
drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022


  • From an early age, periwinklebreeze has been certain of his dreams - wanting to start a family of his own, raise kits just as his own mother raised him. Though he's been through many hardships over the moons and watched his family shatter and rebuild itself, that goal has never changed. From kitsitting and helping out around the nursery even as an apprentice to taking on a share of the responsibility for his nieces and nephews after ebonylight fled to join duskclan, he'd gotten plenty of moons of experience under his belt. Now, the only thing that stood in his way was a lack of partner - and his disinterest in the opposite sex.

    Starclan seemed to be on his side for once, however. A friendship made across boundary lines, Peri had met Michael at one of the hardest times of his life, forming a tentative friendship while dealing with the fallout of sunstrides rebellion against sootstar and her loyalists. In the uncertainty of things, at first it'd simply been nice to meet someone so far removed from the drama. Of course, things had quickly spiraled from there - more border meetings, sharing conversations and prey as the moons passed (a welcome break from Peri's newfound responsibilities) until their friendship was cemented.

    And then the unexpected happened - Michael found himself pregnant, with no one else to turn too and no way to raise the kits himself. To periwinklebreeze, it had never been a question at all - of course he'd help, of course he'd take the kits as his own. They were friends - and he'd always wanted a family. And so he returns to windclan with a pile of kittens in tow, tight lipped but determined to raise them as his own despite any protest, finding help in the paws of one of the nursery queens he'd once kit sat for.

  • — These kits can not be killed off until they are 12 moons old or have received their warrior names (whichever comes first). This is a very hard set rule, and will not be changed even for plot purposes sorry. During this time frame, it is highly preferred and encouraged that they remain within windclan, although other plots can be discussed.
    — Activity requirement is five IC posts per month - enough to keep them at casual activity and on the census, although I'm not going to be super strict about it if they fall of the census itself as long as you keep to the post requirement. If you have been ICly inactive for over two months your slot may be subject to rehoming. If you know in advance you will go inactive or feel the need to drop them before that point, please dm me (kitty-kat-) beforehand to discuss options.
    — Names must be taken from the list provided - Peri is actually quite picky about names. There is allowances for similar names, just be sure to ask (or pick a backup option) to be safe. These kits will have traditional clan names, but may be given a nickname by Michael, which Peri will likely call them by in order to honor their absent parents wishes.
    — This litter is not FCFS. Applications will close 03/29, with the choosing date on 03/30. Kittens will be born on 04/01 and brought to Windclan as newborns. After that point, they will start out at two moons old aging realtime on the 1st of each month.

    — While Peri will be giving these kits to a queen to nurse, all parental responsibilities will fall solely on him - he is not asking the queen to be their stand-in mother, only to give them the one thing he cannot. By the time these kits are weaned, the NPC should be considered out of their lives and busy taking care of her own kits.
    — While Peri will never hide the fact these kits are adopted and not his by blood, he will not be telling the kits the specifics of their origins until they are apprentices; at which point it is likely he will trust them to keep it secret and will bring them to visit Michael. This does not, however, mean they will be treated any different than as if they were his biological kits - he loves and treasures them dearly.
    Please avoid plots based on parental neglect/abuse/issues/etc. on Peri's end. These kits quite literally mean the world to him, there will be absolutely no bad parenting, emotional/physical neglect or abuse, favoritism, or trauma of any kind - this is meant to be a happy litter after all. I am not however, opposed to drama based on peri's overwhelming love for these kits - he may well come across as overbearing, overprotective, or even outright spoiling these kits in his attempt to raise them with care and love.
    kittens can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby
    — kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — kits can have normal or curled ears
    — shorthaired kits will carry longhair; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies will carry solid

    — while kits in this litter must follow realistic genetics, stylized designs based off of the genetics given are welcome (and even encouraged). as an example of this, periwinklebreeze is sh black smoke w high white, but has been stylized to have white markings similar to a point pattern.
    — minor brownie points will be given to kits with at least some form of visual reference - I am determined to get family art of these kits asap (as soon as they are picked actually) and premade designs/appearances help this.
    — premade designs/hypokits are available for use and can be found here, but using one will not affect chances of getting a slot - I simply got a bit too excited and doodled some little guys. if using one, please make sure to note somewhere which one your interested in, just in case.

