ALWAYS GOLD ⸸ Hailstorm

The cobweb wound around his paw and he folded it into a loop with a stretch of his forearms before spinning it back into a proper ball to be unraveled later as needed. The fortunate thing with cobweb was spiders were abundant and so their webbing was too, but finding the nests that were abandoned took a bit of digging sometimes. They liked to build them in hollows of trees, under low bushes against the musky and damp earth, but they didn't always leave them there if the place was too good. He was not after silk, but cobweb, a spider nest unwanted and in disuse and sometimes they found themselves a nice little camp and weren't inclined to leave it so he would have to leave that one alone. Not simply because normal webbing was too sticky and tedious to handle, but because he didn't want to cast a creature from its home if he could help it. Magpiepaw remembers sitting on the edge of the thunderpath when the bears took their territory, he remembers trembling as he saw its lumbering shape move near their temporary camp and threaten their wellbeing. And he remembers Howlingstar offering them sancturary on the other side in ThunderClan's land. She had been a leader that fit his mental image of what a leader was supposed to be, well-intentioned and strong, kind but stern. Her cats here on the journey seemed to encompass those aspects in different ways. They carried with them her empathy but also her determination. In a way, all the cats here seemed to mimic their leaders...
ShadowClan was standoffish as usual, WindClan defensive and fierce, RiverClan aloof and indifferent, SkyClan generally more open with a few exceptions here and there (Slate came to mind immediately), but by being around one another he had noticed changes...even dreary Smogmaw seemed in lighter spirits. Sharppaw was less reclusive...
Part of him wanted to stay like this, this awkward and strange little collection of cats they had, but he knew in his heart he had to go home. The lungwort needed to be delivered.
Turning to pick up his ivy leaf of collected plants he saw the flicker of white between the tree line and wandered over curiously, recognizing Hailstorm sitting there in a quiet clearing alone. For a moment Magpiepaw considered leaving him be, but after a second of swift consideration he stumbled his way forward through the foliage to plop himself alongside the large snow-coated tom and set his bundle down.
"Do you mind company, the trees being so close together make me nervous..."

  • OOC can go here.

  • 71106748_sHwOMVBEMYvXzVS.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ penned by Rai

Hailstorm had separated away from the rest of the Thunderclanners once he had found a small clearing with the tree branches and leaves not bunching up together hiding the sky from him. It makes him wonder if Starclan is watching over them a lot more closely after the loss of Little Wolf or maybe she's up there now watching them all... Watching him. A single ear flicks to the side almost tempted to speak to the sky and silently wonder if she could hear him from all the way up there but he's not able to test out his theory when he feels a body plop right beside him. He's surprised at first and the fur along his back stands slightly until he realizes that its Magpiepaw, the Shadowclan tom that oftentimes leaned onto him for support in walking and he had been there to assure them all that Little Wolf had gone to Starclan despite how far they had been from home.

He's a welcome sight and comforting presence, his fur laying back down as he glances at the medicine cat apprentice that had his own bundle of lungwort. Hailstorm perks both of his ears forward only to muse quietly "Not at all... We've went through the cave and a lot more... I appreciate the company," The snowy Thunderclanner letting himself completely relax casting the sky above one last glance before focusing his attention onto the bicolored apprentice and proceeds to tuck one of his front limbs underneath himself "I assume Shadowclan's territory isn't like this?" He could understand how a lot of the cats felt out of place with all the trees close together, the foliage, and flora that seemed plentiful within the forest. Admittedly, it reminded Hailstorm of his home that he had left a moon ago and just to think it had been that long was insane to him.

A moon away from home to run across a road, figure out a way to the other side with a broken bridge, trekking through caves blindly (aside from the Shadowclan cats), and climbing a steep cliff with the help of Skyclan... Now, he deals with a heavy heart and homesickness mixed with other feelings that he couldn't quite put a paw on. His eyes briefly surveying the area that he had found seeing buds, a few flowers dotted along the greens, and moss growing on some of the trees. It was something he would've missed completely but he realizes that Little Wolf had opened his eyes to this... He could admire its beauty remembering how new leaf was one of her favorite seasons, the pale furred tomcat uttering quietly to himself "She would've loved this..."

It'd remind her of home and she would tell him how she was homesick... How excited she was to return to Thunderclan and even moreso with him being at her side, he'd tell her that they'd be home soon and the two of them would have curled around one another in a warm, purring heap of the dark fur and white fur aligning together perfectly like the night sky and the moon. A soft breath leaving his maw and decides that he wouldn't try to bring down the mood, his eyes focusing on Magpiepaw once more "How are you feeling? I can't imagine its easy with how many cats have been getting injured..."

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 48 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus