Jun 17, 2024
After he'd left the old house, he'd found his paws leading him nowhere in particular—at least, until he suddenly ended up on a familiar border. No. It's too soon. It's not been long enough since his last malingering here—and yet, that elfin child haunts him. Her familiarity has lingered behind his eyes like nothing else—quickly dismissed in the moment, but returning when he'd thought her long banished. That round and open face, compact build, but most of all her eyes—huge and round and verdant - bright, soft pools of liquid foliage. They'd been haunting.

He's only just over that strong border. He's heard whispers around Twolegplace from the strange party of cats that arrive each dusk—rumors of a she - cat over this border with a pelt like a deer, tawny - soft. Foolishly, he thinks of someone—and it bothers him. It bothers him, this sudden wellspring opened in his heart, this yearning. He's not cared for anyone he's met in seasons, and yet, she haunts him, much like that fae - child. It'd been her fault, in the end, and still he . . . misses her?

It'd just been so easy, with her; he hadn't had to think about it. He could do as he liked, and still have the reassurance of her paw on his and her muzzle buried in his chest. He didn't have to worry about where he'd get his next meal, back then; he didn't even have to worry about an inevitable breakup. She'd always be there, waiting with open arms. He sighs. Why'd you have to go and ruin everything, Bobbie?

He's sniffing around, wondering if he might encounter that strange child or at least a juicy piece of prey. Pawsteps sound in his ears—more than one set, in fact, and he hisses under his breath. Well, shit.