    MICHEAL x NPC | adopted by PERIWINKLEBREEZE | gen 03
    — grandchildren to @/moonshadow(missing) & @/hyacinthbreath(deceased)
    — nieces/nephews to @/snowshadow (inactive), Cloudkit (inactive), @/Nightingalecry, @/Wisteriapaw ★(deceased), @/Downypaw (undiscovered), @/Finchpaw! (undiscovered)
    — cousins to @/deathkit, @/frightkit, @/witherkit
    — distantly related to pollenfur, emberfang, lilacstem, mallowlark, echolight, morningfrost, sparkspirit, yewberry, larkfeather, pinkpaw, heathpaw, brightshine, heavy snow, ebonylight, (and probably more but i'm tired) ​

    Peri is unlikely to stray from the names on this list - however if a name is similar enough to one here, or a synonym for it, feel free to ask!

    names that remind him of important cats in his life, especially those he's lost: dust-, dirt-, snail-, slug- vulture-, wish-, wishful-, wishing-, moon-, cloud-, wisteria-, snow-, blue

    after his favorite things: daisy-, night-, mint-, shell-, pebble-, feather-

    after moorland plants and herbs (feel free to ask about those not listed!): asphodel, aster, bindweed, blackberry, bramble, broom, cowberry, chamomile, chickweed, cloudberry, crowberry, fern, goldenrod, gorse, grass, heath, heather, hemlock, laurel, lavender, mallow, marigold, moss, raspberry, rosemary, rush, sedge, sorrel, thyme, tormentil, violet, wintergreen,

    never: soot, fire, smog, dandelion, hyacinth, juniper

    — one
    — two
    — bilberrykit

    *slots are subject to change depending on interest
tracking! so many good names... might make a list of my faves and let you choose one if i can't decide... plus those hypo designs are gorgeous WAH

???KIT - ???PAW - ??????

Name Meaning: Pending | Potential Names: Wintergreenkit, Daisykit, Rosemarykit, Chamomilekit, Hemlock-kit, Violetkit, Tormentilkit, pebblekit, Lavenderkit
Parents: Micheal x NPC, Adopted by Periwinklebreeze | Siblings: Biblerrykit, TBD
Gender and Pronouns: Cis-Female, She/Her | Sexuality: Undecided
Appearance + Genetics Long-haired silver tabby she-cat with high white and heterochromatic gold and blue eyes. [Hypokit 004]

Confident | | Quiet | Blunt | Judgemental
Blurb: A soft-spoken type, [???]kit may appear to be the shyer type at first glance. However, she has no trouble talking to others when she so desires - she can be quiet talkative when she's around those she cares about. She's observant and intelligent, and goes at her own pace. She is not afraid to speak her mind - going from light teasing to outright antagonizing or mocking those that she doesn't view as close to her. She is confident, and believes that as long as she and those she cares about believe in her, than others' opinions don't matter.
[???]kit also has a tendency to be a bit stealthy - only making her presence known when she feels like it. She enjoys gossip and hearing secrets, so she uses this to her advantage. She can also be a bit judgmental at times, and she's willing to point out her criticisms. While she may come off as rude, it doesn't bother her - she goes at her own pace and if others don't like it, that's their problem, not hers.

> Theme color is Aero Blue #C9FFE5 (Might change it)
> She'll have complicated feelings about Michael - very much believing that family is not always blood. Even when she does meet him as an apprentice, she'll struggle to consider him her family - adamant that Periwinklebreeze is the only dad she'll ever need.
> Despite her blunt nature, she is very good at keeping secrets, provided that the one confiding in her is someone she cares about. If a littermate ends up having a secret they need to keep and confiding in her, she'll protect it with her life.
> Using her stealth, she surprises those she cares about by rubbing against them affectionately.
> She's a quick learner, and if a littermate is struggling with something that she excels in, it may cause conflict because she doesn't understand how they can struggle with it since it's easy for her.
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( alt names: mallowkit, tormentilekit, rushkit )
( futr. names: vulturesight, mallowmaw, tormentilesky, rushfoot, rushnose )



ghost tabby markings

he is born nearly pitch black, if not for the tufts of white one his ears, the splotches of white on his face, and the little white socks that he sports on his front feet. his fur is sleek and neart, short against his little body. he is born the smallest of his siblings, a runt through and through, right down to his need for extra attention from his father the moment he's born. he's born shivering, but the warmth of his siblings is enough to keep him from wailing too long. when their eyes finally open, they are are a stunning blue and green, a delightful little surprise for his father and his siblings alike, however they don't quite like their eyes, feeling they set them apart from the others too much.

as they grow, they stay fairly small and skinny — they never quite form muscle definition or gain weight. while his father worries, he seems to be a normal kid. he plays with the other kits, even if he's a bit more frail, he crawls all over his dad, he asks a million questions. the only thing that his lack of weight and muscle seem to affect is a higher level of fatigue. he has to nap sooner, and rest more often, but he won't ever let this get in the way of him achieving his dreams.

their face is always quite angular, with big eyes. their face is long and ears long, but they grow into it as they get older. their voice is often raspy for no reason in particular, and they prefer to keep their sentences fairly short. sometimes, their only answer will be "okay", or "i don't know".

