camp ALWAYS SOMETHING HAPPENING [ patrol assignments ]

"Alright you lot, if you don't show up now I'll be putting you on dirtplace duty. Gather 'round." Orangeblossom calls as she heads across camp, a small group of similarly eager and reluctant Clanmates following her. She settles, waiting a few moments as more SkyClanners emerge for their assignments, attention roving. It settles quickly.

"@REDSTORM !, you're on ThunderClan this half-moon. Alongside @Howlpaw, you'll be taking @HUCKLEBERRY, @sweetpaw., and @WYRM ." It's been long enough since Howlpaw had attended to that border, in her opinion. Under the watchful eye of her mentor, she's confident that it would be a relatively normal experience despite a large part of her kin present on the other side of the scent markers.

"@TALLULAHWING, I don't think you've led a patrol before - you're off to RiverClan with @FIGPAW , @SPARKSTORM., @BEARHEART and @Pricklefern. ; be careful of the river, it's still thawing." This would be an easy job - the way to RiverClan is well-worn. They'd only need to be particularly careful of the water level, but most SkyClanners were clever enough to steer clear. That includes, she hopes, the five she's sent towards their neighbours.

"@Grapejuice ." She turns next to the tom who had almost certainly been not listening. Orangebossom hisses a sigh through her teeth - maybe rotating the patrol leads to those who hadn't done so before wasn't the best of ideas. "You'll be - Grapejuice, pay attention or I'm delegating you to tick removal - leading the Twolegplace border patrol. Take with you @Sharpeye , @Bananapaw , @-Wildpaw- and @SLATE ." For StarClan's sake. This, at least, would be a patrol mostly free of bickering.

"@butterflytuft ." Her gaze alights on the calico. She lets the name linger in the air for a moment, well aware of the panic she may have caused by uttering the young warrior's moniker. "In order to get practice directing a patrol, I want you to go in search of moss with @Daisyflight , @TWITCHPAW , @sheepcurl and @GREENPAW ." It would do the two mentors some good to take a patrol off, she thinks. Especially after the fox-hunt. Speaking of Blazestar's former apprentices-

"@COSMOSBLOOM , you too. Instead of moss, I'd like you to take @Hailstone , @PERCHPAW , @eveningpaw and myself out for a hunting patrol. Since it's starting to warm up, I want to see if we can find some birds." It was also a small test, though with higher stakes than the one she'd given Butterflytuft. He was a touch older, after all. There's about one group remaining, and it's one she'd left on purpose.

" @SILVERSMOKE ." Orangeblossom nods to the silvery tom. "Once the sun sets I'd like you to take @CHRYSALISPAW , @ThistleBack , @Quillpaw and @FIERYPAW out into the forest for night combat training. Don't do anything stupid," this warning is directed to the three apprentices, "listen to your mentors and keep your claws in. This is about awareness in the dark and assessing threats." She curls her tail around her paws, sitting finally even though she was nearly done.

"Coyotepaw's guards until the next patrols are determined will be Sharpeye and Silversmoke. Dismissed."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3

The longhaired torbie indeed has not led a border patrol before, and her smile is gleeful at the opportunity. RiverClan, as Orangeblossom had said, is easy -- they are allies, after all. She nods to Figpaw, her fluffy tail twitching. "Maybe your darling little friend Darkpaw will be there," she says with an amused smile. "The rest of you ready? We'll head out in just a few hops of a frog!"

>> patrol link here.

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Triangular and vigilant ears perked up at the mention of his name - it was no exalted decree nor a contemptible spittle, it was simply a call to action. He had never grown used to his name being invoked in a good way (inversely, he had known how causticly his father spat it out), but perhaps this was as good as it got. An austere yet eased manner, a recognition of the self with no implicity attached. Mismatched gaze trailed lazily to the deputy whom commanded respect, as she was much more exonerated than he. In all fairness, she had earned that position. He blinked once or twice with no emotion flooding through yellow-and-green stare, as stone did not change or mimic that which faced it. A quick huff escaped his maw, with irritation more than weariness present in his cadence. It was annoying to have to do all these odd tasks and have to train until his pawpads fell off, but it was all in the duty of being an apprentice.

At least he had some time before the sunset hid behind the horizon, with the light lurching to the westward waysides, though painfully slow as ever. It seemed like it would only hasten when he wasn't looking at it. He cast a darting yet molten glare towards the other felines, assorted throughout the gathered crowd, as if a predator scanning through the entire forest. Unlike the predator, though, he wasn't looking to confront them, yet. He slunk away to the shadows until he was needed once more, perhaps to take a quick and well-needed nap before nightly training.

// out


RiverClan, huh, she’s been making a lot of visits to that border as of late. She supposed it was better than running into ThunderClan, relations between them still felt so awkward after the border skirmish. After… she shudders.

Tallulahwing’s comment about Darkpaw makes her snort, ”Maybe!” Would she be so lucky? The girl stays situated by her mentor, ready to head out.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 9 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.


The downward pull of his lips was almost imperceptible if you weren't watching for it, but those who knew him could probably anticipate the chimera disappointment at having been separated from Twitchpaw during patrol assignment. He shifted slightly in his spot beside the other, wondering weather or not it would be worth it to object. Twitch was still feeling raw after the death of their parents and Quill was still feeling overwhelmingly protective of the other right now, but at the same time he knew he couldn't shadow his friend every second of the day.

