There isn't much room within the leaders' den. Orangestar is pressed against the back wall, the fringe of camp tickling her pelt, her nest shuffled aside to allow for the SkyClan council to squish together beneath the elderberry bush. Her nose is full of lavender, eyes dull, the unmoving form of Tatteredlight flashing behind her eyelids with every blink. That's three, now. Three too many. Her ears twitch back, and she looks up to address the cluster of SkyClanners. An unusual wariness pulls her back, keeps her upright. She puts space between herself and the other SkyClanners, unwitting as the action is, and curls her tail around her paws.

"Twolegplace is no longer safe. None of our daylight warriors have been attacked ..." Somehow, be that through StarClan's watchful eyes or sheer luck, "... but it's clear SkyClanners can't go alone anymore. Even Applefrost and Dandelionwish were attacked together. Do we send patrols of three of more?" What do we do? A part of the Clan traversed the path every day. But to lose them now in the middle of Greenleaf, when they can keep themselves sustained ... She immediately shoves it aside. A last resort, worth nothing more.

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

Tiredly, the tabby trotted into the bush. His chest squeezing with a familiar ache as he remembered the last time their paws had entered here, sharing tongues with Blazestar. Bittersweetness singed the frays of the memory. Quietly, he shuffled inside. and directly across from the orange and white molly, hoping to offer some space to the joining bodies. Anxiety had been clambering up his throat even before their friend had called them over. Doing his best to appear neutral, Dogbite tucked a wily tail over his dappled paws in a similar fashion. His shaggy head tilted, listening with interest.

Oh by the stars, not this...

Their body instinctively clammed up, cinnamon-splotched shoulders pulling closer together as he tried to formulate a reply. His ale gaze quickly flickered over the menagerie of pelts as his shameful conscience stirred. Slate's earlier words nagged at the back of their mind, but all ideas dried up as Applefrost's name fell from Orangestar's mouth. Fresh grief rolled off the former loner as his eye fell to the earth below. It was an unavoidable discussion. Sighing softly, he forced himself to speak, shoving down the nauseating desire to flee from the den.

"Honestly, I think four should be the minimum. More strength in numbers." Dogbite meowed, his scratchy voice rising in volume, riddled with notes of sadness. He paused to swallow the growing knot of guilt. "I also think our Daylight warriors should leave in groups or be escorted by a patrol at the end of the day."

Flashes of his safe space came to mind, and their heart ached further. He was going to lose that small silver lining with such an idea - but what was he to do? Suggest the opposite and garner suspicious looks? No. He was far too gross of a liar for that. Awkwardly, the scarred lead looked to his fellow council members, hoping they would soon fill the space with additional ideas and drown out his thrumming heartbeat.

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; mentor to hollypaw
    ✧ 36 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
〕The Maine Coon swiftly stalks into Orangestar’s den — well, their den, so to speak. He carefully minds his nest that is situated at the entrance of the den before taking his seat, a grim expression shadowed across chiseled features. The orange and cream leader first talks about bulking up the patrols, and although that would perhaps serve as a temporary solution, Slate did not think it to be enough. One did not kill a weed by merely plucking the leaves; the root had to be ripped out of the ground completely.

Dogbite adds on to Orangestar’s proposition, suggesting that bigger patrols and escorts would serve as a means of warding off murderous rogues. It is ridiculous that they have to sacrifice their energy and resources because of these foxhearted thugs. "Let me take a patrol into the Twolegplace." Slate addresses his leader, amber eyes flicking upward to meet pools of light brown. "We could question some locals ‘n see if anyone is puttin’ them up to this." For a brief moment he checks to gauge the reactions on his fellow council members’ faces. What reason would there be to disagree with his offer?

"These murders have been happenin’ too frequently for me to think that it’s only coincidence." Rogues were selfish, brutish killers but he’s been beginning to wonder if there was a deeper motive at play here. There were rogue groups in the Twolegplace that Slate knew of; they weren’t as organized or large in numbers as clans but perhaps they were to blame for the deaths of the SkyClanners.

  • ooc.
  • SLATE —— lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 40 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 81989570_qOt9GUlhGgQcrtn.png

    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.

The Twolegplace, contrary to Orangestar's sentiment, had never been safe. In the dark of the elderberry den, Silversmoke's fur bristled as he sat at Johnnyflame's side, tail curled protectively around his own legs as if to prevent them from hearing the news of another murder. It was the illusion of the Twolegplace - many cats believed they owned it, but no cat did, only the Twolegs held any claim to the stone dens and patrolling monsters. He would never be caught dead in it, lest SkyClan's patrols demand it of him... and if the council's discussion was anything to go by, it appeared such demands would be coming soon. Ears twitched at the mention of strengthened patrols, of three, then four members sent out any time the human's home needed to be marked. 'It doesn't matter how many go if the killers are still out there.' For Applefrost and Dandelionwish to have died in tandem suggested a group, but what of Tatteredlight? Was his murder connected, or was it a one-off?

