camp Am I Strong Enough (open) To Let Things Just Die?


Foxy Grandpa
Nov 7, 2022

Aching oaken paws padded back and forth at the edge of camp, unsure of what to do. A dichotomy had formed within the feline, a bitter conflict between body and mind. The latter was made up - sure as to how the situation needed to be settled - but the former refused. At this moment (and the last few times he’d attempted this), Soil’s body had gone on strike. Muscles would seize up and sound would stop coming. The goal was always the same: push it off for a few days, see if anything changes.

But it never did.

The shivering hadn’t stopped. The exhaustion hadn’t stopped. The hunger hadn’t stopped. Soil was being eaten away at inside, but uprooting the maggots meant foregoing his freedom. If he did this, then the former loner would be subject to some other creature’s whims, unable to make his own choices. But if he didn’t, the old man could meet his end the next time a blizzard came through, or really any bad weather.

A graying face broke into a small huff of cynical laughter before the old man forced himself forwards. What’s worse?” He thought to himself, being told what, where, and when I can eat, or going hungry all together?” The elder was embarrassed he couldn’t come up with a straight answer.

Emerald eyes turned towards his namesake as Soil drew nearer to the center of camp. Joints begged for relief in the cold, but the stubborn tom wouldn’t allow himself to sit. Even now, pride was flaring up in protest. The cat cleared his throat, eyes angling up to look at the home he’d been taken in to. He’d be back, but it would never quite be the same, would it? No more late night chats, less hunting, less training, less talking. Once again, protest formed within. Should he do this? Fireflypaw’s words were repeated, the same way they had been for days to quell the conflict. "Sometimes.. We need help, and that's nothin' to be ashamed of, Gramps."

Soil found his voice as a tired smile crossed his features.
“Uh, could I have y’all’s attention, please? There’s something I gotta say. I know I ramble, but I’ll try an’ keep it to a minimum.” An expectant pause followed as more and more eyes turned their attention towards him. And for the first time in his life, the talkative tom didn’t really know how to continue. Letting out a sigh, the moggy met their gazes with a hint of guilt. “I’m…old. I know that’s nothin’ new, but…this leafbare, this blizzard, it’s shown me that I may be gettin’ too old. I’ve been through weather like this when I was a youngin’ an’ was just fine, but I guess I ain’t a youngin’ anymore. Something like this happens again and I might end up takin’ a dirt nap, y’know?” It felt strange to be talking about death so casually, speaking silent fears into existence like he would the weather. “I love this place. the nests are warm and the food is good, but it’s…it’s not enough anymore. I hate sayin’ that because y’all work so hard, but I hope you understand I’m not tryin’ to demean you. My body’s like a spoiled kit now, y’know? It screams and cries if everything’s not perfect, and nothing is perfect out here, but that imperfection is why I love this life. The challenge, the satisfaction, the-“

The elder paused, realizing with a laugh that he’d broken his promise. “Sorry. I said I wouldn’t ramble, didn’t I?” another patch of silence followed as Soil tried to make his next words more succinct, with some success. “I’ve been thinking a lot about that system y’all got here, and I think it might be the solution. I’m gonna be a daylight warrior.” those last two words alone left a bad taste in the moggy’s mouth, so he still had to get used to it. “Like I said, I love this place. I want to hunt and train and talk with y’all, but I also need to pace myself, much as it annoys me to say, so I thought this would be a good compromise.”

Soil took a deep breath, glad that he’d made his decision but nervous about what the reaction would be. While he waited for what would be said or done, the old man would finally take a seat.
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Slate, frankly, had no right to speak on most clan matters. He had been in SkyClan for less than a moon, had only started calling himself a fully-fledged "warrior" a couple of weeks ago, and was still learning the ropes of being a clan cat. However, Slate's mouth tended to run faster than his brain. If he had an opinion on something, he would most likely speak his mind whether it was welcome or not.

The dark, rust-furred tom had been grooming himself in camp when an older member he did not recognize called everyone to attention. Unconcerned, half-lidded eyes fixed onto Soil as he began to ramble on about something. Slate nearly tuned out of the whole thing until Soil got straight to the point — "I'm gonna be a daylight warrior." That statement alone prompted a cock of his brows, a frown to purse on his maw. From what he knows, kittypets typically became daylight warriors, not clan-born cats becoming daylight warriors. "Willingly becoming a kittypet. That's a new one." Slate bluntly comments, giving a flick of his bushy tail, before proceeding in a leveled yet critical tone, "Maybe I'm too new to know jack shit about how these clans work, but... seems a little unfair, doesn't it?" Not that Slate actually cared much about SkyClan at this point, but from a former rogue's point of view... running to the twolegs when things got too tough seemed like a cowardly move. Tch. Cowardice, though maybe that's what happened when one got so old. "Sure would be nice to run back to a warm bed and an endless supply of food. Not all of us want to be around twolegs or wear the marks of their ownership, though." Collars, bandanas, sweaters, what have you. Twolegs almost always decorated their animals in some way to clearly mark that they were property, ultimately under their control. Slate simply couldn't fathom the idea, as much as he was tired of sleeping out in the freezing pines.

