
drinking lemonade and playing with my hair
Jun 7, 2022


  • From an early age, periwinklebreeze has been certain of his dreams - wanting to start a family of his own, raise kits just as his own mother raised him. Though he's been through many hardships over the moons and watched his family shatter and rebuild itself, that goal has never changed. From kitsitting and helping out around the nursery even as an apprentice to taking on a share of the responsibility for his nieces and nephews after ebonylight fled to join duskclan, he'd gotten plenty of moons of experience under his belt. Now, the only thing that stood in his way was a lack of partner - and his disinterest in the opposite sex.

    Starclan seemed to be on his side for once, however. A friendship made across boundary lines, Peri had met Michael at one of the hardest times of his life, forming a tentative friendship while dealing with the fallout of sunstrides rebellion against sootstar and her loyalists. In the uncertainty of things, at first it'd simply been nice to meet someone so far removed from the drama. Of course, things had quickly spiraled from there - more border meetings, sharing conversations and prey as the moons passed (a welcome break from Peri's newfound responsibilities) until their friendship was cemented.

    And then the unexpected happened - Michael found himself pregnant, with no one else to turn too and no way to raise the kits himself. To periwinklebreeze, it had never been a question at all - of course he'd help, of course he'd take the kits as his own. They were friends - and he'd always wanted a family. And so he returns to windclan with a pile of kittens in tow, tight lipped but determined to raise them as his own despite any protest, finding help in the paws of one of the nursery queens he'd once kit sat for.

    Two moons have since passed, and in that time windclan has suffered hardship - a fire sweeping through the clan and ravaging the territory. The kits, queens, and those injured - Peri and kits included - retreat to riverclans beech copes until starclan at last sends rain to cool the flames. In the midst of the aftermath, Periwinklebreeze is assigned full queen duties, as punishment for bringing more mouths for the clan to feed. Peri doesn't seem to mind much however - taking easily to his new duties and roe as WindClans first AMAB queen, and relishing in the fact he now stays with his kits full time.

  • — These kits can not be killed off until they are 12 moons old or have received their warrior names (whichever comes first). This is a very hard set rule, and will not be changed even for plot purposes, sorry. During this time frame, it is highly preferred and encouraged that they remain within windclan, although other plots can be discussed.
    — Activity requirement is five IC posts per month - enough to keep them at casual activity and on the census, although I'm not going to be super strict about it if they fall of the census itself as long as you keep to the post requirement. If you have been ICly inactive for over two months your slot may be subject to rehoming. If you know in advance you will go inactive or feel the need to drop them before that point, please dm me (kitty-kat-) beforehand to discuss options.
    — Names must be taken from the list provided - Peri is actually quite picky about names. There is allowances for similar names, just be sure to ask (or pick a backup option) to be safe.
    — This litter is not FCFS. Applications will close 06/15, with the choosing date on 06/16. Kittens are currently four moons old aging realtime on the 1st of each month.

    — While Peri will never hide the fact these kits are adopted and not his by blood, he will not be telling the kits the specifics of their origins until they are apprentices; at which point it is likely he will trust them to keep it secret and will bring them to visit Michael. This does not, however, mean they will be treated any different than as if they were his biological kits - he loves and treasures them dearly.
    Please avoid plots based on parental neglect/abuse/issues/etc. on Peri's end. These kits quite literally mean the world to him, there will be absolutely no bad parenting, emotional/physical neglect or abuse, favoritism, or trauma of any kind - this is meant to be a happy litter after all. I am not however, opposed to drama based on peri's overwhelming love for these kits - he may well come across as overbearing, overprotective, or even outright spoiling these kits in his attempt to raise them with care and love.
    kittens can be black, black tabby, black smoke, or silver tabby
    — kits can be shorthaired or longhaired
    — kits can have no white, low white, or high white
    — kits without white can have any realistic eye color besides blue; kits with white can have any realistic eye color
    — kits can have normal or curled ears
    — shorthaired kits will carry longhair; silver/smoke kits will carry non-silver; tabbies will carry solid

    — while kits in this litter must follow realistic genetics, stylized designs based off of the genetics given are welcome (and even encouraged). as an example of this, periwinklebreeze is sh black smoke w high white, but has been stylized to have white markings similar to a point pattern.
    — premade designs/hypokits are available for use and can be found here, but using one will not affect chances of getting a slot - I simply got a bit too excited and doodled some little guys. if using one, please make sure to note somewhere which one your interested in.

    MICHEAL x NPC | adopted by PERIWINKLEBREEZE | gen 03
    — grandchildren to @/moonshadow(missing) & @/hyacinthbreath(deceased)
    — nieces/nephews to @/snowshadow (inactive), Cloudkit (inactive), @/Nightingalecry, @/Wisteriapaw ★(deceased), @/Downypaw (undiscovered), @/Finchpaw! (undiscovered)
    — cousins to @/deathkit, @/frightkit, @/witherkit
    — distantly related to pollenfur, emberfang, lilacstem, mallowlark, echolight, morningfrost, sparkspirit, yewberry, larkfeather, pinkpaw, heathpaw, brightshine, heavy snow, ebonylight, (and probably more but i'm tired) ​

    Peri is unlikely to stray from the names on this list - however if a name is similar enough to one here, or a synonym for it, feel free to ask!

