private An incurable humanist ✶ Brightkit

"I found something you might like" she looks at her daughter with a profound fondness. As if there is no issues with their supplies in camp, as if there isn't a blizzard that sometimes feels like it's going to blow them over at any point. Owlheart has made it her mission to figure out her kits, to try and be a present mother amongst her warrior duties. She isn't sure what Brightkit's interests are, being so young she isn't so sure if Brightkit knows what her interests are either.

The she-cat thought that it may be beneficial to try and introduce the kitten to experiences rather than wait for her to figure it out on her own. Is that too suffocating? She stresses about that but she's spoken about a surprise now so she can't take that back

Owlheart had found it by chance, she's certain that it must have belonged to a kittypet. She hopes that it's one that's joined the clan rather than one that's succumbed to the weather. Produced to her multicoloured child is a silk ribbon. A rich blue in colour, one that rivals the river in warmer weather or the sky on a clear day. It's covered in frost, as in anything else in camp but the dampness seems to only deepen the colour which she finds strange.

"You could play with it.. Or you could wear it?" She isn't really sure how they could make it work, no knot she could tie would be tight enough to hold but she'd figure out anything if that's what Brightkit wants. Owlheart just hopes the uncertainty isn't clear in her inflection.

  • ooc. Backwritten to be before the blizzard! @BRIGHTKIT
    She / her ||Warrior of SkyClan || 21 moons
    An orange tabby with low white and an owls feather tucked in her tail.
    Mates with Oddgleam and Crowsight | Mother to Pearlkit, Cuckookit, Morningkit, Brightkit and Ravenkit.
    Mentoring Hollypaw
    "Speech", thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}