private ambiguous | patrol


Didn't know I had a soul
Mar 14, 2024
જ➶ "It shouldn't take us that long to get there but we need to hurry." Scorchstreak is counting on them currently to figure out this situation. To figure out why the twolegs are making this fire and why they are merely watching it spread instead of stopping it. Some things he does not understand about them even with having lived with them and around them for a time. Why fire of all things? Are they just being destructive because they can be? A shiver races down his spine as he dashes across the moorland, a specter slipping through heather at a speed that most would say challenges a born Windclanner. Perhaps it is the gravity of the situation that pushes him to fly like the birds above. His muzzle crinkles as soonnas the scent of smoke hits them and he forces himself to slow bit not enough that he stops. The hill they climb over looks at the horseplace and the smoke is thick. His eyes try to see but they burn and water. He turns his head to the side for a moment, shifting his stance as he hunkers down. Opening his eyes wider and forcing himself to look he holds his breath. "They were right. They...they're just watching the fire spread." His gaze snaps to Dimmingsun for a moment before he looks to the horseplace then and tilts his head up to feel the direction of the wind.

"It's not going towards the barn. Horseplace isn't in any danger but the wind. It's going to carry it to camp if it isn't stopped." Isn't there another clan that is nearby as well? He isn't sure but shouldn't they be warned about what is happening? He is new to these territories and so he tries to focus on what they can do right now. The fire is spreading and rather quickly because of the wind, they are meant to keep track of it ajd pray to Starclan that the wind changes direction away from everyone.


Dimmingsun's face is taut with nerves as he bounds across the moors, tightly locked onto Snowglare's heels. The both of them had left camp the moment Scorchstreak gave the order — the issue is quite time-sensitive —, but he still recalls hearing her prepare for a possible evacuation. It leaves him feeling naked, imagining the herd of WindClanners trailing one after the other in hopes of safety, easily plucked apart if danger finds them.

He can't let that happen- but if the fire decides to hang onto its original course, what then? It's not like a stupid dog or an ambitious rogue. It won't follow them no matter how hard they try to catch its attention.

Snowglare's tail flails in the wind right in front of his nose. He had only grunted in response, more focused on keeping his stamina up than wasting it on words, and there is still no pant in his breath despite the distance.

Dimmingsun follows suit and crouches, as if the fire is a predator that they could possibly hide from. Anticipation builds as he ascends the hill and forces a nervous inhale to stay in until his eyes finally see the damage- "Stars." -and it's bad, oh is it bad. Dimmingsun's maw hangs open, meeting Snowglare's equally shocked expression, then turning back to the flame-covered Horseplace. They're at a safe distance for the time being, but the breeze carries the smoke and the stench, and his eyes water as he forces himself to keep looking.

His mind whirls with possibilities. None of them sound good or safe enough. They could approach the Twolegs and cause a ruckus, maybe make them think that cats or their silly sheep are in danger and inspire them to put out the fire... but it could only end in more disaster if they get caught or injured. Dimmingsun wonders if RiverClan could have anything up their sleeve, but he doubts the ability to swim would give them a better strategy for something like this- plus, he'd much rather see his own Clan safe first before worrying about anything past the border.

"There's nothing we can do," he says, finally, voice breaking as realization hits. All warriors wish they could do something, an extraordinary feat of power or smarts, but nature cannot be defeated by a set of motivated paws.

Desperation outweighs everything though, and he turns to Snowglare with one pitiful little idea. "Maybe... maybe we could try to dump sand on the flames that are getting closer? It won't do much, not with how big the fire is already, but it could slow it down so we can evacuate in time." His mind jumps to Mistrcawl and Thundersong: both respectable warriors but both hindered by lack of youthful speed. Dimmingsun feels the ground beneath him, tufts of grass still untouched and growing above it- even a few heartbeats gained would be worth it.


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    ────── HE/HIM ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15