adderjaw and chilledgaze certainly had something in common when it came to their personalities. they both were not very social at all. they clashed with others, putting up walls and barriers to push others away and it made them both secluded. chilledgaze had only a couple cats in their life that made their way through those walls. minkpaw. their little brother. poor little kit didn't have to even do anything, either. he simply looked up at them with those wide eyes of his, and chilledgaze knew that they'd very well kill to see him smile. pitchstar. stars knew how that mangepelt managed to wriggle his way into their heart, but he did. stupid idiot... but they loved him all the same. and spectermask. their other best friend. oh, how they'd burn the entire world for him. they meant everything to them. to lose them would mean to lose a part of themself. they couldn't do that. but everyone else? everyone else they kept at tails length away from them. no one else needed to be close to them. they couldn't let anyone that close them... could they?

with a stretch, they stood up from their resting spot, watching quietly as adderjaw broodingly made her way back into camp. they tilted their head before breathing out. social. they needed to be social.

"adderjaw. how was the small patrol? anything worth finding?""

gross. they did not know how to do this. this was so damned awkward.

( ) Another failed hunt. This cold will be the death of us all, thinks Adderjaw bitterly as she trudges back to camp. She feels a low, boiling anger at her lack of prey; what good is she if she can't be useful to her Clan? Yet the pickings are slim in these seasons. Only one of her patrolmates had managed a catch, a frog barely big enough for a kit. Adderjaw loves her home, truly, but times like this do not make it easy.

Adderjaw doesn't bother to follow her patrolmates to the fresh-kill pile, instead making a path towards her den, only for her attention to be drawn by the sound of her name. She looks up, curious. It is not often that someone asks after her, and the face that greets her when she looks over only exacerbates her confusion.

Chilledgaze is a familiar face to Adderjaw, of course. She knows her Clan's own deputy, she just doesn't know them well. Having been around since the days of the marsh group, she knows of most every cat who's come and gone from ShadowClan, though she rarely spares them much thought. Chilledgaze is an exception, with the position they hold. They're a good deputy, she thinks, despite their mouse-brained loyalty to her brother. Still though, they are not someone she has spoken with often, not someone she would expect to approach her. She eyes the deputy with narrowed eyes, appraising the situation.

Well, it seems they don't know quite what they're doing either, if the tone of their voice is anything to go by. An innocuous question, yet spoken in such an awkward manner. She almost wants to laugh, but she decides to go easy on the poor cat.

"If only," she rumbles gruffly, padding toward the deputy, sparing a glance towards the meager fresh-kill pile. "Patrol was a bust, only one kill between the three of us, scrawny as it is." She lets out a heavy sigh, tone one of long-suffering lament. "Seems no one's having any luck these days."

Adderjaw pauses for a moment, debating whether to tell Chilledgaze of the one point of interest on her hunt. She had been planning to investigate it alone, once she had the chance, but... "Thought I scented fox at one point, though I can't be certain. I'm hoping there's not a den, last thing we need is something taking our prey."