His claws sunk into the soft moss at Slate's words. He turned to the other lead, eyes sharp. "Absolutely not, you'll only scare them away." Both the offending rogues and any locals - even now with his loyalty evident, it was difficult to see Slate as more than an aggressive hound. Someone more covert was needed, someone who... wasn't the spotted tom either. Thorns pricked his heart at his inherent helplessness, a part of him wishing he could invade the Twolegplace and exile every rogue he saw - a greater, more lawful part of him realising how wrong it would be. "If they're not attacking Daylight Warriors, then their problems might be with the clan, not those they think are kittypets," he pointed out, his throat threatening to go taut with his the anticipation of his insinuation. He looked to his chimera friend, scarred and collared, a great trust in Silversmoke's odd eyes. Then, he faced Orangestar. "We can't know how to prepare for the problem if we don't know how big the problem is first. Send a patrol of Daylight Warriors out to scout. They know the area, they're more likely to get information than any one of the wild warriors."


In dreams, he watched Daisyflight's face disappear behind a slamming door, never to be seen again. Only Snowpath's dying words had truly confirmed her fate- that she had made it to StarClan, despite being taken away so far from home. He heard his silent scream, roaring in his mind but scraping soundlessly through his throat, in nightmares- the internal noise shocked him awake, cold at Quillstrike's side. He always sank closer to his mate in those moments... but here, he could not sink into that patchwork fur. And in his heart, he knew he cared more than cowardice could cripple him.

Tatteredlight's vigil was fresh in his memory- silently, he listened to Dogbite, Slate and Silversmoke. Between them, they concluded the danger was true- there was no foolish assertion that SkyClan could move on forward. Twolegplace scared him, too- so deeply that the trust he placed in their daylight warriors could not be overstated. He was glad to hear that Silversmoke of all cats shared that sentiment.

A tattered ears flicked. Twitchbolt shook all the while, but his voice was resolute- the way it had been since he had returned from running that dog deep into Twolegplace's bowels. "It p-probably isn't coincidence, but... intruding on their land with big war patrols isn't going to make them like us any more," he pointed out. "I think daylight warriors are more likely to blend in."
penned by pin ✧


Figfeather sits uncomfortably in the crowded den. She thought here, within the walls of her leader's den, she'd be in her element. Yet she felt like anything but, as the newest member of the council she felt inferior. Subordinate and obeying, Figfeather is used to heeding the orders of the cats she sits amongst, not debating or making the orders with them.

Yet, she cannot help but be dissatisfied with the direction of the conversation. Not that these were bad ideas- aside from maybe Slate's being too bold and aggressive- Figfeather is simply unconvinced they will yield results. The words she wants to speak form as lumps in her throat, she finds herself biting her tongue, but how was she supposed to be any use to this council if she did not rise and join the lead warriors as an equal? If she went meek when it mattered?

It doesn't help that Figfeather doesn't know what to do. She doesn't have any better ideas and grows visibly frustrated. "I- I don't know." She mumbles hastily, "I agree we need to act. If we keep sitting on our paws more cats will die... But our daylight warriors already come from all over the twolegplace; wouldn't they have heard something by now?" If their answers lied in the twolegplace, Figfeather feels whispers would've naturally reached their ears by now.

Still... "I don't have any better suggestions, though. Daylight warriors scouting the twolegplace couldn't hurt." ...hopefully...


It was crowded in Orangestars den as they all entered and took their seats, Johnny nearly tripping over Slates nest in the process. Meetings like this were seldom a good thing, usually reserved for when the leader needed council over an important matter. With Tatteredlights body having been found, the bobtail could very well guess what this was about. Orangestar however, wouldn’t keep them guessing for long.

”I’m inclined to agree that the daylight warriors aren’t being attacked on purpose. We’d be the easiest targets, not just because we cross through the area more, but because most cats would assume a kittypet to be easy pickings- which in many cases is true.”

So many fresh faces came from the twoleg nests to join Skyclans ranks, many of them first-timers who’d never fought, hunt, or even left their garden before. While they could certainly be molded into competent warriors given the proper time and training, it would be all too easy for some unruly gang of street cats to jump them after smelling pine-scent on them. It made Johnny think that they were being overlooked on purpose, but then again, maybe it really was pure coincidence.

