am i the asshole? [open/nursery chores]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


The day Quillstrike had been made a warrior, Blazestar had said that Starclan honored him for his bravery and fighting skills. They were the traits that had earned him his name, and every day since then he’d done everything he could to live up to the expectations placed on him from it. Therefore, predictably so, being injured and forced into light duty wasn’t ideal for a cat like Quillstrike. His apprenticeship had been spent beneath a mentor determined to forge him into something worthy of clan life, and where he’d fallen short socially he’d excelled in the realm of provider and protector- even if he wasn’t the most charismatic guy around.

Being unable to do those things had left him agitated and isolated in the months since his fall, frustrated over all the things he could no longer do while his shoulder healed. It’d driven a wedge between him and the cats he’d once called friends, and he’d fallen behind on a lot when it came to the personal matters of those around him. Stars, he couldn’t even name every face in the camp right now, which left a bitter taste in his mouth upon realizing just how careless he’d been. What if one of those cats was the next Kuiper?

Thistleback wasn’t around to put them down anymore, which meant Quill had to be.

Right now though, the chimera wasn’t allowed to do much more than walk around to help exercise his still-sore shoulder, which meant he was stuck on light duty for the next week until the last of the bruising cleared up. And while it wasn’t ideal it was at least a start to breaking the maddening nothing that his days had been beforehand.

Besides, it wasn’t as if he was entirely useless, even if he would prefer to be training or bringing in prey for the clan. One of the upsides to an apprenticeship under Thistleback - particularly the kind Quillstrike had, which was meant to be a punishment- was that the dark-furred tabby had gotten extremely good at mundane things. He could weave a nest better than most cats in the clan, could find and crack ticks without flinching at the taste, and was an expert at recognizing and repairing weak-points in the camp and den walls. Even his grooming skills were insanely good, in part thanks to his mate.

So, deciding he was tired of being useless, he’d gone out that morning with Beetleback and a few others to collect moss. His shoulder was a bit sore from the walking since it was his first venture out of camp, and he figured its be good enough ‘rest’ if he sat down in the nursery and freshened up some of the nests/checked on the walls to make sure there were no weak spots letting in the stuffy air or rain from the sudden thunderstorms.

”Hey, Butterflytuft.” he greeted in that dull tone of his as he stepped inside with his bundles of moss that an NPC was helping him carry. ”I brought some moss-”

He stopped short in surprise upon seeing another body in a second nest a short distance away, immediately recognizing the cream and white fur of Honeysplash, his ex-mate. That’s right- she’d been due for kits, he’d totally forgotten. Wasn’t even sure who their father was since he’d been avoiding everyone like the plague the last few moons, but a glance at the brood made it easy to guess. She always had been fond of Chrysaliswing.

He wasn’t sure what he felt at seeing her face to face like this, with no obvious buffer between them aside from Butterflytuft, but he found himself less bothered than angry. There was still a small part of him -his pride, he thought- that was bitter over having been so easily abandoned without a word by someone who once said to have loved him, but a bigger part of him was over it. He was happy now, and he wouldn’t change that for anyone.

But social situations were not his forte, and he had no idea what the etiquette was for this. Did he even care?

”Sorry, didn’t know you were here already.”

Did it sound kind of shitty simply because he was bad with inflection? Absolutely. Did he mean it that way? No. In reality, it was actually an attempt to assure her he hadn’t left her out on purpose. He wasn’t sure if she would recognize it as that though, and was quick to move on.

”Anyways, I’m stuck on light duty so I brought some moss to freshen up the nests and patch any holes in the den walls so the stuffy air doesn’t get in here.” he explained. Once, he’d been a frequent face to the queens and elders simple because his apprenticeship habits had carried over into warrior routines, but it’d been a while since he’d come through and it wasn’t as familiar to him as it once was. Hopefully his return -even if he as stuck on ‘light duty’- would remedy that.

OOC-Quill is attempting to find some normalcy in his routines now that he's clear for light duty/returning to activity, so here he is! Hello!!! <3 tag to @butterflytuft and @Honeysplash for interacting, but this is open to anyone who'd be int he nursery (Queens, kits, and visitors), and there's no need to wait for those tagged before replying :)

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


-ˋˏ ༻❇༺ ˎˊ- The nursery was quiet and peaceful, but it was driving them mad. They had an itch to get out and stretch their legs. Go on patrol, climb a tree, do something but they had to stay put for the sake of their kits. Only four moons to go till theyre apprenticed but who was counting? The young queen had been resting quietly in her nest as her kits had been off doing their own things or napping beside her. Honeysplash was far less anxious about their safety inside the nursery as they couldn’t go far in here and they had Hollywhisper and Butterflytuft to correct them if need be.

Though then there was shuffling out by the entrance and they lifted their head, their heart skipping for a moment as they hoped it was Florabreeze returning from where she had gone. Yet just as quickly it plummeted into her stomach and her ears flattened against her head, she always did show her emotions on her body. Honeysplash was terrible at covering what she felt most of the time.

