camp AN APPLE A DAY // intro, game


Jun 30, 2023

APPLESTRIKE — he/him, 78 moons [ light brown tabby ]
"Blasted shine, can't see where I'm going." Applestrike huffed as he made his way across the camp with his eyes squinted in a desperate bid to evade the worst of the sun's rays. Though it seemed as though the fates were on his side as they answered his plea by sending a covering of clouds to block out the worst of what the sun had to offer during that afternoon. At last the old warrior could see where he was heading. Letting his form relax, he then began to score some lines across the ground in the heart of the camp. After that he gathered some pebbles until he had a decent pile of them. Now it was time to get a game going, especially if it helped to keep the clan's mind off the recent strife involving deaths, injuries, and the like. "A'right folks, anyone fancy a game of rock toss? Aim o' the game is to get it to the furthest line. Ya have to swat it from this starting mark, you get three chances during the course of the game. Understood? Winner gets that fine lookin' pheasant chick I brought in this morning."

Perching himself at the starting line he then batted the first stone, getting it as far as the middle line that he had drawn out. "Hrm... average. Hopefully my next will be better. Right, whose next?"

//He rolled a 13 for his first go.​
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Marigoldkit is always happy for a distraction from everything, as he definitely joined at a sour time in the clan's life. He'll always be happy for them taking him in, as he really does like it here, but still...he gets bored real easily without that many cats to play with. He feels like he complains about how bored he is constantly, so it's nice when someone else gives him something to do without him asking.

Rock throwing isn't something he's done before, so maybe he'll be super good at it without even trying! Applestrike goes first as the one who proposed the idea, and he does relatively well, getting in the middle. He watched in awe as it flew slightly, then hoped he could do better to show up the much older cat with his youthful vigor.

// Rolled a 13!

When he asks for another cat to step up, Marigoldkit steps up readily, giving a playful smirk as he picks out a pebble of his own. "Watch me be the best rock tosser ever!" He boasts without any backing, and he's immediately embarrassed after he swings his paw. It wasn't a bad strike to be sure, but his stone lands almost perfectly next to the first one. It would almost be impressive if he wasn't already expecting to do amazing. "Aww..."
War weighin' on my heart but I can't fall
He typically was not the type to waste his time playing games when there was still so much work to be done. But at this current moment there was nothing left for him to do. So, in order to keep himself busy he finds himself drifting towards Applestrike with budding interest. Tapered ears perk and arch forward as both warrior and kitten alike toss their stones forward. "What an interesting concept." He thought to himself as each individual commented on the luck of their toss. There was nothing quite like this back in the mountains he hailed from. "May I give it a try?" Silverlightning asked, grey eyes resting upon his fellow warrior until permission was given.

Tentatively he grabs a rock of his own, scooping it up to cradle the rough pebble whilst lining up his shot. With a flick of his wrist the pebble flies, but not without hitting bumping into the inside of his forearm before it can truly gain any momentum. The pebble then lands embarrassingly short of its mark and he blinks with a flicker of mild surprise. "Ah, what a shame." He tsks, taking a step back to sit, wrapping his bottle brush tail around his paws. Although it fails to mar his outer appearance, the blazing heat of humiliating wafts about like an inferno within. (rolled a 3)
Seekin' shelter from the storm on this blank road


His eyes caught onto the sight of stones being batted away by paws and Hailstorm is immediately intrigued especially at the thought of playful competition, Hailstorm slowly makes his way over watching as Marigoldkit bats at his stone and matching up perfectly with Applestrike then Silverlightning with his own... He didn't do too well, the stark feline offers a gentle smile then speaks up "I'm sure you'll hit it further the next time," He reassured then picked up his own stone looking out towards the other stones that lay ahead, Hailstorm seemed focused for a good moment or two. "This shouldn't be too hard, right? Right." He thought to himself quietly getting a little too confident with himself.