”I do think it’d be wise to increase our presence along that border though, and escort patrols for the daylight warriors likely wouldn’t hurt. The more often we have cats out there the more likely we are to get eyes on whoevers doing this.” he paused, seeming to hesitate for a moment as his gaze flickered toward Silversmoke for just a heartbeat before squaring his shoulders and adding,” I would push to have any cats attending patrols on that border be strong climbers though. If we’re up in the trees the entire time then we can’t be ambushed, and whoevers doing this might not have the brains to keep their eyes up the next time their scouting for a victim. Even if they do, they won’t be able to get the drop on us if we’re using the branches to travel.”

And if that meant certain cats had to stay away from twolegplace for now because their climbing skills weren't the strongest, so be it.

To be honest, there was a part of Johnny that was right there yowling alongside Slate to just storm in there and force the answers out someone. Too much had been taken from them, and standing shoulder-to-shoulder with that grief was a searing desire to see justice done. Some cats were just monsters, and the bobtail had no remorse in putting those ones down permanently. If that made him a bit of a monster too, he could live with that. Silversmoke had a different idea though, and it wasn’t terrible. Twitchbolt and Figfeather seemed to be in support of it as well.

”They aren’t wrong, Slate. Kittypets can be spooked easily, and a lot of the loners living there might be too proud to go talking to strangers who rush in demanding answers. Not saying we couldn’t get what we’re after that way, but it might be easier if cats weren't running for their catdoors or raising their hackles at us the entire time.”

Sending daylight warriors would certainly be more subtle given their familiarity with the place and the fact that they were actually meant to be there- nobody would think twice about him or one of the others chatting with the other locals. The fact that kittypets were more relaxed in that environment and wouldn’t be focusing on the sound of the cars or barking dogs or the people passing by on the sidewalks would also mean less time hesitating or hiding away and more time getting shit done.

”I could take a group and make it seem natural- just some kittypets hanging out and checking in with the locals. Most of us have friends and contacts there anyways so it wouldn't be unsual.”

- suggest increased border presence to try and catch whoever it is snooping around
-agrees with larger patrols and escorts for the daylight warriors to assure warriors safety
- suggests that any cats assigned to work along that border be noteable climbers who can get things done via the trees, lowering the chances of being ambushed on the ground.
- offers to take a patrol of daylight warriors into twoleg place to speak with the 'locals' (kittypets and loners) to see if anyones heard or seen suspicious thats worth looking into.

Fireflyglow stares off into the distance as the council convenes, half-listening to the debate on what they should do about the rogues. From his own experience with rogues, sometimes they don't even need a good reason to attack someone. When he lost his sight completely to one, they had said it was to find a cure for the yellowcough that ravaged through twolegplace as well. His eyes blink sadly at the thought.

He likes the idea of the daylight warriors staying high in the trees. He also likes the idea of only a few going. "Less cats means less herbs to use. I would suggest bringing strong fighters, cats who don't mind getting their claws dirty. Rogues have no care for weakness." He speaks softly, tail draping over his front paws before he goes silent again. ​
Dawnglare doesn't care for most of this drabble... Of borders and patrols. How many cats must bunch together before they won't be picked off like ticks... The mention of Twolegplace does bring a glimmer to his eyes, though. So to do the Daylight Warriors, though that source of interest is much lesser. As much as he would like to assign some merit, to these few, it turns out that any daylight that would care to be a warrior in the first place is more often than not, as big of fools as their traditional counterparts. With consideration, it makes sense... No sensical type would stoop to such nonsense. His cause had been... different. Greater. A kind no other soul could hope to match.

Most of this is filtered through cotton and then turns to dust. Words upon words. It makes sense, that the only daylight in the room runs his mouth more than all the rest, he supposes... He should be at his twoleg home, really. Not worrying about this nonsense... So should Dawnglare, and so should Blaise have been... A claw taps idly at the ground. He certainly wouldn't want to be flanked by SkyClan's mongrels on any of his outings. A more permanent solution should be sought.

" Twolegplace was never like this before, " he grouses. Downcast eyes make it unclear if he is speaking to the others or to himself. No... all he remembers are blue skies and flower - fragrance, cultivated by furless paws... He remembers blazing sun and full bellies. A nest that was more than scraps of leaves and the like. " You – You must have done something. Ruined something, " he accuses, a growl at the edge of his word. And he dares not include himself in the SkyClan collective. Catching up to the conversation... belatedly, he nods. " Daylight Warriors. Yes, " he agrees absently. ...They would be the best solution, though the standards were pitifully low.
  • Angry
Reactions: Orangestar
"Do they not already?" Orangestar asks Dogbite, a faint furrow in her brow. Her rasping meow is genuine, surprised if their daylight warriors have stopped being escorted to the border by a fulltime Clan cat. She nods, however, at his suggestion. Safety in numbers is a standard tactic, respectable for a reason. Maybe she should send them home with a full patrol of three warriors. Better to be safe than sorry. She adds in a mumble, mostly to herself, "I don't know if the border is the problem ... it's what's beyond it."

