
primadonna girl ♡
Feb 21, 2024

she / her ; 50s-60s(?) ; permaqueen of shadowclan ; ref

- A petite but long - limbed lilac torbie and white she - cat with big, tired brown doe eyes and thick, fluffy fur. The thick scalloped scar wrapped entirely around the base of her neck induces her low, soft manner of speaking and is quick to induce pain when her voice is overexerted.
- A sweet and soft - voiced but ferociously self - sufficient she - cat who adores her role in the Clan. While she's crafted an effective facade of polite doormat - ness, it conceals a rather volatile outlook on the world nurtured by the tumultuous environment of her pre-Clans, pre-Colonies life.
- !!!!! IMPORTANT: She is a new character and I'm still feeling out her personality . . . most of the notes here are for my reference and aren't set in stone, nor should they be considered as such.
- Constantly speaks in a low and soft voice with a slight rasp, restricted in her volume owing to an old throat wound. Overuse of her voice or screaming/shouting will cause her some pain and hoarseness.

notes for my own reference
- Her obsession with Clan politics and dynamics, both exclusively within ShadowClan and its members and between the various Clans, cannot be overstated. She has theories about *everything*, although half of them read more like plans of what she would do if she had control. Every time a major event happens politically or that could affect the Clans ( the Gathering slap, WindClan's prey - stealing, the WindClan fire, Granitepelt dying, the list goes on . . . ) she has to take time to process it, think about it, talk it over ( often with Moltface, which doubles as a gossip sesh ), and consider how it affects things.
- There's a rumor going around some of the more gullible kits and more gossipy nursery residents that she's actually a ghost haunting the nursery. The existence of this theory can mostly be attributed to her long - standing residence there, her soft - spoken demeanour, and her pale, wispy fur.
- Sweet and polite with a soft, slow manner of speaking; not necessarily timid or antisocial, but easily trod upon by stronger personalities. She often stops herself from disclosing her true thoughts or opinions on a particular matter, which can easily contribute to the perception that she's ditzy or vapid. Actually has quite strong opinions and thoughts on a variety of subjects and cats, especially politically speaking, but they are rarely disclosed. Must be specifically solicited, preferably on a one - on - one environment, to yield her true opinions.
- Quite flattered/pleased by: cats who ask her for her thoughts or opinions; cats who listen with curiosity to her weird political talk; cats who seek her out for one - on - one conversation ( she tends to get lost in the sauce in group settings ); generally, just being paid attention and treated like a capable member of the Clan.
- A little dramatic.
- Caring and physically affectionate, especially towards kits.
- Big on manners, but not necessarily respect. Polite to everyone even if she doesn't like them, deferential to higher - ranked cats even if she doesn't respect them.
- Doesn't philosophize much, outside of her political interests. Focused on the *here* and *now* and what she needs to do in this moment, without devoting too much thought to the deeper meaning or motivation. Probably thinks cats that do spend a lot of time on philosophical/introspective matters are a little silly.
- Surprisingly straightforward and logical, especially with the kits. With adults, she feels compelled to put on a veneer of politeness that tends to obfuscate her direct meaning and candor.
- Sometimes misses when she was starving and smacking bitches in the pre - Clan era. Was a shockingly competent survivalist and " warrior " ( for the colonies ), and dislikes being degraded for her status as a queen ( she will smack you if you have something to say about that ). Has thought about returning to warriorhood, occasionally verbalizes this but never seems to take any action on it.
- Viciously, ferociously self - sufficient. Understands that she must rely on the Clan for food and shelter and whatnot, but doesn't exactly like it. Refuses help whenever it's remotely possible, and if she *were* a warrior, she'd probably work herself into an early grave.
- mocking is def a "perpetual suitcase-in-hand" type of gal
- has been in shc since founding, still doesn't view it as "home". avoids building close bonds with her clanmates and partaking in clan traditions (like the gathering) for this reason
- she has her #reasons but they really don't excuse her attitudes towards certain things, not that she behaves on behalf of those attitudes
- mf who #hates commitment to specific cats or groups, hence why she abstains from attending the gatherings despite her political interests. even after two years and three leaders she doesn't consider herself really a part of shadowclan or the clans in general and thus abstains from a lot of clan culture
- also why her only "friendship" is her one with moltface, which she privately justifies as an informational thing
- the growing disparity between her behavior and mindset is curious to me. also she is so self contrasting in many ways
- mocking.....the type of person who firmly regards emotional reactions as just a thing that you SHOULD be able to control and bend to your will. pissy when she obviously can't
- she is a petty bitch i fear. she hides it well (as she hides many of her uglier traits, which are quickly being revealed to me) but you wrong her in the tiniest way and she Never Fucking Forgets It, might have to put a literal grudge tracker in her tags
- but she is quickly revealing herself to be a rather volatile character.....then again which of my ocs isn't LOL
- conversely the same pettiness applies to herself. type of person where she has a minor fuckup and it's like Why Don't You Just Publicly Execute Me Now
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