He was wrong. Incredibly wrong. As he poised his own stone and struck it with his large paw, he could feel his face growing incredibly hot realizing that it didn't go all that far, he was behind Silverlightning by quite a bit. His ears would move back slightly brushing against the top of his skull, Hailstorm speechless and with a dumbfounded expression. "... Damn ..." He cursed in his head before taking a deep breath and letting it out, he would offer a sheepish grin and admitted sincerely "Heh... Definitely not my best but maybe the next one," Good sport. Good sport is what he had to be at the moment even if he felt his small amount of confidence and pride being pierced in that very moment.

/ rolled a 1 L L L L​

✦ ★ ✦


sandpaw watches the game of 'rock toss' from the sidelines at first. warriors and a kit rolled their selected rocks, each go getting less distance as the game went on. it couldn't be that hard, right? if a kit was getting it to go as far as a warrior, really how difficult could this be?

she finds a rock suitable, not too large it sat comfortably atop her pink paw. the apprentice waits patiently for hailstorm to complete his turn, remarkably it is the worst toss yet. she had to stifle a laugh, but the corners of her mouth twitched upwards nonetheless as she strode to the starting line, dropping the stone on the ground before her. a large paw reared to the side as she gently practiced a swing. now, with the trajectory in mind she stepped closer before lifting a leg once more, and striking it forward with all her might.

it rolled and rolled, eventually stopping just short of maridgoldkit and applestrike's attempts. this was proving to be a little harder than she had imagined, beaten by a kit. how embarrassing. sandpaw's ears twitched as she moved off so someone else could give it a go, but shot a smile down to little marigoldkit. "you gonna share your secrets or what?" she asked lightheartedly, a good natured grin on her maw.

//rolled a 12!
✦ 𖤓 ✦

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Rock toss? He could toss a rock. How hard could it be? A swat would send it flying.

Lightpaw hurried over, taking it all in as cats gave it a go one by one. Sandpaw finished her attempt, and the tom scooped up a rock of his own. "Nah. Watch this. I got this." He set it down, positioned himself, and gave a waggle of his hindquarters. He was going to send this rock to StarClan.

[/i]// rolled a 9![/i]

The moment Lightpaw swung, he knew he'd scuffed it, uttering a quick "Shit!" before the rock even left the ground. His paw scuffed the earth, giving the stone more of a harsh bump than a whack and, while it rolled, it most definitely did not get the furthest.

With a look bordering embarrassed dejection, he looked back to Applestrike. "I messed up. Can I go again?" It was just a mistake, that was all. Next time it would really fly.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
A rock roll. Or a rock throw. Whatever you wanted to call it. He watched from afar at first, but at watching a few of them succeed- and a couple fail, horribly- he decided to give it a go. Batwing pushed to his paws, padding over. "Alright, alright. My turn." He proclaimed to the rest of them. He had brought a rock with him- suitable, mid-size to the others present. He placed it on the ground, and backed up a few paces.

He rushed forward, aiming to bat it harshly with his whole arm and.. simply brushed the rock. It rolled forward, equal to the amount of movement that Hailstorm's had. His ears flattened, and his teeth grit. He didn't seem to flush in embarrassment, but it was still funny to watch him stare at the rock like it would tip forward or roll on it's own. He was humbled and silenced.

// rolled a 1!​

APPLESTRIKE — he/him, 78 moons [ light brown tabby ]
It was a good turn out of individuals, each one seeking the taste of glory it seemed with the fun little game he had offered up. Some did well, and some like Batwing, Silverlightning, and Hailstorm did poorly. Well, that was why he had made the rule about each of them having three goes, a chance to rescue themselves from embarrassment. "You'll be glad to know that you get three attempts, so you've got a chance to redeem yerselves. Now then, let the master work." Applestrike chuckled gleefully as he readied his second shot before batting it forward. However, it stopped short of his first attempt. "Drat! Hopefully my third round goes better."

//Rolled an 11​
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
Applestrike reassured them all that they would be able to try again. Oh, thank the Stars. He wouldn't fuck it up this time. Even so he was patient, waiting for Batwing (and snickering under his breath at the attempt).

