sparrowsong looked down to Sheepcurl, reaching out and gently placing a paw on her side and watching her turbulent breathing. "Dawnglare and Fireflypaw are on their way," they murmured reassuringly. "You'll be okay. Don't worry."

Despite their words, they couldn't help the fear that was starting to twist their heart.


Fireflypaw is darting out of the den by the time Bobbie sticks her head in, yelling for the high priest and his acolyte. In his jaws are a few stems of feverfew, remembering that from his lesson with Tallulahwing earlier. Worry causes his eyebrows to furrow, teeth chattering as he makes his way over to the whining, crying molly that Greeneyes was so fond of. "Thank you for keeping her company, but now I'm gonna need you to back up a little, okay, Sparrowsong? I don't want you to catch what she has, if it's contagious." Maybe a cold, He thinks to himself as he lowers his head to the molly's body. He waits patiently for his mentor's permission to give the fever-eating herb, though his tail taps behind him in stressful rhythmic fours.

Count the heads. One, two, three, four. Missing. Two more?

He thinks back to when his sister returned to camp in a flurry of emotions, voice raised high in sadness at the way Moon had treated her. His paws kneaded the ground. How much would they have to lose? Would Greeneyes lose his mentor, if he didn't do his job right? No. He couldn't let that happen. Greeneyes.. Greenie deserved nothing but to smile. He was a light at the end of the tunnel. Determination takes its place on his face as he turns to Bobbie and Sparrowsong and whoever else decides to arrive to help.

"We'll take care of her." He nods to the rest of them.​
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Things were getting worse, watching as another fell ill to whatever alignment befell the clan, nearly giving them a heart attack. He watched from afar, gut-churning. What in StarClan was happening? His singular optic narrowed, pupils dilating to mere slits against the molten copper backdrop.

With a strained grunt, the scarred brute carried himself towards the gathering group, torn ear flickering as he stared at Sheepcurl, expression twisted. “Come on.” He urged them away from the other’s prone form, letting Fireflypaw do what needed to be done. “You won’t do the clan any good if ya fall sick, ya hear?” He gazed narrowed. He doubted Dawnglare or Fireflypaw needed another sickly feline in their den, not with Sheepcurl being added to the flock.

He turned to Fireflypaw. “You need anythin’?” He inquired, watching the apprentice with a twitch of his torn ear.
thought speech
The commotion in camp is becoming too common. Blazestar sees his son, Bobbie, Duskpool, and Sparrowsong huddled around a pile of white-splashed tawny fur. “Sheepcurl?” His veins feel thick with ice, and when he attempts to move his eyes from his friend’s dappled pelt, he finds he can’t. Tallulahwing is gone, and Mouser is sick, and now Sheepcurl has collapsed just like the torbie daylight warrior had. Fear stabs at him like claws. “You’re going to be okay. Fireflypaw is going to take you to the medicine cat’s den, and Dawnglare—” His throat constricts. “Dawnglare won’t let anything happen to you.

Empty words. Useless words. Dawnglare himself had admitted none of his herbs had worked on Tallulahwing. Not even the precious catmint WindClan had raided their camp for has touched this illness. The Ragdoll feels unsteady on his paws, but he manages to stay upright. To the other warriors gathered near, he orders, “Fireflypaw’s right. Step back. And if you notice anyone else sick like… like Sheepcurl and—Don’t say Tallulahwing, Sheepcurl isn’t going to die!—then I need you to tell Dawnglare and Fireflypaw immediately.

He can’t have anymore of them getting sick. The idea is making his head spin, and almost blindly, his tail reaches to brush against Bobbie’s, as if to remind himself she and his other friends are still here—still alive and able to fight another day.