He could already gather the stares fixing on him as he publicly voiced his opinion on the matter. Who is he to say anything, some mutter, though Slate's stubborn nature prevents anything or anyone from keeping his mouth shut. "How do you know a twoleg wouldn't keep you inside? Or put you in a cage and move away?" Coming from a tom who used to roam the city streets and neighborhoods, he saw it all the time. Twolegs would put their animals in carriers, load them into the monsters, and speed off into the distance. Some cats could only be seen through the window, nose to the glass, never to tread on fresh grass. Not all kittypets had the privilege of roaming outside whenever they pleased.

Ah, well, he couldn't make anyone do anything. There was a chance that Blazestar would allow this decision, seeing as he seemed to allow a plethora of things already. The ragdoll leader had earned a sliver of Slate's respect at the battle, as he stood his ground in the spitting angry faces of WindClan warriors, but there were still things that he found himself disagreeing with. "Think you'd just be better off choosing one life or the other, old man. For your own sake." And everyone else's. As if the concept of a daylight warrior wasn't ridiculous enough. Why did the forest-bound cats have to hunt daily for their meals while facing the struggles of starvation but daylight warriors didn't? Why did they have to bear through the freezing temperatures, blustery winds, and relentless snowfall while the daylight warriors just stayed inside with their twolegs? The fact that they could trek out to the clan every other day, catch a mouse or two, and be able to call themselves a member of the clan was laughable. It was no wonder that SkyClan was the butt of all of the other clan's jokes. Truth be told, Duskmane was the only reason he had remained in SkyClan. Had Slate had the choice of joining another clan of his choosing, he would have gone somewhere else. The rules concerning kittypets here were, frankly, absurd. However, considering that Blazestar had been a former kittypet, he supposed it didn't not make sense for such rules to be in place.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— participated in battle with windclan, currently recovering from belly scratches and a bite mark on hind leg

"And what are you insinuating with that?" a flick of a curled ear comes from the lead warrior as she comes over, yellow eyes squinted in a not quite yet glare. Way to rain on Soil's parade... And if there was one thing Sheep hated, it was the fact that so many cats and other clans have begun to look down upon Skyclan- did they forget Rain, the way they had been born of the pine group? And all that he had done? Forget the sacrifices so many had made to make this clan a clan? Skyclan had never really been wild-born at heart, but it never once made them any less of a clan. Oh, it makes her blood boil and her fur prickle uncomfortably along her spine. "How is it unfair? Nothing is stopping you, y'know." spoken simply through a smile and she chooses to ignore the rest of what he says, for her sake and his.

Back to Soil, she dips her head in respect. "Long as you're still around and kicking, amigo!" spoken gently, she understands the lush life a twoleg could bring, and with Soil getting older by the minute perhaps its just what he needed for his joints. "Skyclan is truly lucky to have you, as a daylight warrior or a warrior." and shes proud of him, because the conscious decision to up and leave from a full-time position was not easy. "You'll always have a home with us." a purr and a smile she sends his way, deciding to seat herself and flick her tail back and forth.


Figpaw naturally as a born and raised SkyClanner holds nothing against their unique system of daylight warriors. Her own mentor came from the Twoleg place every morning and left at dusk, never before did Figpaw feel envy for them until recently.

Leaf-bare was cold, it was tough, and even as an injured apprentice she found her stomach often rumbling. To hear that Soil was going to become a daylight warrior causes her heart to throb with a bit of jealousy. The girl does not want a Twoleg companion, twolegs and their monsters at the end of the day is what took what was most important to her. But a warm bed, unlimited food and water at your paws sounded nice right now.

You would not catch Figpaw opening her maw against a warrior, let alone a lead warrior to take the side of a new cat. So she said nothing from where she sat observing the scene. If Soil meets her gaze all she does if force a respectful smile.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· FIGPAW, AMAB — she / her
╰ ‣ 8 moons .
╰ ‣ skyclan apprentice . believes in starclan, doesn't fully understand

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like pine nettles & sap, status — 100%
╰ ‣ A red tabby she-cat with orange eyes. Mangled right hind leg.