  • he takes heavy inspiration from the boy in cormac mccarthy's "the road" as far as his personality goes. he is short and extremely compassionate, sticking up for anyone that might need it. he tends to be incredibly sensitive, tearing up at the slightest mistake or criticism. despite this, he tends to be resilient, and recovers from most things extremely quickly. despite his appearance, he's extremely strong willed, and knows when and when not to speak up.

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    from the moment he's born, he manages to show his strength and resilience. while he may not be physically strong or big, he finds ways around his problems. crawling onto their siblings, shoving his way through for milk, he doesn't let himself be pushed around too much. they show this in sheer willpower as they get older, able to stand their ground and stand with their beliefs without swaying. while they may be quieted down, their beliefs never change. resilience is shown throughout their life, always getting through any situation no matter how much it may change them fundamentally.

    he is extremely compassionate from the moment he's able to speak, always questioning someone's hurtful actions and begging for people to partake in his compassion. he feels for the prey they catch as an apprentice, but never questions why they need to catch prey. he knows that it's required for their survival. they show their sensitivity quickly, tearing up at the slightest raised voice but never lets themself waver, another show of their strength. they often cry over simple mistakes, and blames themselves for things that wasn't their responsibility.

    growing up, while the other kits play pretend, he finds himself unable to imagine himself in situations that aren't realistic. while the kits play clan battle, he can never imagine himself as being a riverclan cat, nor can he imagine himself as a warrior simply because he hasn't experienced these things yet. he's unable to make up stories, and most of his stories have some form of truth to them.

    from the moment that he's able to, he shows undying loyalty to those that he knows well. he's loyal to his siblings, and to his father, to the molly that nursed him as a kitten. despite his loyalty, he's not afraid to argue when those that he's loyal to does something unjustified, or what he views as evil.

    all around, he just fights for the good guys.

  • INTERESTS: from a young age, they know that they won't make a very good warrior. while they go along with warrior training ( likely tunneller, unless something unexpected happens ), he takes a great interest in herbs, feeling that he would be more useful in a position such as a medicine cat. while he holds no expectations to become one, he will always hold out that hope.

    UNKNOWN FAMILY: while he'd always known that periwinklebreeze isn't his biological father, he'd never really had much interest in knowing his biological father — that is, until they meet him, and suddenly he feels the need to connect. whether michael shows any interest, however, is up to worm.

    AWKWARD TEEN PHASE: everyone goes through it, that awkward teen phase where they're figuring things out. he's no different, except the awkwardness never really wears off. from apprenticehood to death, he stays awkward, always trying to figure himself out and learn what it means to be him, or to figure out what his meaning in life is.

    PLAY BY EAR: while these plots are set in stone, most of their plots will be played by ear!

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AMAB Cisgendered Masculine| KITTEN OF WINDCLAN| 00 MOONS

Standing at about 7 inches tall when fully grown, Snowkit will be skinny, willowy and maybe 6lbs soaking wet. They’re a short haired cat with long limb, a long plum of a tail and wide-spaced ears. He is mainly white coated around their body with their true black smoke coat showing through in their legs, ear and tail. They have round, chocolate brown eyes and a narrow shaped head. He has small paws and very agile body.

This young cat is known for their pessimistic behavior. They likes to say they are the voice of reason and logical, but really theyre just a mean cat. He is known for always thinking the worst of situations and often overthinks everything to a point of convincing themselves of things that never would happen. They struggle with making friends and relationships, and often as a kit hid behind his parents cause they dont know how to behave around others. They can be rather honest and blunt, straightforward with their words and never beating around the bush as they hate politeness and rules.

Snow is calculating and hot headed as well. They are quick to snap at the others and overall tend to be a grumpus most of the time. Though they are loyal and strong, with great skills in tunneling thus far and would perish at the hands of another if it meant the good for Windclan. He can be very sentimental, however, and likes to keep things he is given whether it be flowers, rocks, feathers or whatever. Snow can also be hopelessly in love and obsessive to a point of never letting this cat out of his sight.
[*] Transfeminine discovery!!
[*] TWO
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(Possible warrior names:) Dustclaw, Dustfleck, Dustsight


CLAN | Michael x NPS (Adopted by Periwinklebreeze) GEN 3
She/They | AFAB

A A short furred black smoke she-cat with high white and cloudy green eyes
carrying longhair and non-silver

The young kitten is covered in swathes of pure white fur only broken up by the cloudy spots of the dark patterning it has taken over. Her paws, ear tips and her tail are the only parts of her fur not covered by white but instead by black. Dustkit is born of the smaller side and will always remain more on the shorter end of her clanmates even when she grows older, it's not aided by the fact she often ducks her head when she walks her head held close to the ground where she can get a easier feel for what's around her with her whiskers. She relies heavily on that sense along with her nose and of course her ears which are always pricked and swiveling for every small sound she hears around her. There's a good reason for this; a method to the madness and it's the fact Dustkit is born completely blind. Something apparent when her eyes finally do open. Her eyes are covered with a milky sheen over them, the pigments of green covered by them.

