private AN EYE FOR AN EYE &. applekit


"so, you wanna know how to fight, hm?"

the leader looked down at the kit who had done what they asked– found them when everyone else was sleeping. they stood from their seated position, gesturing for the kitten to follow. they'd have more privacy away from prying eyes this way. they would likely be able to do more of this once she was an apprentice... if she still wanted to, after all. she would have a mentor that could teach her how to fight just, not in the same way that chilledstar would. chilledstar did not fight as others did. their unique fighting style has kept them alive this long, they refuse let go of what seemed to work.

"why? why do you want me to teach you to fight? surely there must be some reason? and so close to your apprenticeship. don't you wanna wait until you have a mentor? I'm sure they could teach you everything they know."


Come find me when all the other kits are sleep.

The offer had dumbfounded her initially– and she still was: dumbfounded, that is. Applekit felt like it had to be a trick, but maybe stupidly, Applekit wanted to find out what this was, anyways. Someone would notice of anything happened to her, right? But then– Chilledstar is the leader, so it doesn't really matter what anyone else thinks. Applekit sort of wishes she were leader. She tries to look like she's not scared or anything, cause she isn't. She walks the way Halfshade has shown her too, with dignity, nose pointed up. " I do, " she tells Chilledstar. She shoots them a quizzical look as they gesture for her to follow. She hopes she isn't stupid for following.

Why? they ask, and again, Applekit blinks. Wasn't that easy? Because fighting was what warriors did, and she couldn't be a good warrior without knowing how to. " Because... I want to get ahead, " she answers honestly. " I don't see the point in waiting. WindClan might not wait for me to be an apprentice... or bears, or... anything. " She didn't want to be scared of anything ever again.