"It'll be dark soon, so I probably won't be here by the time you get back." he noted, a gentle warning for the other not to come back expecting to see him. Disappointing, but at least he'd get to kick Fierypaws ass in night training tonight.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

He was... glad to still be placed on patrols. To be given duties and work. It wouldn't have been good to stop during leafbare- and he knew if he stopped for too long, he might never have gotten back to it all. Quillpaw, Daisyflight, Butterflytuft- they'd kept him on his feet, letting him rest when he needed, making sure he was caring for himself. For the first time in a while Twitchpaw could see himself crawling out the other side of this tunnel, toward the daylight... to hear he was on a patrol with Butterflytuft made it all a little better.

Still- it was a shame Quillpaw wouldn't be joining, too. The towering chimera seemed to have similar ideas, as he set his mismatched gaze upon him, noting that it would be very late before they ran into each other again. He could not deny that it was beginning to become the status quo to have Quillpaw at his side- the tall shadow had become less of a thorn in his side and more like a flower woven into his fur, a small support. Twitchpaw nodded quickly. "I'll see you then. I'll- s-see you." I'll miss you, he almost let slip out. Idiot. Who said something like that when it would just be a day? Still, a small smile laced his lips.
penned by pin ✧

Finally released from the medicine den, Howlpaw is free to go on patrols again. When Orangeblossom begins to give out assignments, she isn't far behind her mentor, looking up intently to see if the deputy will assign them on a patrol. She flinches a little when Orangeblossom instructs them to go to ThunderClan. It's been a while since she'd been back to the ThunderClan border, and whilst that wouldn't have made her nervous normally, after the fairly recent spat between herself Burnpaw and Moonpaw she was wary of what could potentially be said. "ThunderClan it is," Howlpaw said with a little nod. "I'm ready whenever you all are!" She adds, looking around at her patrol mates.​

Silversmoke often liked to bark about how he didn't care what the others thought of him, conversation by conversation however, that guard was lowered. Orangeblossom confused him on where she stood with him, first, she assigned him to deal with Dawnglare, now, he's suddenly in charge of a patrol, even in the presence of a lead warrior. "It shall be done." He hadn't been planning on sleeping anyways. As she talked to the apprentices, the corners of his mouth twitched. He supposed it was the mark of a good Deputy to be impartial to the bonds one had with clanmates when putting them up to patrols. She recognised the skills of her clanmates rather than her affinity to them, it was a pragmatism he could be inspired by, with her confidence, Silver was sure she already knew it. The moment the fondness was felt, black-tipped ears began to burn with embarrassment and he forced his gaze from her to stare off at the wall brambles. Yep, they were good brambles.

He didn't look back when she mentioned he was to guard Coyotepaw as well but acknowledged it with a deep nod all the same. Both tasks were something he'd dedicate plenty of effort to, speaking outside of duty, Silversmoke wasn't sure which one he preferred. Sharpeye might badger him for conversation, though the prominent-jawed cat likely wouldn't say anything as vexing as Chrys - hopefully the other apprentices would put the chimera in their place. Silversmoke slunk away in preparation for nightfall with a new appreciation and understanding of SkyClan's Deputy.


Wildpaw made his way over at the shecats call, black-tipped ears pricking forward in interest as she began assigning cats to patrols and taking a seat next to Bananpaw and Sharp-Eye. "Sweet, maybe I'll see some of my old buddys. You know many cats from twoleg place, Bananpaw?" he asked, nudging the shecat good-naturedly as he waiting for Grapejuice to call the patrol together.

Skyclan Apprentice - Male - 8 months - A handsome gold tomcat with electric blue eyes and black-tipped ears. Has a set of scars over his left eye that he's partially blind in.​

Greenpaw can't help the sense of pride he feels as his sister is called to lead a patrol. Freshly a warrior, and Butterflytuft was already assigned to such a cool task. His excitement is only further fueled, as he hears just who's going with her. Along with their mother - and Twitchpaw, of course - Sheepcurl's name is called, which means he gets to go on his sister's patrol too!

And while they won't be getting to go anywhere too extravagant - while they're only collecting moss - Greenpaw's still excited for Butterflytuft, still excited for the opportunity to spend time with both her and their mother. He seeks the new warrior out, bounding over to her when he finally finds her. "So? When are we going, patrol leader?"
Her name is called and anyone would be able to see the girl freeze up, tail bushing out as if in self defense. Teeth gritting, yellow eyes blow wide as she stares at Orangeblossom. "M-Me?" She stammers uncertainly, already feeling her face grow hot. At's just a practice patrol. And she'll be with her mom and her brother. Twitchpaw, too. Cats she's comfortable with.

Greenpaw bounds up to her, eagerly asking when they'll go and she offers him an unsure yet trying smile. "Oh, now?" She mews slowly, not at all used to deciding anything. But she's supposed to be a patrol leader, she's got to do this.

Butterflytuft is chosen to lead a patrol. Cosmosbloom turns to look at his former training partner, an encouraging grin on his face. "Good luck," he says. Collecting moss is fairly easy - she should be able to lead this patrol, surely.

And then, his own name is called. To lead his own patrol.

"Huh?" Ginger ears twitch as he looks at the newest deputy. A hunting patrol. The deputy lists off names, and none of them mean anything to him - none of them he can place with a face. He can gather enough knowledge that the deputy will be joining him, but that's it.

Oh stars, he hopes he can manage.

"Oh, uh... Okay," he manages to let out. A rush of orange bolts past him, and his pale gaze follows the movement toward where Butterflytuft stands. Ah, her brother. He thinks she's lucky to have a familiar face or two on her patrol. He'll have to ask her how it went later.

Right then, he should... he should gather his patrol.

"My group," the young warrior calls out, once the deputy's done assigning patrols, "With me, please." Stars can only hope they all show up on their own volition, that Cosmosbloom won't have to seek out a missing patrol member.