The council is quick to agree that a patrol of daylight warriors is the best idea, though Slate's volunteering is shot down near immediately. A smaller group would be less herbs used in case of an emergency, but to balance that fact with safety ... She makes a thoughtful noise. Dawnglare's accusation, however, turns her mood sour.

"And what did you do to prevent that?" She hisses back at him, ears flattening. An order to leave her den sits on the tips of her teeth. She remembers once thinking that StarClan must have made a mistake, deciding upon him as SkyClan's chosen prophet. It's a line of thinking Orangestar had once abandoned, but the sentiment returns full force as he questions her. Blames her. Blazestar had never once explained he had a deal with the rogues of Twolegplace (with a start, two pieces connect: are these the same ones that Vermillionsun had mentioned?); was there some plan she isn't privy to? Her tail twitches again.

"A daylight warrior patrol with a guard, then. Like how Thistleback assisted with the Shelter." She grouses, tail-tip twitching, fur at her neck bristling a touch with residual annoyance. "Either after they arrive for the day or before they leave, so the guard isn't left by themself at the end of it. A cat who can blend in with the daylight warriors. If they are attacking Clan cats, they shouldn't be alone. Johnnyflame, you can take a patrol of daylight warriors. Four, at most; no untrained apprentices. Stay together." She glances over the other cats present. "... Twitchbolt, you can take another patrol, and will remain along the border. In the trees, until they return."

Her tongue swipes across her jaws. "Anyone else?"

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw & ashpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

〕Not to his total surprise, but much to his dismay, the Maine Coon's suggestions were immediately met with disagreement. They act as if he were to be a fool, bringing in masses of clan cats and parading the streets while sticking out like a sore toe. The insinuation of his idea being ratbrained frustrated the lead warrior. "Then let me go by myself." He quips back sharply, determination flickering in his amber glare. "I know that place better than most daylight warriors." The house cats tended to stick to the rows of twoleg nests, not the thick of the city where most of the rogues hailed from. Slate had lived on those streets for seasons and knew the grid of the land like the back of his paw... at least he used to. He was confident that he'd still be able to navigate his way around if he were to return to his former home.

But, as much as Slate pleaded a case for himself, it was not to be his fate to journey into the Twolegplace. Johnnyflame's approach was one that sounded more reasonable, he supposed, but he still did not enjoy the fact that he'd be missing out on an important task in securing the clan's safety. Some of the daylight warriors were better at fighting than others, but what if there happened to be multiple rogues? An entire collective, even? These were ruthless, vicious cats who did not abide by laws or honor codes as the clan cats did. Slate knew what they were like. He'd been one of them for so long. If anyone were to be going on this quest, it should be him.

Dawnglare's grumblings reach tattered ears, to which Slate silently agrees. The medicine cat was right — Twolegplace hadn't been like this before. Rogues had always been rogues, dangerous and bloodthirsty, but never had they gone after the clan cats so frequently. However, the red-toned tom's next accusations did not sit well with the Maine Coon. How could any of this have possibly been Orangestar's fault? SkyClan's issues with rogues persisted within Blazestar's reign, too. He was simply pulling nonsense out of thin air. "What're you meanin' to say? Did the dead cats tell you that, too?" Or were the ancestors—yet again—determined to keep their starry mouths shut until the last possible moment?

His mounting fury momentarily simmers as Orangestar decides on a course of action — a guard is to accompany the daylight warriors on their patrol, and for a moment Slate nearly perks up to volunteer though visibly deflates when she mentions the detail of "fitting in". The rugged Maine Coon surely did not appear to be a dainty little house pet, nor a passive loner or anything of the sort. Slate looked like another rogue if anything, an intimidating figure that may scare any potential leads off in a single glance. He would not be able to join Twitchbolt's patrol, either, as he was not a skilled climber.

He twitches the end of his tail, a discontented look glowering on his features though he says nothing. The rest of them are to go about their day as normal, presumably. Hopefully the daylight warriors would be of use to SkyClan and wring out some information from the Twolegplace... if not, Slate was right on the edge of venturing out there on his own.

  • ooc.
  • SLATE —— lead warrior of skyclan , mentoring coffeepaw ✦ penned by beatles
    cismale / he/him pronouns / 40 moons & ages every 1st
    single / bisexual & monogamous / closed to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— hard combat difficulty & weak to agile, quick fighters / will start fights, will kill if necessary

    "speech", thoughts, all opinions are ic
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 81989570_qOt9GUlhGgQcrtn.png

    a scarred longhaired maine coon with amber eyes. a large, 20lb tom with thick locks of fur. his chest and underbelly is ruddy from sun exposure. notable scars decorate his face and his ears are both torn with one being folded over.