there is an electricity amongst the newleaf breeze. excitement snaps with each thundering pawstep, his bounds wide and almost too - light, tail high it had been moons — sunrise after aching sunrise spent amidst that sand - ridden clearing, bloodstained and tinged with fur of the fallen. the mottled form bursts into the clearing, splits the reed and his voice is already bursting from the foliage, " riverclanners, gather! quickly, quickly! it was a rare thing, that was certain. harsy crooked vocals are alight, the smile as radiant in his voice as it is upon the slopes of his face. uncanny, he thinks ; the feeling of sunken cheeks stretching, pulling with the weight of baring long, curving canines for anything other than an offensive snarl, ” i’ve come with good news — fantastic news! there isn’t time to waste! “ his paws itch to return, still damp from the trek across the stream that separates them from their drained island and there is nothing more he wants than to feel the warming waters slip between sharp - knuckled toes.

the feline bounds around those milling about camp, feels the way eyes burn into his pelt and light him into theatrics — preening his fur and lifting his chin, curling his tail over the knotches of his spine. ” our work has paid off! our tenacity, our struggles, everything we have suffered through! our home was taken from us, but we have ripped it back from the fringe of destruction by the tips of our claws — we have rebuilt ourselves in the wake of loss after loss, tragedy that swept us away like the rapids“ he can’t sleep here, eyes heavy and tinged with irritation ever since the attack that took clearsight from them. ashpaw, gloompaw, rainwhisker, peachpaw ; his head whirls and the familiar spots in his vision arise to dizzy him, mania keeping him upright despite the rapid blinking of too wide eyes. there is an odd bristle to his stance, jutting curls from the thinness of his shoulders, ears swiveled and perked. it is as if he is taut, ready to snap — a wound rope, volatile and quaking.

but he continues, loud and bursting at the seams, scarred lips stretching with the call of it, ” we have survived through hardships that would make one’s whiskers curl, but we have come out stronger! but we cannot forget the things we have suffered — we cannot let our guards down, not again! we must be prepared for anything, be prepared for the worst! “ rally, he thinks, mulls somewhere in the recesses behind wild, straining eyes, ” we are returning home knowing thunderclan will take from us, they will encroach and steal like mange - ridden foxes. windclan will trespass and attack for their wrongdoings, they will trespass again and raid our camp, take our herbs — will you all let it happen again? will we continue to roll over and show our scarred underbellies? or will we return home where we belong, lesson learned and claws unsheathed? “ his throat aches, voice growing hoarse for a fleeting second. he swallows hard, clears his throat, then tosses his head, ” we will not return minnow - hearted. we will go home strong, worthy of the river that protects us. we will go home together!

he pauses for howls of excitement, of cheer, not for the briefest second considering any other reaction from the crowd watching wide - eyed before him, ” and three more apprentices will be going home as warriors.

and just like that, the leader steps from his gnarled root, stands tall to find the ever familiar faces, darkpaw. steeppaw, crappiepaw.. step forward, stand proud before the eyes of starclan. “ booming, proud. his chest is puffed despite the tick - tick of impatient, energy - ridden claws underfoot, ” i, cicadastar, leader of riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon you both. you have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and it is my honor to commend you as warriors in turn. darkpaw — do you promise to uphold what you’ve been taught, to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life? “ a pause. a beat, a glance up for houndstride. was he watching? was his family watching? was fernpaw, steeppaw, sat upon the sidelines for another moon longer, watching? ” then from this day forth, you will be known as darkwhisker. for your optimism, the compassion that shines in your presence and brightens this camp. “ a smile, genuine and true. the first litter, growing up so quickly.

pale blue luminaries flit then to the tortoiseshell, fixes them with a placid expression. they were a sickly thing, but pulled their weight in ways they could. it was still with a bubble of suspicion, of worry that he dips his head, speaks their name — ” crappiepaw. do you swear to defend this clan, to protect your clanmates and unsheath your claws when necessary — even at the cost of your life? “ did they? did they? he waits, pauses for an i do, ” then from today on, you will be known as crappiepatch, for your hearty spirit and perseverance, your neverending spirit in the face of hardships. starclan honors you both. “

and the last to be apprenticed today. the man turns his gaze upon the youth, tilts his head upward, ” finally.. steeppaw. do you promise to uphold the ways of riverclan, to fight and defend the clan, even at the cost of your life? “ he waits. a beat, two, ” then from this day on, you shall be known as steepsnout, for your confidence and strength of will. the way you aren’t afraid to speak your peace, even in the face of adversity. “