· ENFP-A ❝
CAMPAIGNER❞ , Gryfindor, Lawful Good
╰ ‣ Excitable, generous, caring, quick-to-act, daft, naive
╰ ‣ finds relative ease relating to others . kind-hearted, will show mercy

· NPC X DAISYFLIGHT, sister to Greenpaw, Violetpaw, Snowpaw & Butterflypaw
╰ ‣ Pansexual . mistakes admiration for romantic feelings
╰ ‣ Apprentice to Tallulahwing
╰ ‣ poor fighter . okay hunter .
╰ ‣ unlikely to start fights . will flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.

19 moons - skyclan queen - speech

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"you know, i don't see much of a problem with this," maeve mused, approaching the group with a nod of greeting. the queen knew that this was not a life for her, but that's just the thing: this wasn't about her. she was a victim of twolegs and their greed, and never again would she fully trust one - but she knew in her heart that there were good ones, albeit a minority of them, that took care of cats like their own kits. "if you think that's what's best for your happiness and health." maeve saw no shame in seeking help, especially as an older cat. it must've been hard for him to endure such cold weather, the hunger, the war.

at slate's comments, maeve shot him a glare. "i say it's unfair to tell another cat what to do with their life," she returned. "of course not all of us want to be around twolegs. that's why he's going, not 'all of us'." she spoke to him like she was scolding a cocky kit for bullying their denmate, but she couldn't help it - maeve was naturally empathetic and open, and she wasn't going to stand for such rudeness towards a cat seeking comfort before death.

╰── ⋅ ⋅ ───────────────── ✩ ───────────────── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ step out into the new normal



Daylight warriors were a large part of the clan's culture, they were kittypets that left their cushy homes to do 'charity' for the clan cats before returning home free of the fear of an empty stomach or bitter cold. He didn't think he'd ever hear of a full-fledged SkyClanner choosing to become a kittypet. It made the tabby's brows raise as he leaned in to listen to Soil, his tail tip twitching in consideration. It... made sense for an elder to want that easier life, they'd done the hard work in their youths and deserved a right to choose where they rest their head in their final years. But Soil said he wanted to be a Daylight Warrior, to hunt and train like his body hadn't been protesting, and it caused that sporadic movement of his tail to become more deliberate. Truly, he did not know what to make of it. Had it been a younger cat he'd have snarled at them, and told them they were disgracing themselves. All Silversmoke could do here was stare wistfully and try to avoid the nagging anxiety in his brain that told him that the elder would not fare well amongst the Twolegs.

He whipped his head around as opinions started to come from the others. There was a brief glower as he heard Slate's words, finding no fault with them only that they were aimed at someone who would seldom starve anyways due to their age. This winter had been an exception, one that had changed the landscape of the clan forever. Other voices popped up, first Sheepcurl, then Maeve, both condemning the former rogue. It was satisfying until he realised they'd do the same to him if he ever spoke up. 'Ugh... Why does SkyClan have to be so impractical...' The fluffy tabby raised his head and took a few steps towards Soil, his ears angled away from the discussion going on behind him. "Twolegs are fickle beasts. They prey on imperfections and use them to determine whether or not you're worthy of being a housecat. Their love isn't unconditional, perhaps if a younger cat comes along they'll throw you out on the streets and you'll be forced back here full-time." His eyes narrowed, Silversmoke did his best to keep a level tone, though memories of his own experiences with humans clouded his mind and his judgment as he spoke to Soil.

"I'm not trying to discourage you, but keep your expectations low. Otherwise... good luck." The frowning feline took a few steps back and looked towards the earth on his right, still wrestling with his own thoughts and feelings.


Aging ears took in the opinions around him, springing up like the first flowers of newleaf. The reaction was better than he’d expected, with one vocal exception. Soil couldn’t help but feel bad for Slate as the other members of skyclan began berating the outlier. After a moment the moggy held up a paw, hoping to signal that the foul-mouthed warrior had had enough. “You’re right, y’know” he began, head cocking to the side. “This is unfair. I’m being selfish, putting myself ahead o’ y’all, and I’d be lyin’ if I said the idea of suckin’ up to twolegs or wearin’ a collar didn’t give me the jitters.”

he continued, “It’s something I gotta do. If this cold keeps up like it has been, I don’t know if I’ll make it another year out here. But if everything goes well with the twolegs, then I’ll be tellin’ stories to your kids’ kids before I’m in the ground. So maybe in the long run, I’ll contribute more?” again, it felt strange to talk about the morbid and macarbe with a lack of reverence. No cat liked to think about their expiration date, after all. “I know that’s a big if, but I’d rather take the risk instead of marching to an early grave.”

Sheepcurl spoke next, and Soil was touched at the warrior’s words. “I’ve had a lotta homes over the moons” he mused. “over time it kinda lost its meaning, y’know? I’d leave on a whim for some new horizon time and time again. Whatever’s over that horizon isn’t what’s important though, it’s the people. You could have the prettiest camp in the forest and it wouldn’t mean squat if it was full o’ fiends. With that said, if when I found y’all you were living in the dirtiest, foulest twoleg den with the worst owners imaginable…I still would’ve joined in a heartbeat.”

