camp Am I more than you bargained for? (RTA)


The Boy who had no choice
Jun 30, 2022


A huge yawn parted a blue muzzle to reveal rows of sharp ivory canines. A barbed tongue would lick the maw of the tom before his steel blue eyes blinked slowly and lazily across Thunderclans' clearing. He would narrow his gaze for a heartbeat before rising to his paws and walking over to check the current state of the fresh-kill pile. His muzzle wrinkles with clear irritation as he sees how low it is and scoffs with a lash of his tail and turns as if to go hunting on his own.

But then, he stops. He had slipped into the shadows again, hadn't he? So used to living his life in seclusion that he had not really noticed that he had once again faded into the background of the clan he had vowed to devote his life. A heavy groan would leave his throat before he turned and stood tall, looking as proud and slightly arrogant as was now familiar of him.

"I'm going hunting if any cat wants to come with." Leafshade would wait to see if any cat heeded his call, but he would not wait for long. No use for cats who didn't want to come or would slow him down. Leaf-bare was going to be here soon, the clan needed more prey while they could still get it.
Howling Wind admittedly hadn't been seeing as much of Leafshade around as she used to in the marsh colony. Aside from the patrols she assigned him to, he seemed to always do his own thing, on his own terms. It never bothered her much - as long as he was contributing, that's all a good warrior needed to do. Still, it brings a smile to her face when he offers to take an extra hunting patrol out. Rising to white paws, the tabby pads towards him and dips her head in a nod. "I'll come along." She looks around for @Sloepaw , wondering if he's done with his chores yet. Whether he wants to come or continue his work in camp, it's up to him. "Where are you hunting?" Her gaze shifts back to the young warrior, gentle eyes inquisitive. She's going to let him lead this one on his own.

Lately, he found himself maintaining a stricter awareness of the comings and goings of his mentor. As deputy she was often busy but with his recent dedication to his training, Sloepaw liked to come along with whatever tasks she was doing for the day. It had taken him a while to appreciate that being up and about was better than sitting stagnant. Tethered any wandering thoughts.

And so, as Howling Wind approached Leafshade the mink tom was only a few strides behind. A concise nod greeted the pale point cat. The warrior was a little blunt sometimes, though it led to little misunderstanding.

" 'Course, prey pile has been low for a little while now. " His agreement was punctuated with a stretch, ears folded to touch his skull for a second. Many of the older cats spoke of leaf-bare's troubles. Sloepaw had never experienced anything like it, but if hunting most often could assuage the symptoms then that's just what he'd have to do.
( ) At Leafshade's call, the fiery tabby perked her ears interestedly. She had been trying to avoid being idle in the camp, so she quickly trotted over to the tom. Right before she arrived, the deputy offered to tag along with her apprentice. Flamewhisker glanced around for her own apprentice to see if he had finished up in the Elder's Den yet or not. "Would you mind if I tag along as well? Jaypaw may come as well if he is finished with his chores. The prey won't stand a chance." A little hunting trip is exactly the distraction I need right now....please let me tag along. While she waited for a response, she glanced around to make sure Flycatcher wasn't around.


"Ugh, yeah... I'm finished..." By the time Jaypaw managed to slip away from the elder's den, he thoroughly understood why the other apprentices avoid them like the plague. They always want something else done right after they said the previous task was the last one and some of them aren't even nice about it either. Oh, and they fart a lot too. The only positive thing outside of breathing fresh air once more is that he'd left with a kernel of knowledge that he'll have to ask about. Something something big war, now that's something that he'll need to look into. That thought is replaced with surprise as he sees a familiar face and he smiles nervously Leafshade's way. He's still as intimidating as he was at the border but still a welcome sight. "Uh, hey Leafshade!" His words hang in the air like he meant to say more but he doesn't.