yowls, excitement. darkwhisker, steepsnout, crappiepatch! darkwhisker, steepsnout, crappiepatch! he lets it ring, feels the wind whip through the fur waving over his chest, still feeling ever - light, ” moving on. @Catfishpaw — stoneshade has retired to the elders den, and you are in need of a new mentor. @PIKESPLASH will be taking over your training. “ perhaps hazepaw would focus a little more if the molly were distracted with training more often. he could only hope, @hyacinthbreath , you have proven yourself worthy and capable of taking on an apprentice — but i would like to see how well your riverclan skills have improved before entrusting you completely. i would like you to take on @DOVEPAW ’s training. “ until he is able to pass, cicadastar does not say. the tom was already twelve months, failed his assessment miserably.. perhaps an already - established set of skills would help her hone him correctly, @Aspenhaze , i would like you to take over @Mosspaw ‘s training. “ a quiet child, polite and mild - mannered from what he’d seen. an easy task, he was sure, @Petalpaw ., until beesong clears rosebumble (npc) to leave their den, you will train under @honeystone . and finally — ” they’d been terribly unlucky with reassignments, hadn’t they? hopefully their training would continue without a hitch, “ duskpaw, until your assessment, you are to train with @RUSHPOUNCE . i will be overseeing this to ensure you are on track. “ a warm, simple way of saying i will be watching. two failed assessments.. it bristles his fur, but he finally lets his voice die down, lets the murmur of the crowd grow louder. he lets them speak, pausing clearly.

at last, he begins again — clears his throat, takes a breath, ” as im sure most of you are aware, beesong has chosen ravenpaw as his apprentice in gloompaw’s stead. this does not mean we have given up on her — we will continue to look. until my last breath, i will look for her. “ she didn’t deserve it. none of them had, ” but ravenpaw. i wish you a safe journey down your starlit path. may beesong teach you well. “ slitted eyes try and find them amongst the crowd, but they are nowhere to be seen. his lip curls, ” meeting dismissed. “

  • i.
  • ˖ ⁺ 。 ˚ ⠀ CICADASTAR⠀⠀−−−c−−−⠀⠀king of the rivers.
    m. he / him. black smoke & tortoiseshell chimera with intense salt - blue eyes. a handsome, looming tom bearing patchwork black - silver curls that fall over his slim figure in loose, shining rivulets, broken with white and glossy from his fish diet. descending from a heritage of overtyped oriental shorthairs, cicadastar stands unusually tall amongst his peers, and holds himself with a tragic grace, poised and prim and ever - aware of how he is being perceived.

    gay, mated to smokethroat. smells like wet stone & moss.
    speaks with a german accent. 43 moons, ages every 50 posts.
    penned by antlers

  • cicadablueoutline.png

  • "speech"
There is an uncanny strangeness to the way that Cicadastar moves, as though each limb has grown overnight and the tom is still growing used to his own newfound stilt-legs. The leader makes his first joyous announcement, but it mostly fills Crappiepaw with dread rather than excitement. All these months, and they will not be bringing back their friends with them. They will not be bringing back important clanmates to the camp that they once all shared. And Crappiepaw will have to move their entire hoard back onto the island—that will be a chore and a a half, they think. But at the very least, the clan will be better protected. They are too exposed here between the trees, too weak. They are still thinking of WindClan’s attack when Cicadastar moves on to the next order of business.

Their name is spoken, and Crappiepaw blinks, looking up at the leader in stunned silence. Sure, they had just barely passed their assessment, so they knew that this would happen eventually—but it is a different thing to expect something and to live it. They have learned that lesson the hard way.

The towering tom asks whether they will defend the clan even in risk of their life, and Crappiepaw falters, for a moment. They had not fought against ThunderClan at Sunningrocks. They had run away, tucked their tail, left their clanmates to whatever doom they may have found. And then they returned to camp and did not speak of the patrol at all. They have never wanted to die for another to live; a selfishness that they think they are allowed. But if they are to be a warrior, they may need to. What if they are the only thing standing between their clan and certain doom, between Fernpaw and the touch of whatever has been stealing away the rest of their friends?