Graying features met figpaw’s forced smile, and all Soil could do was offer a small shake of his head in return. Speak up, he wanted to say, but the elder decided the exchange would be more trouble than it was worth. It was strange, but he hoped the apprentice would take a page from Slate as she grew older (though perhaps without the foul language). “Respecting your elders doesn’t mean hiding what you think. Everyone’s voice needs to be heard, regardless of rank.” The thought crossed his mind and Soil brushed it away. If the apprentice didn’t wish to speak, he wouldn’t force her.

A self-deprecating grin crossed a graying maw as Maeve made her opinions known. Her casual acceptance was appreciated, but those last few words struck a chord that forced out a chuckle.
“Health? Yes. Happiness? Not so much. I stayed with twolegs for a short time when I was younger, so I have some idea of what I’m in for. ‘Course, difference then was that I intended to leave from the start. Being a permanent resident is gonna…take some gettin’ used to, but I’ll manage.”

Emerald eyes focused forwards as Silversmoke made his way closer, calling for caution and making the moggy aware of his misgivings with the idea. At all this justified concern, Soil put forth a reassuring smile. “You implyin’ I’ve lost the heart-melting good looks I had in my youth?” he bantered, unable (or perhaps unwilling) to take these very real possibilities seriously. In his mind, what else could he do? There was no way to prepare a plan for being supplanted, after all. “I’ll cross those bridges if they ever come up. If it all goes wrong, there’s nothing to do but try again, I guess” an invisible shrug punctuated his point. Soil was never much for intricate planning or sweating the small stuff. Winging it had worked for the last hundred and fifty moons, why stop now?​
Here came the disagreers. Was no one here realistic? Was everyone here too stupid and blinded by their own optimism to realize how risky this old man's venture could be? Twolegs were horrible, dirty creatures. They ripped kittens away from their families for their own entertainment and selfish desires and tossed them aside when they made a mistake... or sometimes for no apparent reason at all. These people were beyond frustrating, and Slate visibly began to grow irritated as his fur slightly prickled and the tip of his tail twitched. "Hm. I got one thing stopping me, actually — my dignity." Slate shoots back, though he doubts that Sheepcurl is even listening to him at this point.

He flicked an ear, shooting a side-eyed glance to the unfamiliar queen addressing him directly. Why doesn't the elder just leave for good, then? Obviously this life isn't working out for him the way he planned. Why keep trekking back and forth and wearing his ailing joints even more? Then SkyClan would have to waste their healing supplies on him for the choice he made. The fact that some cats were trying to argue about this was ridiculous to the former rogue. "Hey, I'm not forcing anyone to do anything, lady. I'm speaking from experience — not all twolegs take kindly to cats. If something ends up happening to your friend here then don't say I didn't try warning him." Slate snorted.

Silversmoke speaks next, to which he says nothing. Hm, he seemed to know a bit about twolegs, but then again he was a rogue before joining the clan. Most rogues knew about twolegs from word of mouth; the way that some treated animals was reason enough to stay a rogue in the first place. Slate much preferred roaming the streets alone and looking out for himself than being controlled by those two-leggeds.

They'd probably send him to the holding place. Slate has heard of cats being shipped off to the large twoleg structure that caged and kept cats for moons, years, even. Silversmoke, to his surprise, had made an entirely valid point — twolegs did not often wish to care for older cats as opposed to cute kittens. Soil thinking that he could stroll up to a loving twoleg family and immediately get adopted into their home was some wishful thinking for sure; he'd be lucky if they didn't throw something at him and chase him away from the yard.

The elder tom, Soil, begins to speak again and doesn't seem too ruffled by the influx of differing opinions from his clanmates. He acknowledges the risks he's taking but it seems that he has his mind made up anyway. As long as he didn't mooch off the kill pile and take up space then Slate really couldn't give a damn.

With a low hmph, Slate got to his paws and turned to leave.

  • out!

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. twenty-nine moons old. warrior of skyclan; former rogue.
    —— unrefined, rough and tumble rogue who is not accustomed to clan life. only trustful of his littermate, duskmane.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    quite the hulk of a cat, slate stands above the average clanmate with an arrogant gait. he has a dark gray ( bordering on black ) colored pelt with a pale-brown-tinged underbelly and whisps of tan at the tips of his chest hairs. amber-colored eyes contrast against his dark palette. notable features include a jagged scar across his right eye and two small scratches across the bridge of his nose.
  • —— decided to officially remain in skyclan as a warrior
    —— participated in battle with windclan, currently recovering from belly scratches and a bite mark on hind leg