  • I Dustkit may be born blind but that doesn't change the fact she's a normal kitten like any other, she doesn't wallow in what she doesn't have. She wants to play, to wrestle and what she most likes to do is to boss around her littermates. She will try her best to be fiercely independent and tough, even at an early age she will have a great sense of pride and cares a lot for her dignity. She isn't one to b beaten down by the hurdles she was born to jump over nor the opinions of those who may view her as weaker or lesser, she has no problem standing up for herself or her family which she will staunchly defend. She's ride or die for her littermates and her dad, her loyalty will always be unflinching when it comes to them.
  • + Independent + Steadfast
    - Impatient - Unyielding

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    Dustkit is many many things, weak being an adjective that can never describe her. She's not a fragile kit nor is she one who avoids things she struggles with more then her peers, she rushes forward at them everything's something to conquer and she won't let anything hold her back. It's a common thing for her to fall over, get bruised or get lost when she's young and still exploring and pushing her limits, she wants to make sure she can handle it all that she can take on the world when she's older. This independence of hers is engrained in her core, sometimes to a fault it's hard for her to admit when she's struggling and she doesn't like to be seen scared or weak but like any other kitten she has her moments and will always run to her dad for comfort and safety. It's embarrassing for her and she will only let herself be weak to her family and family alone. She will never stand for any kind of teasing thrown her way and will be expected to act aggressively, she doesn't mind throwing the first strike even if she knows she will be beaten. She's sensitive in that regard, she won't stand for any of her peers looking down at her. The same goes for if any of her families honor is insulted.

    When she's not trying to fight with her foul mouthed peers she's trying to boss them around she may even take advantage of kits who are less strong willed and drag them along for her games which often may lead them into trouble. She's not malicious but she also isn't always considerate of others and their limits, she can be selfish at times.

    She gets frustrated easily and can be labeled as a hothead, she throws tantrums when she can't figure something out or gets stuck especially if something she's trying to do involves sight. As much as the kit wants to claim her lack of vision doesn't bother her it'll always be a somewhat sore spot something that she will struggle to admit as a kit and will become close to impossible when she's an adult. Like any child she can sometimes lash out at those she loves her frustration gets the better of her but it never changes her feelings towards them. She feels a sense of guilt whenever her anger gets the better of her. She holds a deep love for her family, a connected that can never be severed she's raised by a loving father and will do her best to be close to her siblings; it's only natural.

    Kitten stats so all pretty low! Save for Charisma

  • Born for the Tunnels: Dustkit will never be able to become a proper moorunner the territory is to vast and open and while her senses are keen they can't fully cover all her bases. However it'll be deemed she'd make an appropriate Tunneler and in training she will flourish, the ground covers her from any would be flying predators and the tight confines of the subterranean territory allows her to easily feel and sense her way around. She's unimpacted by the dark and may even feel the ground better then her peers, hearing it's groans and every falling rock or dirt clod, feeling the rumble in her paws or down her whiskers. She will certainly need a patient mentor but she will become a fine warrior when she's all grown up and maybe even one of the most reliable tunnelers in the clan.

    Blood is not thicker then water: While aware her father is not biologically her own it's of litter matter to her - he is the one who raised her who supports and loves her and that's all a dad has to be. No dad could be better and even when it's revealed to them who their biological father is her loyalty will not wane, it's likely she will view Michael as more of a 'uncle' then anything else and it can be assumed she'd be apprehensive all together towards him but over time would come to accept he was part of her family. She's going to be very close to her dad relying on him heavily even as she grows older, likely one of her sole confidents when it comes to her sensitives.

    Connections across borders: Periwinkle does not hold the same predispositions as some of his clanmates towards outsiders and other clans, it'd be assumed Dustkit would pick up on this and follow the same mindset. Nor was she born in the era of war, being one of the first litters who'd only known Sunstar as Winclans leader. She will be amiable with the other clans and have a deep interest in them, I would like for her to develop friendships across clan borders and maybe in the future something more.

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Everyone's apps were so good, I had to really consider upping slots - but in the end, it really came down to peri's personal values and what kits fit best into his little family image. I'll be going with

Dustkit played by @Kedamono & Vulturekit played by @bodhi

Again, thank you to everyone who applied! Remaining hypo designs will be up for grabs soon in discord, so feel free to keep an eye out if you want to keep the designs you picked to use for a different oc.