"I do." They attempt to hide the way that their voice goes gravelly with the tickle in their throat, but they do not look away from the leader who speaks to them. Moth-green and icicle-blue remain locked for a moment, and then Cicadastar names them Crappiepatch, commends them for their perseverance. Shouts of their new name and Darkwhisker’s are raised from their clanmates, and the calico trembles with nerves.

They search their gathered clanmates for faces of comfort, but find fewer than they had hoped. They have lost so many clanmates since wintertime first began. But—there, they cast smiles to Quietstream and then Koispots in turn, something akin to pride coiling in their chest like a snake basking in the sun. Then they turn to look at Darkwhisker, flicking a dappled ear. "Congratulations, Darkwhisker," they say, a smile touching their face as they gaze upon the other newly-named warrior.

But they cannot help but to think that something is missing. Two somethings. They shift, turn to look around until wide green eyes rest upon Dovepaw and then Fernpaw. They should have both been made warriors, but both did not receive their names at this meeting. Crappiepatch hopes that they will get to see their friends succeed at the next meeting, and they offer their orange-coated friend what they hope is a reassuring smile. You will be next.
[ my my, cold hearted child ]
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Cicadastar has never made a better announcement, Clay thinks. They’re moving back home, to their real home, after god only knows how many months of hiding out between trees in a camp stained deep with blood. The beech copse isn’t their home, and it never has been. The long-term temporary camp has failed to protect the clan time and time again. It’s overseen the death of Clearsight, who should be here now, happy to be moving back home with his former apprentice now a warrior and his mate at his side. Watched as Gloompaw and then Ashpaw were taken—both bright young cats who should be happily making the move back to the island with their loved ones at their side, inseparable as ever. This place is as good as a graveyard, and Clay is more than happy to leave it as it is.

As two new warriors are named, Clayfur’s voice rises with the rest of his clanmates. "Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch!" That’s my nephew! He beams with pride for the chocolate-furred tom, recalling fondly the first time he’d gotten to truly meet him. Hell, the kit had stuttered out, kitten legs hardly able to keep him standing, and yet already clutching that pebble in his mouth. Wow. His nieces and nephews are getting old. They’re all at or approaching warrior age, and Clay is stricken with the thought that he’s even older. It’s been so long ago now, since he’d joined RiverClan, since he’d followed his family here. And it’s all been worth it, hasn’t it? He may have lost his love—but at least he got those few moments, right? At least he gets to watch his sister’s children receive their warrior names, one by one, becoming full-fledged warriors of the clan. RiverClan has been around for almost a full year, now, and he’s glad that he’s here as well.

Still, there is one apprentice he worries about. Fernpaw, seeming forever stuck lagging behind his siblings, even with Mud’s reliable teachings. Iciclefang’s graduation had come a month early, he knows, and so it made sense for Fern to be skipped over last month. But this month? He should be beside his brother, getting his warrior name, but for some reason he just hasn’t gotten there yet. It must be disheartening, but Fern doesn’t ever seem to bothered by the way his pawsteps trail a couple tail-lengths behind the rest of his siblings’. Clay looks to the ginger tom, hoping to catch his eye. He doesn’t know what to say, how to reach out and make anything better, and so he stays quiet, watching his nephew with an expression of sympathy.
(๑✪ᆺ✪๑) seeing cicadastar explode from the reeds like a graceful gazelle with a prance to match is enough to attract chicorykit's attention even before his exuberant voice belted out for all riverclanners to gather. the young kitten bounds after the nearest warrior with a squeal of excitement, she doesn't know what's going on but her leader's energy is contagious and makes her eager to learn what the good news was.

the first half of the announcements don't really stick in her brain too long, in one ear and out the other as some would say but what she did manage to comprehend was that they were finally going to move from the beech copse which briefly caused confusion to wash over chicorykit. was this not their true camp? she did not linger on this topic for long because soon their chimera leader is moving on to warrior ceremonies for darkpaw and crappiepaw who now boast new titles, darkwhisker and crappiepatch.