    names that remind him of important cats in his life, especially those he's lost: dust-, dirt-, snail-, slug- vulture-, wish-, wishful-, wishing-, moon-, cloud-, wisteria-, snow-, blue

    after his favorite things: daisy-, night-, mint-, shell-, pebble-, feather-

    after moorland plants and herbs (feel free to ask about those not listed!): asphodel, aster, bilberry, bindweed, blackberry, bramble, broom, cowberry, chamomile, chickweed, cloudberry, crowberry, fern, goldenrod, gorse, grass, heath, heather, hemlock, laurel, lavender, mallow, marigold, moss, raspberry, rosemary, rush, sedge, sorrel, thyme, tormentil, violet, wintergreen,

    never: soot, fire, smog, dandelion, hyacinth, juniper

    — three*

    *only one slot is available for rehoming at this time
  • Love
Reactions: wolfie


  • name ▹ snailkit > snailpaw > snailnose
    gender ▹ cis female + she/her
    age ▹ ?? moons ( 00.00.0000 )
    ↳ ages real time on the 1st of every month
    sexuality ▹ heterosexual

    clan ▹ windclan
    rank ▹ kit

    created on ▹ 05.09.2024
    penned by ▹helly

  • short description ▹ lh black w/ low white & blue eyes.

    physique ▹ average sized and toned with a long tail.
    notable features ▹ bright green eyes, fluffy.
    eye details ▹ green.

    scent ▹ daisies and dirt.
    voice ▹she's a little squeaky in the beginning, but by the time she's an older apprentice her voice will be lower in pitch.

    demeanor ▹ she carries herself proud, standing tall and near always with a smile on her face.
    accessories/items ▹ n/a

  • personality traits ▹ confident / smart / reserved / patient / well mannered / friendly /

    alignment ▹ lawful good
    hogwarts house ▹ ravenclaw


    ▹ great hunter but mediocre at just about anything else. she won't pass her first warrior's assessment due to it and therefore will have to wait two moons to up her game.

    ▹ she'll initially stick very close to peri but once she's in around the middle of her apprenticeship, she'll try to branch out and find other things to do rather than talk to her dad. she also won't like that he's a queen for so long and will eventually find it strange, although will keep those thoughts to herself in fear of upsetting anyone.

    ▹ more to come.

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when asked what buzzardkit most resembles, most cats might call to mind a burr - but only because they do not know of urchins. his tiny form is a dark mass of prickles, screaming get away in a language his voice does not have the courage to. perhaps a hedgehog too would be an apt comparison, with how he curls himself up as if trying to disappear. he is a slight thing, draped in dark and earthen shades. jagged black stripes slash through his spiny-furred form, night-pelted as the cat he was named after. only his eyes shine brightly, the one part of him he cannot hide; they glint a piercing shade of amber, darting around in oft-narrowed suspicion.

⤷ snakelike; keeps their head low, often swaying it back and forth to survey their surroundings. tends to creep and stalk, with slow and calculated movements. lashes tail and pins ears when upset. eyes are most often either narrowed or wide and frightful.

⤷ LH black tabby (carrying solid)

( + ) crafty, responsible, dutiful, devoted, kind-hearted
( / ) awkward, calculating, independent, dry-witted, overthinker
( - ) nervous, gloomy, aloof, blunt, rigid

— known by his clanmates as a stick in the mud. even as a kit, he rarely plays, tending to hover worriedly when games grow intense. overcautious and bitingly blunt, he is often the first to shoot down any daringly ill-advised adventures. believed by many to be incapable of having fun - some say he never even smiles.

— a skittish creature bearing a pervasive penchant for pessimism. not so much cynical as he is worrisome; his negativity is a way of bracing himself for the worst. he does not want for things to turn out terribly, merely overprepares himself in case they do. tends to overthink and catastrophize, always landing himself in some terribly gloomy conclusion. often stuck in his own mind, twisting the world into something terribly frightful.

— finds comfort in things that are tangible, as they are easier to grasp than emotional matters. throws himself into his duties once he is old enough, as providing for his clan is a much easier way to help than anything that would require socializing. has a rather analytical worldview, grounding himself through cataloging what is concrete.

— cares deeply for his clanmates; while often misplaced, his worrywart tendencies are a clumsy expression of this. deeply loyal and caring, he wants nothing more than to look out for others. driven by a deep sense of empathy, yet often frustrated at his inability to properly communicate his emotions. fears that true connection is impossible, that no matter how hard he tries he can never truly convey how much he cares for anyone. tends to isolate himself and lash out because of this.

— has a tendency to slink around, a shifty sort of attitude as though always anticipating trouble. may seem suspicious - but truthfully, he is just terribly awkward and nervous.

— lame emo nerd who writes bad poetry in his notebook

— will likely stick close to peri's side in youth. often overwhelmed by his siblings' brighter and bolder personalities. a skittish child who will grow more moody as he is forced out into the world. struggles to reciprocate his father's overwhelming affection, but appreciates it nonetheless. likely internalizes some of peri's overbearing attitudes and tries to parent his siblings as a way of showing affection.

— holds a lot of lingering fear over the fire. much of his catastrophizing comes from this; while shy, he was not so worrisome before he was forced out of his home by the dark plumes of smoke that covered the sky. pyrophobic, despises the smell of smoke.

— will likely distrust michael at first, after meeting him. sees peri as his only true parent and holds little weight in blood relations, but may grow to care for michael too in time.

— his character arc will largely center around slowly opening up and finding others who understand him!! i'd like to focus heavily on building his relationships and having him grow. little guy will flourish eventually i swear!!
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