they were delusional making this decision but they could not back out of it now. in spite of how they went about it, ferndance truly did not need to be a lead warrior until she realized that not everything thay popped into her head needed to be outside of it. she was very willy nilly like that, from day one, and it became too much. playfully thinking of killing off the sick. disrespecting another leader in camp and making them look back... amongst other things. she wasn't a bad cat, she just wasn't lead warrior material. maybe they should have done it better. they'd find a way to apologize later.

then they were faced with this. granitepelt. ugh. that tom has been a pain in their paw pad since day one. something about his cold demeanor makes them uneasy. it's worse than their own. at least somewhere inside of them, they cared. granitepelt hardly showed that for anyone but starlingheart. with a flick of their weak tail, they waited for granitepelt to join them within their den. they had a lot to talk about... didn't they?


XXXXXThe gray warrior does not approach his leader empty-jawed. When he seeks Chilledstar in their den after that strange meeting, he does so with his mouth full of fresh-kill—a rat, limp and cool from hours in the fresh-kill pile, but sizeable compared to everything else there. Normally he’d keep a choice piece of prey like this for Starlingheart, but he can feel the apprehension on Chilledstar’s fur, running off the black silk like sparks. He needs to make a good first impression—he needs to convince Chilledstar they haven’t made a mistake.

XXXXXGranitepelt sets the rat carefully at Chilledstar’s paws. “You should eat. You’re still recovering.” It’s said in a neutral tone. None of them would be convinced by false warmth, and he sees no reason to try for it. He sits a respectful distance from the white-streaked feline, watching them. They see a cat who is not well-liked be his Clan, he knows this. “I know what you’re thinking,” he says to break the silence. “You’re wondering if you’ve made a mistake. But tell me—what have I ever done, but serve ShadowClan?” His tone is still carefully respectful. He knows Chilledstar won’t suffer any impudence from him.

XXXXXAfter a few heartbeats, he lowers his voice. “I know they don’t love me. But there is no reason not to trust me. I am a warrior who has given my life to ShadowClan. My mate is the medicine cat, and my kits are going to be fine, respectable warriors.” He does not say so, but he thinks, I deserve this.


chilledstar's dull optics only land upon the rat thats given to them. true. they are still recovering from their death... they were recovering weren't they? they take a bite that feels like sand in their mouth, and yet they still eat, listening to the words fall from an eager young mouth. hmph. they don't have many reasons to doubt him. he simply has an aura about him that most don't like. it's cold. chilledstar isn't the warmest of cats but at least they tried to care when it mattered. granitepelt was a hard working warrior but he could certainly use a lesson or two in manners. but that would be a waste of time for a tom cat with kits of his own. it's hard to teach an older cat new tricks.

"right. you work hard, there's no doubt about that."

they think for a moment, claw tapping on the ground of their den.

"don't make me regret this decision. you're on thin ice."