"darkwhisker! crappiepatch! yippeeee!! she chants as loud as she could with the rest of her clanmates, bouncing and wriggling almost looking like a fish leaping out the water.
silverkit is just as confused as chicorykit about the camp-related announcements and stuff. what, this isn't their real home? that's weird. it sure feels like silverkit's real home. hmm... there must be an explanation for this.

and sure enough she thinks of one, nodding firmly to herself. yes, that must be it. leaning over to whisper (loudly. very loudly) to @CHICORYKIT , silverkit shares, "didja know that riverclan's REAL camp is in a giant lion's den? cause we're so cool and great just like LionClan. and the lion's den is in a bird nest, which hangs down from starclan on spiderweb silk, an' we're so high up in the sky that nobody can TOUCH us. not even stinky windclan. it's just that it fell outta the sky so it had to get fixed. so it's good we're movin' back!"

she shuffles back into place, sitting primly with her tail around her paws, for the remainder of the announcements. maybe not meant to be here but she sure acts the part, imagining herself an apprentice-to-be, and someday even a warrior. just like crappiepatch and darkwhisker!! yeah... someday silverkit will be somebody important.

for now she's happy pretending.

like chicorykit she gets so-so-super excited at the warrior announcements, dancing and shouting, "crappiepatch! darkwhisker! crappiepatch!! darkwhisker!! WOOOHOOOOOO!!"


  • • npc x npc kitten • 1.5 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, observant, opinionated • stuck in her own head a lot of the time • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

Aspenhaze can feel their leader's joyfulness seep into them, as they quickly join in the rest of the clan's energy in finally, finally returning to their rightful home, and knowing that ThunderClan WILL get what they deserve. Loss after loss, this time it's looking up. Especially after the failed patrol they were a part of, they wanted revenge, they wanted blood. And they'll get it, soon enough. Right now, right now it's all about RiverClan.

The pride for their clan is in full force, as their hearts beat as one. Yes, the lives lost may forever be a burden, but at least they will be in StarClan knowing that they succeeded, and will continue to succeed. As two new warriors are promoted, Aspenhaze is quick to join in on the hollering.
"Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch! Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch!"

However, it's what comes next that brings them to shock. Cicadastar assigns them an apprentice. They blink, stunned for a moment. Sure, they hoped that they would be a mentor one day, but they didn't expect it to come so soon. Had they truly impressed him? Their stomach flutters, but it quickly turns to pure happiness as they smile brightly, standing straighter, ready for their duty in full.

After he's done talking, they go and look for Mosspaw, and when they do, they beam at her.
"I can't wait to get started. I'm excited to see what you can do, and I in turn will do my best to train you." They nod at her, expression softening.
It is a behavior that is almost alien to the leader that comes trouncing through the reeds to come and call and greet them. He is almost too excited. But the announcements that tumble so eagerly out of his mouth tell them of a chance at comfort and safety and a great return home and Lichentail can feel the tension clinging to her body melt away at the very mention of it. Home... the real RiverClan camp with the water close enough to walk into easily. The kittens wouldn't be wanting to hear the rapids, they could see it... smell it.

It is inspiring... how he can come into his own confidence and joy and give such a rallying cry as to pull them up from their despair and say 'we are still here, and will not stop fighting.' It was something they'd needed to hear... a reminder of their strength in numbers, in the loyalty they'd dedicated to each other despite every single, miserable loss.

Picking out the newly promoted warriors in the crowd, she couldn't help but smile to herself, thinking about the time she'd gotten to spend with them each in their youth. Crappiepaw... a sarcastic force of kindness and Darkpaw, so gentle in heart it could make even a sour ThunderClanner soften up. They would bring something new and refreshing to the clan's ranks, something sorely needed.

She only hoped that the two apprentices now facing the sting of being behind wouldn't be too sore about it. Fernpaw... he had struggled so hard in his assessment and come up short. Every warrior there had known it was the case... but had he? Dovepaw too, so dour and disheartened by his own lack of success. It was just bad timing... they'd get their chance to shine soon.

"Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch! Steepsnout!" It felt nice to be chanting in harmony with so many. A celebration. A reminder of good things to come.​
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"Breathe, Cicadastar." Apricotflower murmurs under her breath about halfway through their leader's jubilant monologue, mirth dancing in her eyes; she watches from the entrance of their makeshift nursery, plumy tail curled around one of the kittens she'd raised here, in their makeshift home. Plagued by otters and traps and lost Clanmates, they'd barely had a chance to grow in peace; but the cream-and-white queen feels like she's about to lift to her toes with excitement over the news that they might be returning to their real home, where ThunderClan couldn't get to them.

But first, warriors.

"Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch!" She adds her voice to the cheers. The two more than deserve this promotion, this opportunity, and Apricotflower beams with pride over them both and their new names. StarClan certainly would honour the both of them, on an auspicious day like this.