'I'm still alive!' seems too awkward (even for him) but it's true. He's gained a healthy weight over his short time in Thunderclan and resembles a sock more than a skeleton now. His fur has regained its luster and his eyes look bright and he's not falling asleep in any more tree roots either. Jay's perky as he comes to stand by Flame's side with a nod toward Howling and Sloepaw. Leafbare isn't something that Jaypaw has even considered would be an issue. No matter what time of year it was, there was always kibble in his bowl and treats too. Actually, he got even more food during he winter months when the twolegs would hold their celebrations. It's a little sad to think he may never taste juicy chicken ever again. 'Oh yeah, they won't stand a chance for sure...' Maybe for the others but they'll laugh to death at his attempts to catch them. Not to discredit Flame's efforts, but he knows he's a rough student so far. Even so, it's nice that she seems to believe in him.


Howling Wing, Sloepaw, Flamewhisker, and Jaypaw. Leafshade would look over each cat that had stepped forward to join him and he would nod softly to the warrior and deputy before him, "I was thinking of trying near the river." He would meow calmly, his ear flicking slightly towards the apprentices, particularly Jaypaw as the younger tom chimed up to greet him. His gaze would linger on him for a moment as if to make sure the same exhaustion he had seen draped on the young tom was no longer there.

It would be for only a moment however as he once simply nodded in response and then again turned to Howling Wind and Flameseeker to continue, "I'm hoping some prey hides out there with the days getting colder." After giving his explanation, the warrior would lightly flick his tail to gather them all together and begin his trek out of camp and towards the direction of the river. He was quiet at first, his expression one of annoyance when in reality he was struggling to find something to fill the silence. What did one talk about with cats they knew? What wouldn't be boring?

Looking back over his shoulder at the two older mollies, he would sigh heavily before grumbling, " is their training going?"
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( ) The orange tabby lifted her tail in greeting as Jaypaw came to join them. She paused for a moment, wondering if her apprentice would be tired after doing his chores...she had seen other mentors take their apprentices out after they finished chores, so surely he would be alright too. Her head dipped in acknowledgment as he declared where they would be hunting, and when it was time, she would follow them out of the camp.

The walk was quiet for awhile, and while the lack of talking didn't bother her too much, it still felt strange. She was about to say something, but Leafshade beat her to it. The orange Molly glanced at Howling Wind, but when the deputy didn't speak first she went ahead and spoke. "Jaypaw is doing well so far. He is very thoughtful, and he is determined to do the best he can. I'm proud of how he is doing so far." Her whiskers twitched in amusement as she thought back to their first hunting session when he had shown her a very awkward looking hunter's crouch.
Howling Wind smiles to her apprentice as he arrives, glad to see he's up for the extra hunt. She blinks in greeting towards Flamewhisker and Jaypaw as they arrive before her gaze settles on Leafshade once more. He decides that they will hunt towards the river, and the deputy nods her approval. "Lead the way," She offers with a smile before padding after the young warrior.

When he asks about the apprentices' hunting, she looks towards the ginger molly beside her, curious to hear what she says about Jaypaw. It's part of her job to know how each apprentice is faring in their training, and so it pleases her to hear Flamewhisker give her apprentice such praise. She casts a supportive glance towards the white and orange tom before she looks to her own apprentice. "Sloepaw is coming along well in his training, as well. He's got quite the nose on him, more perceptive than many warriors!" Pride glints in her eyes as she gazes at him before she returns her attention to Leafshade. "And what about Olivepaw?" She trills, ears pricking with interest.

The char-tip apprentice fell into step with Howling Wind, ears trained to catch the chatter of the older cats. A hum left him at Leafshade's suggestion to hunt by the river, pleased. Sloepaw had wanted to end up that way for a few sunrises, a mild interest in the waterway having taken root. He wanted to see what kind of prey lay in the rubble.

The budding half-smile crumbled into worry at the mention of his and Jaypaw's training. A quick look was shot to the other apprentice, almost without thought, to catch his expression. At Flamewhisker's word, however, the red patchwork tom had little to fear.

"Proud," Sloepaw mimicked quietly, giving the air a little shoulder bump in his direction.

As his mentor's attention settled on him, a wash of embarrassment toasted his ears. Unable to meet her gaze, too-wide ember eyes swept their surroundings and he could only listen. The compliment faltered his stride, a sheepish roll of the shoulders and jog bringing him back alongside the group. His ruddy nose itched ever so slightly.