After that, it was Applestrike, and the loop started again. It fell short of his first rock. For a second time he laughed, although a little louder. "Master, huh? No no, watch this. I got this." Eagerly he stepped up again, eyes narrowed with concentration. "Okay okay," he half mumbled to himself. "First try was a dud."

// rolled a 15!

With a waggle of his haunches, Lightpaw swatted at the stone. This time it traveled a decent distance, rolled once, and came to a stop. It was now in the lead. The golden tom nearly leapt into the air in celebration. "Fuck yes! Told you! Beat that, then!" He bet his third attempt would go even further.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Many games had been played during her time in Thunderclan, but this was the first time she had spotted anyone batting rocks to see who's would go the farthest. The tabby sat not too far away, finishing off her mouse that she had picked from the pile earlier. A purr rumbled in her throat as she ate it, enjoying the spoils of green-leaf. Starclan had blessed the clan with full bellies for several moons now, and now that they had the Sunningrocks, the fresh-kill pile was more stocked than last green-leaf. It didn't take her long to finish the mouse, but now that she had been watching them play for this long, part of her wanted to join in.

The flame hued warrior padded over, her attention flicking to Applestrike, as he was the one who had started the game. "Mind if I join in?" a after waiting for approval, she padded forward and picked out a stone. She had watched how the other's had batted theirs, and it didn't seem too hard of a task. Like Lightpaw, she wiggled her launches, and pulled her front paw backwards before swatting the rock. It flung forward, but stopped about exactly half way through the course. She flattened her ears dramatically, and turned around to give them each a smile. "I suppose it's a little harder than I thought."

rolled a 10!

( ) Hailstorm would watch as more of their clanmates joined them in batting the rocks the farthest, his eyes widening when he saw the two apprentices approach and hit their rocks a lot further than him. He tried to reassure himself that he would do better, he caught sight of Batwing feeling a smile appear on his face as he nodded his head to his friend in greeting. Hailstorm suppressed a chuckle seeing that Batwing's stone tumbled over to where his own lay, the pale coated tom offering the other a soft nudge of the shoulder before focusing on the rest of his clanmates once more. A snort of amusement left the warrior as Applestrike reminded them that they had two more shots to save themselves from embarrassment which Hailstorm was grateful for. He had done... Poorly. Then Lightpaw hit his stone a lot further than Applestrike and eventually, Flamewhisker joined in their little game as well doing pretty well too or at least, a lot better than him.

"Wow, great job, guys." He reached for another stone after congratulating his clanmates and rolled it underneath his paws for a moment adding with a sheepish grin "Hopefully, I'll do a lot better on this one." A soft chuckle leaving him before focusing on what he was doing, his pupils narrowing and then his arm went forward being a lot more precise and heavier than the last time he had batted the stone. To his surprise, the stone flew forward a lot farther than his clanmates and his eyes widened at the sight of it. Though instead of boasting how far his stone had gone, he dipped his head shyly with ears laying flat against his head "Oh wow..."
Well, he had definitely redeemed himself for that last stone.

/rolled a 19​

the rolling continued as she sat back. lightpaw was rather eager as he stepped up to bat, his rock landing short of hers by a safe amount. batwing was next in the lineup, putting on a rather disappointing show as his landed level with hailstorm's first go. luckily for them, applestrike announced that three attempts would be given to everyone.

as the game went on, rocks were flying. each thunderclanner seemed to do better with the second attempt, likely getting the hang of the motion. it was hailstorm's next play that had her ready to go again. how was it possible that he had both the shortest, and furthest pebble on the field? sandpaw stood, selected another rock. this time it was heavier, more jagged. perhaps the weight would help it go further.

scooping it up and letting it fly, the rock landed with an unimpressive thud, right in line with batwing and hailstorm's first attempts. the apprentice winced as it landed as if the short distance was causing her physical pain. they still had one more shot, but her hopes were incredibly doused. the game was suddenly not as fun as she joined in the line to go again, expression soured as she watched everyone else go.

// rolled a 1 D;
✦ 𖤓 ✦