  • Haha
Mosspaw was at attention from the moment her leader began speaking. She did not hesitate to heed his call, setting herself down neatly before him. As she watched him she couldn't help but observe an energy in his movement that she had scarce seen before. It was in his tone too, an infectious mania that seeped into her mind.

Even more than usual, she was certain this meeting would be important.

Entranced, Mosspaw hung upon his every word. His fury became her fury, his excitement became her excitement, his pride became her pride. At the mention of Thunderclan and Windclan her claws unsheathed to scrape the ground at the memory of her family members returning from battle, beaten and bloody. For a moment she felt like she would do anything, could do anything for the clan. For the first time since she had been a kit, she shifted in place, restless for a place to direct the maelstrom of emotion that welled up within her. Then she got it. The new lead warriors were announced and she threw her whole chest into crying their names, hollering them at a volume that threatened to make her hoarse. "Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch! Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch!"

More announcements, including a new mentor for herself. Her ear flicked in acknowledgement. She had complete faith in Cicadastar's choice for her mentor at the worst of times, but especially now.

Then the meeting was over. She blinked and glanced around, almost dizzy from the fervor that had overtaken her. She wanted to do something with the restless energy that had built up inside her. Instead though, she took a breath, and pulled herself back inward.

At the sight of her new mentor approaching, Mosspaw dipped her head in respect. "I'll do my best." Her words were cordial, and she offered Aspenhaze a polite smile. Behind her usual formality, the passion that Cicadastar had given her felt fit to burst.

Mosspaw was going to train to become a warrior that Thunderclan and Windclan would fear.​

There was a grin on her leader's face, something Petalnose did not recognize. It was peculiar to her. She watched intently as she gently limped over to hear the news. What had gotten the tom so giddy? Then, he announced a return. Her eyes blinked and she stared up at him without a change of expression. She was not familiar with the territory. Since they arrived at their temporary camp, she had lost all of her memories from the poisoning. The camp was uncomfortable, the nests made her joints ache and her fur was blown out each morning due to the wind easing through the warrior's den. Petalnose had to admit, she was quite uncomfortable with change. This camp was all she knew. All she was familiar with. She let a heavy breath fall from her lungs. It was as if she was letting go of something as uncomfortable as the camp it was. She was letting go of all she knew.

Despite her feelings, she puffed her chest and cheered at his boosterism. She, in fact, would fight against her clan and defend them from whatever came their way. Happily, she would. The she-cat was excited for her wounds to heal so she could be capable of helping her clan mates in whatever way she could. Still, she would fight for them injured and all her glory.

Petalnose straightened her posture in interest at the announcement of two warriors to come. Her mix-matched ears pricked forward. Darkwhisker. She did not interact with the other to be able to judge their capabilities within the clan. Crappiepatch. She flicked her ears, remembering back to him fleeing the battle. She did not believe in his ability to unsheath his claws for the sacrifice of their clan. Was Crappiepaw really ready? Would he really sacrifice himself for the clan? And so he swore. She looked to Cicadastar for his reaction. Wholeheartedly, she did not believe him. "Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch!" she still cheered, temporarily gazing at the calico tom with a serious and doubtful gaze.

Attentive ears listened for the next announcements. She had realized two of her friends earned their own apprentice. She first looked for Pikesplash. She limped over to his side if she had found him, "Hey, not bad soft paws." The female teased, offering him a joking wink. She did wonder what exactly her friend would offer to the apprentice. Kindness and optimism. Determination. Pikesplash may look weak in her eyes but she still would believe in him and congratulate him. If he had survived so long and learned how to be capable within their camp after the laidback life of a kitty pet, he had to have something to pass over. She looked to Catfishpaw, giving her an encouraging glint in her eyes through her serious frown. "He's a great cat, you'll enjoy him. He's really intelligent."

Then there was Aspenhaze, spotting them from nearby. She had no doubts about them, Petalnose saw them as capable without any conflicting thoughts. They proved themselves as strong and ambitious. That was an important trait to pass on. "Congratulations, I believe you'll teach her well." she meowed as she made it to their side next, looking down at Mosspaw. "You got this. They're a wonderful fisher, by the way."

