private ANALOG BOY // Gloompaw


Anxious Artist
Nov 20, 2022

Another day, another set of minor wounds.

'Most of the plants will have died out by now...since its leafbare and all.' He ambles off to a rather secluded part of camp, trying to clean up the scrapes on his back from a few days ago that still hadn't fully scabbed as well as the new ones on his pawpads and shoulder. 'I shouldn't bother Gloom and Beesong with something this small.' Other people deserved full treatment more. He didn't even contribute today because he'd had his catch stolen by one of the younger apprentices. It miffed him a little, but he supposed that they just wanted to impress their mentor and their clanmates, as any young apprentice would.

There's a twinge near his spine when he tries to bend back to clean the older of his wound sets, causing him to visibly cringe and choke down any noise he might want to make. 'Damnit, I can't even reach like this.'



Gloompaw, even in her short time under a new practice, had began to become painfully aware of how many RiverClanners tried to shoulder the burden of wounds by themselves. As she shadowed Beesong in check-ups, it was strange to see so many other cats say I'm fine. I don't need anything. She was feeling reflected and insulted in equal measures. Though trying to bite on older cats' paws and drag them to the den herself hardly worked, she could talk face-to-face with other apprentices.

"You're bleeding a little," she pointed out bluntly. Quirking a metaphorical brow, the smoke mink's mind processed why he was away from any noticing eyes.

She didn't consider herself close to many cats, but that didn't mean she didn't care for them. It meant extra when she considered them a friend. And Finchpaw was usually so hard on himself that it was difficult not to care for him. If she could gift some of her own stupid boldness to him, she'd wrap the entirety of it up, bow and all.

Less loudly, lowering her voice so attention wasn't drawn to them, she asked, "Can I check the wounds at least? I won't tell on you if you don't go to the medicine den."