The dark grey chimera fur, the mismatched eyes, and the utter fury that boiled in her chest threatened at her throat. The last time they had seen each other they had been mates and she thought she had found true love. It would’ve stopped then, she wouldn’t have moved on to Chrysaliswing, but suppose the universe worked in weird ways. No instead he preferred Twitchbolt, like everyone did. They always preferred him over them, even her own sister favored the brown and white tomcat over her. A sour note danced across her tongue and she curled up a little more in her nest.

Quillstrike speaks to her about not knowing she was here already and she bristled slightly. What was that suppose to mean? Already? Honeysplash felt hot anger flame her pelt and she got up from her nest, even if her lame leg prevented her from moving super fast like she wanted. They didnt even give the tomcat a glance nor dignified him with words.

Adderkit, Clover, Bups, come on, lets go outside and find Flora” She called to her kittens and gestured with her tail for them to follow, but she didnt look back as she brushed past Quillstrike and out of the nursery.

//in and out

  • Speech
  • Honeysplash she/they/it, Warrior of Skyclan, 29 moons.
    a lithe, short haired cream tabby and white patched cat with mossy green eyes
    sister to Orangestar, Applefrost, Apricotflower and Cloudberrythorn // aunt to; Cherryblossom, Eggbounce, Tawnyclaw, Glimmersun // crushing on; Florabreeze & Chrysaliswing // mother to; Cloverkit, Adderkit, Weaselkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by wolf@wolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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———————————skyclan kit | 5mo | emptypilled——————————
Warriors and apprentices filtered in and out of the nursery as usual. Replacing and fixing up bedding, cleaning out prey bones and fur, sweeping up all the old moldy toys for them to fit new ones. Jellykit in particular always felt excitement seeing them arrive with the delivery of prey, sometimes if they were particularly nice they would have already plucked some feathers out of the way for her to eat.

Quillstrike does not bring such excitement, unfortunately. Instead he provided the exact opposite! Something he had said upset Honeysplash, and she left with her kittens close behind.

"I was playing with them...!" Jellykit huffed, narrowing her eyes at Quillstrike. "Why did you do that?" Whatever it was, it ruined her fun!

[penned by beatae].

Figfeather is, again, in the nursery visiting Butterflytuft. Fresh-kill caught by her own paws had been placed down for her sister to eat. She sits now behind her to share tongues, drawing her tongue over a tangled patch of fur likely caused by kitten play. She barely looks up from her work as Quillstrike enters the den, not minding the tom’s presence and more than fine with him lending a paw with nursery reinforcements and nest cleanings.

What does make her look up is Honeysplash’s sudden departure from the nursery, taking her kits with her. She blinks in confusion and gives Butterflytuft a silent, questioning look, before looking back to Quillstrike once Honeysplash and her kits were safely out of earshot. ”What was that about?” She asks with a twisted, confused look on her face. She knows Quillstrike and Honeysplash have history, but that was moons ago now. They both have had new lovers, new mates, one of them even kits, did what they use to have even matter anymore?

She thinks of Fantastream. In a future where they’ve both moved on and have new mates of their own, will they still remain bitter and angry over each other? She cringes, she doesn’t want things to stay miserable and awkward forever…

To Jellykit, Figfeather casts a look that says ’hush’, it wasn’t Quillstrike’s fault after all. She leaves actually handling the situation to those actually qualified (Butterflytuft).
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing


Tension poured into the den like waters from a flood, rising fast and threatening to suffocate. To be fair, Quill wasn’t sure what kind of reaction he would get from her, but he’d been prepared for an awkward attempt at conversation, or even for them to completely ignore one another. After all, they’d still been friends before it all.

Instead, he caught sight of bristling fur and a glare that refused to meet his gaze, and the realization that she was pissed only succeeded in sparking his own anger.

What right did she have to be angry? She left him. Without a fucking work, mind you. Not even a ‘hi, sorry I said I loved you and then ditched you right after’ once she got back. Instead she went running right to Chrysaliswing and had his kits.

Mismatched eyes narrowed on her retreating form as the fur along his neck spiked like his namesake, but he said nothing. He wouldn’t be like his father and traumatize a bunch of kits just because he was mad- even if he felt it was highly unfair to be treated as he had.

That feeling of unfairness only increased when Jellykit turned to him with a frown, blaming him for the vacating of his playmates.

”I didn’t tell her to leave.” he replied in that bland tone of his, the one that kept others constantly wondering if he was bored or even cared at all about what he was saying.

He did.

”What was that about?”

The saving grace to it all, was that the tension seemed to have followed Honeysplash out for the most part. Figfeather and Butterflytuft were friendly faces, ones he’d always considered allies. They’d essentially grown up together since apprenticeship, and were among the few cats that the chimera might actually consider more than just ‘acquaintances’ or ‘clanmates’. He trusted them, and could admit to himself now that they were the closest things to ‘friends’ he had outside of Twitchbolt.

”Dunno.” he answered, glancing back toward the entrance as if the answer would be there. ”We haven’t spoken since she got back.”