Petalnose had realized she was without an apprentice once again, there was a moment of bitterness within her. Had she not proved herself for her clan? Was she not enough in her leader's eye? Was she a problem? She shook her head to herself to dismiss her thoughts. There were a lot of kits that had set life upon their camp. Surely, next time. Right? She tucked her tail tightly around her injured hindlimbs in a moment of uncertainty but puffed her chest in her customary confidence. She took injuries to defend her camp, she had to have proved herself. She fought two higher ranks by herself, she showed enthusiasm and bravery through it all. What couldn't she offer? But.. what couldn't she offer? She gazed in the direction of the nursery, within the depths of her mind.

TAGS — It's an unusual thing to see Cicadastar so jovial. It's almost scary, really, to see the chimera's muzzle cracked wide with such an exuberant smile, but more than fear Meadowkit feels in tune with the tom's excitement. There is a buzz about him; it's infectious and it is one that Meadowkit often (though unknowingly) strives to infect others with. A great grin breaks out across his own face and the growing fawn kitten joins the crowd, stumpy wagging almost like a dog's. What's all the excitement for? Well, aside from something very important: his apprentice ceremony. The boy looks for Brook-kit and Brightkit in the crowd, hoping to settle in next to his sisters while his mind buzzes with the ultimate question: who would be his mentor? He thinks he could stand Murkblossom, maybe... not Lichentail, though. Or maybe Cicadastar... wouldn't that be something? But he's so scary, too....

The kitten's ears twitch as his mind races quietly. They're going home. Oh. Home? But home is the beech copse, where Meadowkit has lived his entire life, isn't it? Sure, cats always talk about the river camp, but Meadowkit has never even seen the rapids that threatened them all this time. His heart thumps with both excitement and trepidation. If the beech copse isn't home, then... what is it? The boy casts his green gaze around the sandy earth for a moment, trying to take it all in. If leaving is what they are all so excited about, he's not sure he feels the same. But, still, he supposes he can puff out his chest and play along. It's what a RiverClanner would do, right? Meadowkit bumps shoulders with his sisters, then fixes his gaze upon Cicadastar again as the announcements continue.

"Darkwhisker!" the boy cheers, and then a little quieter, "... Crappiepatch!" He has not soon forgotten the new warrior's words to Brook-kit and himself, but... well, it's probably okay. And then Cicadastar moves on to apprentices. It's just reassignments so far, but the kitten finds himself leaning forward in anticipation to hear his own name called, or for his sisters to be summoned forward to receive their mentors. It's almost too much to bear, really, but he keeps himself occupied by darting his gaze around eligible warriors, trying to parse which one would become his teacher.​
"It's kinda weird seeing him without his frowny face," murmurs Brightkit as she settles down beside her brother. In the entirety of her very short life, Brightkit can't remember the last time she saw anything other than sadness in Cicadastar's eyes. Much of what the leader says doesn't make much sense to the cinnamon-furred kitten, but she tries her best to listen to his exuberant speech.

She shares a glance with Meadowkit. They're going home? The beech copse is home. She hasn't known anything else beside the trees and stones and the distant roar of the water. Unlike her sibling, however, Brightkit is excited by the idea of moving to a new place. There is so much of the world that she has yet to see! And to think that she will be an apprentice, too! And then, one day, she'll be a strong warrior just like her mom! "Darkwhisker!" She cheers, imagining what her own warrior name might be. "Crappiepatch!" She practically vibrates with barely contained excitement, though it is somewhat tempered by overhearing Silverkit's conversation with Chicorykit. Brightkit forces herself to stay put beside her brother instead of stomping over to remind Silverkit not to spread a bunch of lies if she doesn't know what she's talking about. Ughhhh.

The young molly leans close to Meadowkit and whispers, "It's almost our turn. It's gonna be awesome!" Brightkit gives her brother an encouraging smile and quickly smooths his fur with a rasp of her tongue.​
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( tags ) He's beaming with happiness that two apprentices have joined their ranks. Like many of his clanmates he's chanting their names. One warrior in particular, the newly dubbed Crappiepatch filled him with excitement because the two of them he believed would have much more time and freedom to go shell collecting. I wonder which part of the warriors den he'll take. There's some prickly warriors who feel a certain way about sleeping, so maybe I should tell him which cats get riled up when someone breathes too loud. That train of thought would be cut off when Cicadastar continues with the announcements. He already knows this will be about apprentice and mentor pairings because the clan recently, despite it all had more mouths to feed. They may have lost the sunningrocks and clanmates along the way, but there was life. Some were brought into the clan like Otterkit, while others like Chickorykit had been born here.

