camp Always to new horizons // Prompt

Drizzlepelt has been out of sorts for awhile, almost a moon now it seems. He definitely couldn’t say that his life has been uneventful, so maybe he needed the break. He feels kinda bad for not being the most proactive warrior since he’s still so new, but can anyone blame him? He was a participant in the fight with WindClan that didn’t exactly end well for him, on top of the dog he had to chase off beforehand. He’s of course happy that everything turned out okay, but the mental toll was unbearable for awhile. At least now he’s finally feeling back to himself.

He’s not surprised when his mind drifts to Duskpool. Drizzlepelt’s still ecstatic that he survived the ordeal, and was happy at him expressing concern when he was off in his first major battle. His prior mentor right now, though…grieving. It was a shame what happened to Yukio, and even though he wasn’t close to him, he still felt sorrow. There was too many losses in SkyClan lately. He at least hopes that all the kittens will survive…

Thinking of kittens also brings his mind to the fact that he’ll soon be able to become a mentor himself. It’s a weird thought, as it feels like he joined SkyClan only yesterday. But he’s come a long way since then. His self worth is still fairly low, but he likes to think that he’s made an impression. He’s not sure that translates to him becoming a mentor right away, but who knows? The prospect still excites him nonetheless.

“What kind of mentor do you think I’d be?” Drizzlepelt ponders out loud, finally addressing whatever cat he’s currently situated next to.

// OOC : Anyone can be the cat he’s taking to! Part of the prompt event!
ii. drizzlepelt had quite a close relationship with his mentor, one forged in battle. he knows the day he himself will become a mentor is approaching, mere moons away; how does this make him feel?
Cherrypaw had just been closing her eyes for a moment, letting the sunlight coax some warmth into her pale eyelids before she'd have to shutter them again. She's only faintly aware of Drizzlepelt nearby. The wispy raincloud of a warrior isn't someone she normally seeks out beyond the scope of patrols. However, today she's content to settle besides his inoffensive presence while she basks in the frantic buzz of Green-leaf fading.

He speaks, and it jilts her. "Huh?" When she blinks at him, she can feel her eyelids sticking together, clinging to each other as though reluctant to fully open. Irritation sparks in the pit of her stomach, but it doesn't catch. She's never really talked to Drizzlepelt before, and she's too game to be sitting around dozing off for more than a few minutes. "Dunno." Cherrypaw shrugs and flicks her tail indifferently.

She realizes she doesn't know much about the tom. He's like Sparrowsong or Greeneyes in that way—nice, but not outstandingly so to her. "Why are you asking me?" Somehow, she'd gotten the childish notion that mentorship ability just sort of came with warriorhood, like the ability and knowledge of having kits. Like the moment Blazestar gave you your warrior name you'd be prepared to train someone else to his standard, in your own way of course.

Her clumsy tongue can't quite catch the concept, but to the youth, being a warrior is pinnacle of adulthood. Of being. The end of the path, the tip of the tree, the edge of the sky. After that, a cat should have it all. Why ask her, a newborn apprentice; why the need to ask anyone at all?​

Like Drizzlepelt, Howlfire would one day soon be of an age where she could take on an apprentice. It was something of a daunting prospect but one that she looked forward to all the same. Howlfire had been fortunate to train under three mentors, each with their own styles of teaching, and she was hopeful she had picked up knowledge from all of them. When the time came, her future apprentices would have plenty of knowledge and experiences for her to pull from and pass on.

Howlfire chuckles at Cherrypaw's response, the young apprentice had unfortunately been the first recipient of Drizzlepelt's question. "I think you'd be a decent mentor at least," Howlfire responded. "Dedicated and patient. Not too forceful but you strike me as the sort who'd push their apprentice just when they need it to be the best they can be."

Though Greeneyes is still fairly new to the mentoring world himself and is still trying to find his own style in teaching Falconpaw, the tom thinks he's an alright mentor.

Maybe not the best - Greeneyes isn't sure he can compare to some of SkyClan's current mentors quite yet, but he must be decent, at least. His teaching knowledge mostly comes from his own mentor, and Sheepcurl was among the best in his eyes. If he's half as good as her at mentoring, then he must be doing something right.

Still, when Drizzlepelt's question reaches his ears he can't help but wonder about the younger warrior's impending days as a mentor, even after Cherrypaw answers in confusion, after Howlpelt forms her own answer. The tom he'd let lean on his side when they'd returned home from a skirmish with WindClan, Greeneyes thinks Drizzlepelt's a fairly strong warrior already.

"You'll be a good mentor," Greeneyes adds, assuring him with a nod and a small smile, "Any apprentice would be lucky to have you teaching them, I bet." Howlfire's answer is one he agrees with - dedicated and patient, not too forceful. Greeneyes tilts his head as he looks at the gray warrior.

"Why are you asking?" Greeneyes asks, tilting his head as he looks at the gray warrior, though he knows the nerves he'd felt upon being tasked with teaching Falconpaw.
it's not my fault i have my father's eyes .
Littlekit paused in his march towards the nursery, having wandered off in search of anything interesting to latch onto, but listening to the older cats talk about mentors piqued his interest. With a puff of his cheeks, the black-and-white tom waddled towards them, staring eerily at them, head cocked.

He still didn’t know everything about clan life, but the small kit couldn’t help the soft trill that escaped his maw, peering up at them with interest, owlish optics wide. He didn’t like the concept Howlfire offered, brows scrunching up. Why did he have to listen to someone? He didn’t need a mentor. He could figure it all out on his own. He was certain of that. Maybe not everything, but Littlekit didn’t enjoy relying on anyone, not since he was born and not ever.

He may be the runt, but he’s perfectly capable of handling things on his own. He didn’t need anyone. Blinking several times, Littlekit settled, ears swerving in rapt attention, listening to Greeneyes before letting his eerily blue optics settle on Drizzlepelt.
thought speech
Drizzlepelt also can't help but give an airy chuckle at Cherrypaw's response to his question, though it does leave him feeling a little awkward. "Oh! Umm...just thinking out loud I guess. I tend to do that, sometimes..." Probably more than he realizes. At least others are willing to entertain it, for the most part. He doesn't expect such a crowd to gather around him at his inquiry, but it's nice that they are content with his company.

He listens to what the two warriors have to say, and Greeneyes giving him praise especially touches him, after the whole WindClan fiasco. He doesn't linger on that thought for too long, however. He'd much rather focus on the positive, happy that both of them agreed that he would make a good mentor when the time comes. "I hope that's the kind of mentor I am. And thank you, hopefully whoever I do get likes me." Even if they're hesitant, he's willing to prove himself to his apprentice as well. Trust goes both ways, after all.

"My thoughts just kinda went there while thinking about Duskpool," Drizzlepelt explains even as he's being stared at by Littlekit, not really unnerving him. He has a tendency to stare at cats too, though he's gotten better about it with age. "He was a better mentor than I could have asked for. I wanna be exceptional, like him. I guess my thoughts are just on all the kits, too." His thoughts then briefly drift to if he would ever have his own offspring, but there's time for that conundrum when he's older. He needs to enjoy his youth while he still can! Even so, he does care for the younger cats deeply, and he can't wait to someday train one of them. Maybe he should help out in the nursery more often...​