He knew he didn’t have to elaborate. Fig and Twitch had both been there when he’d discovered she was gone from camp that day. Hell, they’d been the ones chosen for the search patrol, following him right into Twolegplace to try and find her. Nobody could say that Quill hadn’t tried.

His paws pulled some fresh moss toward himself, eager to busy themselves with shaping a fresh nest as he spoke. ”I figured she was avoiding me because she thought I’d be mad over her leaving or something.” And to be fair, he had been- at first. All of his old insecurities had been ripped open and laid bare for him to see, his fathers words about being unworthy echoing in his skull- all of it backed up by his mates apparent desire to leave him behind.

There’d been no sign of a struggle or attack anywhere in the territory, after all. No smell of a rogue cat or predator. It was like she’d just… walked away from it all. Walked away from him.

But as time went by he’d discovered it wasn’t really Honeysplash he was upset over losing. Rather, it was the idea of what they’d had. Quillstrike had spent his entire kithood being told he would never be good enough to have a mate, or kits, or to lead a normal life. He’d always be some unwanted freak that was just getting in the way of everyone else. Honey had been the first cat to tell him otherwise, and it was that which he’d been so enamored with. He’d latched onto it and tried to keep it, even if it wasn’t necessarily what his heart wanted.

”But she’s obviously angry at me- even though we've both clearly moved on.”

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

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Reactions: wolfie

Figfeather stiffens with discomfort. It’s not that she didn’t want to listen to Quillstrike, or that his words bothered her, but she never had been… good at providing a shoulder of emotional support. Needed her to go out and hunt you a squirrel or defend you in the heat of battle? She had your back. Yet when it came to words of advice and comforting gestures she was about as good at it as a ShadowClan cat.

Figfeather is surprised to hear Quillstrike and Honeysplash haven’t spoken since her return, ”Not once?” She echoes, brows raising. ”…Could it be she thinks you’re mad at her?” Her whiskers twitch with uncertainty. It wasn’t like Honeysplash to be so angry.

Deep in her mind she wonders if it is because Honeysplash was hurt. Had she hoped for Quillstrike to wait for her after she had been taken? Figfeather can only imagine what it must feel like to at last return only for your mate to have moved on. Still, she didn’t blame Quillstrike for that, they had all thought Honeysplash had been permanently lost. ”…Maybe you should try talking to her?” Figfeather wasn’t one to give this advice, not at all, but it seemed like the ‘right’ suggestion to give.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Butterflytuft always enjoys having her sister visit. They get to catch up on everything (usually, it’s Figfeather telling Butterflytuft everything that’s been going on outside the nursery walls), and on slow days like today it’s a saving grace for entertainment. She purrs as she is groomed, but immediately the sudden tension in the air pauses all sharing of tongues. Round yellow eyes meet Figfeather’s, mirroring her confusion, before she watches the scene unfold. Her heart aches for both Quillstrike and Honeysplash. The apprehension in the air is palpable, and she can sense the hurt and anger rolling off both of them in waves. She sort of recalled their history but she truthfully doesn’t know what could have led to this. When Quillstrike begins to explain, she offers a gentle nod in understanding. It’s definitely a tricky situation, and not one she really knows how to fix. Sympathy pulls her brows together as Jellykit complains and she turns to the kit with a sweet smile. “Go on, you can go play with them outside.”

Turning her attention back to Quillstrike, she considers her words carefully before murmuring, "It must be hard, after everything that happened. Maybe Honeysplash feels guilty?” For not talking to him sooner, maybe? She really doesn’t know. With a soft sigh, she adds, "Maybe Figfeather’s right, and a simple conversation could help clear the air.” Even if it’s uncomfortable, it could help to bring them both the peace they need. And more than anything, she just wants peace for her friend. Quillstrike deserves that much.


He shook his head, wondering if he should be worried about the surprised look the sisters wore upon hearing he hadn't spoken to his ex-mate yet. Was it odd that he hadn't? At the mention of her thinking he was mad, he shrugged, attention mostly set on the nest he was working on. "I mean, I was mad when she first took off, sure, but I was over it by the time she came back." he explained, not sure how Honeysplash could have gotten the impression he was still upset when the two hadn't even glanced each others way since her return. His period of upset had happened while she was long gone, pissed off over being abandoned mere days after they'd made it official, but so much time had passed between then and now and he had Twitchbolt. The chimera had just sort of assumed they were both busy with other things and no longer had an interest in whatever childish feelings they'd been entertaining back then- anger included.

The suggestion to simply talk to her was enough to cause him to pause in his work, looking up to meet the pair with a brow quirked in confusion. "I did just try talking to her." he stated, not seeing where they were going with this. "What makes you guys think she'll listen the second time?" he asked, genuinely curious. "What would I even say?"

The last part in particular he was sure Butterflytuft and Figfeather understood him on. His conversation skills had always been sub-par, and he wasn't confident that Honeysplash would understand him as easily as she used to. In the fog of her anger, it would be easy to accidentally twist his tone and words into something sarcastic or disingenuous. But if the sisters knew the right thing to say- well, Quill was all ears.

skyclan - male - 29 months (Feb 17th) - mated to Twitchbolt - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.