When Catfishpaw is mentioned he is a bit confused why. From what he remembered was that Stoneshade was her mentor. The news that Stoneshade had retired was shocking but not surprising. Stoneshade was old and he knew that most of the warriors respected Stoneshade for their experience and wisdom. He assumed that Catfishpaw would be their final apprentice. Apparently, that was not the case. As for the cat that would take over Catfishpaw's training, it would be him. W-wait! What? Pikesplash had never been given an apprentice. Catfishpaw would be his first apprentice. For all his moons here this was the first time he would be given a chance, but now that it happened he was too stunned to listen to the rest of Cicadastar's announcements.

H-how do I? Should I ask Stoneshade?
Catfishpaw had already spent some moons with Stoneshade as a mentor, which he was more than okay with. The issue he found was not that he was bummed that he was serving as a replacement, rather, he was unsure what Stoneshade had been teaching Catfishpaw. Maybe there was something specific her former mentor was working on. Even though he would be taking over her training now, he didn't want to change everything so fast. What he could do was converse with Stoneshade and try his best to follow the elders instruction as a means to honor them. Why do I have a stinging feeling that Stoneshade would rather I take charge?

His ears flick when he hears Petalnose and instantly his face shifts into worry seeing her limp to his side. Of course, he wouldn't reprimand her. She would understand that he was simply a worrywart. Although to be honest that was dashed when she proceeded to tease him. He couldn't help but roll his eyes at her. With a small smile he retorts playfully, "I'll have you know soft paws is a deadly force to be reckoned with." To emphasize his point he bears his teeth at her and waves his paw near her. For sure, he is the most threatening warrior that ever graced Riverclan.

It's then that Petalnose reminds him that he has an apprentice now. He's flustered when she calls Catfishpaw and tell her that he is a great cat and a smart one at that. Praise is not something he's used to, so forgive him for letting out a whine when she vouches for him. It doesn't occur to him that Catfishpaw may be judging him for being childish or easily flustered. After that, Petalnose leaves to see Aspenhaze. He doesn't tell her he'll see her later, because there is a mutual understanding between them that there was no need to say goodbye. They'll chat or hangout again, which they'll both be looking forward to.

All alone with Catfishpaw, he is unsure of what exactly he should say to her. They were now mentor and apprentice, but just because it was said didn't mean they felt that way immediately. It would take some time for them to get used to one another and figure something out. Hmm maybe this would be alright? "Let's try our best."
His ears align backward warily at the show Cicadastar puts on. He felt as if he had not seen such positive theatrics from the leader in a long time. The excitement was almost jarring. Ravenpaw, who thrived at the bottom of a pool of gloom, was shocked back into the reality that they would finally come back to their rightful home. A sigh leaves his lungs and he sits as far away from the others as socially acceptable for a meeting, learning to listen to only the meat of the announcements.

Darkwhisker and Crappiepatch are named warriors, but Ravenpaw knows that two names are left out. His pelt prickles and ripples at the thought of Dovepaw and Fernpaw being held back. They are not even offered condolences. There is probably no space for that. Either Cicadastar forgot, did not want to dampen the new warriors' ceremonies, or thought it too cruel. Ravenpaw could not tell. He sought out the ginger and the fawn pelt with his eyes, almost forgetting to chant in his dedication to look for them.

"Crappiepatch...! Darkwhisker...!" He murmured, looking back over the sea of cats gathered. He reminded himself that he would never get something like this. He did not feel too bad.

To Cicadastar's beckoning call, the woman approaches with a sway of her tail and a slow within her gait. She takes a seat amongst the throng of cats around her, verdant eyes settling upon the tortoiseshell before her as he begins. Immediately she is pleased, listening to his lulling words and announcing the return back home. These dreadful months within the Beech Copse had been more than eventful to her liking, constantly at the butt of life's hardship. Flooding, otters, murder, raids, etc. It had felt as if it was one thing after the other and it was finally time for RiverClan to move forward and finally take a win. Cindershade nods at the leader's words, agreeing wholeheartedly with the gangly tom. No more, she says silently to herself. No more.