Blazestar pads closer to Fireflypaw, letting his nose brush against his son's muzzle. “Please... be careful. SkyClan can't afford to lose you too." Pushing his own selfish panic away, he thinks, And neither can I.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
It feels like forever since she had toppled straight over, plunged in to depths of icy darkness. The abyss is cold and anything but welcoming, but soon shes clawing her way back, running, running- a deep gasp of air, wheezed and painful shakes her body. It was Bobbie she had slumped against, she realized in her broken stupor. She tries to profusely apologize but whatever comes out is just gasps of air- why, why is it so hard to breathe? She can feel it rattling within her chest and the claws of panic grip at her throat even harder now. She holds on hope to see a familiar cream and red pelt- "I’m so scared," to succumb to a fate much like the dappled daylight warrior, its not a far off thought with how hard it hit her, with how hard its destroying her. Sparrowsong, newly made warrior tries to comfort her. They place a paw on their side and Sheep nearly writhes underneath it. Fireflypaw comes fast, murmurs something, Duskpool comes and says something too.

And then theres Blazestar. Golden tom familiar, he isn’t the cat she had been begging to see, but an old friend. Any thoughts of failing him dissipate in the moment, but another gag seizes her body.

Her eyes are teary as she sets them upon him, curled ears moving back. "I- I don’t want… to die." gargled within her throat, the words sound like they physically pain her. Fear runs rampant in her eyes but she cannot tear herself away from the medicine cat apprentice. She slumps forth once more, her body shaking. Everything hurt so, so bad. "Wheres Green?" her voice is softer now, no longer asking for her mate. Its useless- Its all useless, but she wants to see one more familiar face. She goes a little limp again, letting herself be led to where they need her to be.
  • Crying
Reactions: Marquette and ABRI

"Where's Green?"

His name strikes his ears in a choking blow, a question of his whereabouts soon answered as the red-furred tom emerges from the warrior den.

He doesn't have to look far to see the commotion - a crowd not too far away. It's not a scene that's new to SkyClan's camp, of course, but the sense of urgency in its distanced bystanders is. It's a group that holds Blazestar, Fireflypaw, and a sinking feeling in Greeneyes' chest - a chill that threatens to freeze his paws to the ground beneath him.

"Where's Green?" the question hits him once more; a recollection this time, one that thaws his limbs enough to move. Forward, though he knows something is wrong, though he worries who's at the other side of the inquiry.

"I... I'm here... I'm here!" he stammers out as he moves closer to the crowd, despite having yet to meet the one who asks for his presence. I'm here, he promises, despite not knowing who is shielded under huddling clanmates. The mystery soon comes to a close as a dimming gaze sees brown curls - a snow-spotted warrior lurched over in her stuttering form. No.

"Sh-Sheepcurl...?" he chokes out. His throat feels like its closing as a pawstep is taken to move closer - though distance is still kept. His mentor lays before him, a healer nearby. A sickness running rampant, consuming once again. A curse.

And it’s a story he fears the ending of, a story he’s seen play out before: one of familiar faces returning, one of loved ones leaving too soon. Greeneyes cannot have this happen again. He cannot mourn another face just yet. Sheepcurl can't join the legion of cats watching over him, watching over his family. Not now. Greeneyes can't lose her too.

"S-Sheepcurl," the young warrior says once more, his voice trembling as watches the shuddering rise and fall of his mentor's breathing. "I'm... I'm here. It's... " Greeneyes pauses, taking a breath of his own.

"It's okay. It's going to be okay." Another promise, one that he hopes doesn't shatter before him this time around.

Relief surged through their chest as Sparrowsong saw Fireflypaw hurrying over. Sheepcurl really would be okay now. She would get well again in capable paws, and she would be back to duties in no time.

The large tom urged them to step away. The tabby's ears flicked back, but they had little time to obey before Duskpool nudged them aside, even as their eyes remained locked on the fallen molly. Tallulahwing hadn't gotten back up. More cats were gathering, kept at bay only by Blazestar's command.

I'm scared, Sheepcurl had whimpered, and they couldn't help the tears in their eyes, couldn't help the desire to move in and comfort her more even as they knew they couldn't. The warrior felt helpless. They wanted to apologize, for a sickness that wasn't their fault. Sparrowsong took another step back, let the bigger warriors crowd them out, and averted their blurred gaze.


  • Crying
Reactions: sheepcurl