She continues to listen as he speaks, he brow slightly raising when his words become hoarse from his tangent; but she can't help but to feel his own passing flowing through his veins—the air lay thick like the brewing of an oncoming storm. Her own bubbling excitement bubbles behind an ivory cage, her heart fluttering like butterflies. Home—and with two new warriors. The crowd goes dead silent as he begins, bringing forth Darkpaw to become Darkwhisker. He's not the sharpest rock against the river bed, but he proved himself during his assessment and couldn't help but to flit vibrant eyes along Houndstride within the crowd. She thinks of her own moment one day, the day Sablepaw woukd become a warrior and it brings a small smile upon her shadowed face. She'd be an elite warrior of RiverClan, the woman would make sure of it. Now it was Crappiepaw's turn. She watches them a bit more warily, having noticed how she happened to end up with no wounds after their second skirmish with ThunderClan. Did they fight? Were they as loyal as they pledged? Only time would tell. Besides that, Crappiepaw been an alright apprentice when not confined to the medicine den for whatever reason. When the ceremony ends, she tilts her chin and joins in on their chanting. "Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch! Darkwhisker! Crappiepatch!"



Pelt blazing bright in colour, Fernpaw's face did not match it's usual brightness. It was out of duty that he bothered to attend the meeting; what with Cicadastar's brimming excitement, perhaps he'd be in a good mood. Good enough to forget Fernpaw's abject failure of an assessment, an embarrassment in front of all his peers and his family and his friends and his mentor. But it was a fruitless hope, one he knew was pointless, the sort of thing that Iciclefang would look upon him disparagingly for even thinking. His shoulders drooped in a sigh.

Good news- the camp that had been lost to them for so long, the camp he had been born in, the camp he had been almost crushed in... it would be home again. This temporary space that had seemed for so long that it might be more than temporary would be another memory. And though he wished so desperately he could join in with the purrs of approval, Cicadastar's infectious glee, he could not. Because he knew what was coming next.

It had not been so bad, last moon. Everyone had found out then that Iciclefang was exceptional, but... now, now, everyone knew Fernpaw was a failure. Wasn't even average. Not good enough to even be eked through by the skin of his teeth, given some sort of favouritism for his litter's legacy as the first RiverClan had ever bore. He was the last. The last of four, where in an ideal world it would have been all of them together.

But here he was, worth demonstrated before pitying eyes. Eyes of Clayfur, Crappiepatch, Ravenpaw; glances he caught but did not return nor meet. They looked at him with silent condolence and he turned away the moment he sensed it, shouldering away the pity. It was bad enough that he was this disappointment- worse that even his closest friends knew it, believed it. No one had argued. No one needed to.

His fur prickled, eyes finding his paws on the ground. The comfort of home would come soon, but he doubted it was comfort he needed anymore. Enough of that had brought him here- had brought him nowhere. Had left him staggering behind, pathetic and small and unable when the rest of his siblings ranged from competent to excellent. Idly, in the darkest recesses of his mind, he wondered- were there whispers about him at night? A burdensome apprentice, a runt who couldn't even pass a deliberately easy assessment?

Some way, he would prove himself. Beyond assessments and stupid staged spars... there was some destiny out there, waiting for him. Something that would finally prove he was not soft, not useless, that he should be a warrior.
penned by pin
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It's hard to be a father today. It's difficult to look upon Darkpaw and Steep-paw with radiating pride while knowing Fernpaw wouldn't be joining them today in the biggest day of their lives. He seeks out his apprentice in the crowd as Cicadastar begins the ceremonies, furrowed brow displaying his concern openly. He spots him among clanmates, expression notably dejected and Mudpelt feels his heart tear apart within his chest. I've failed him. It's all he can think. He recalls the day they were paired together during his kits' apprentice ceremony and how hopeful he was that he'd train Fernpaw to be just like him. A star on the battlefield, a warrior to impress everyone. He's failed his son so, so miserably and now all he can wonder is where he'd gone wrong. Should he have been more like Smokethroat? Would Fernpaw have ended up as successful as Iciclefang, then?

He is pulled from his thoughts when Cicadastar announces his two other kits' warrior names. Darkwhisker and Steepsnout! And for a moment, his sorrow is shoved aside in favor of immense pride. He sits taller to see their faces, a grin alighting his face. "Darkwhisker! Steepsnout! Crappiepatch!" He yowls loudly, practically jumping to his paws with excitement. Three out of four kits are now RiverClan warriors; it's his job to get the fourth there soon.