✿—— when did it get so cold? it felt as though for the last few moons it had been nothing short of scorching every day, heat bearing down on her back and making everyone look puffed-out and miserable on their patrols. the cool breeze that weaves its way through the lilac mane lying against her neck is a reminder—a reminder that the days of greenleaf are bleeding away fast. it was strange, how so much could change over a single season; she had begun greenleaf pregnant, shy, soft-pawed. now as the season drew to a close, her kits were already apprenticed, her friends within the clan made, her paws growing more calloused every day. it shocks her, really, to reflect on how much had happened over only a single season.

she's lived through a few greenleafs already, of course, but those had been different affairs entirely. she'd spent them dancing between the golden gardens of twolegplace and the cool ground of her housefolk's den, nothing to chase but clouds, her biggest wound a scratch or two her housefolk would easily treat. they had been long languid things, her mind cloudless and blue-skied, spent curled up for lazy naps or hopping along the fences of the twolegplace, chasing skinny birds or playing long-forgotten games. and of course, then she'd been flanked not by a golden shape or whole patrols but by a single black one, smoke-pelted and collar-wearing, there for every moment. limbs tangled with her as they napped, playing chase on the fences or catch the toy-mouse in the den.

the thought aches and she pushes it away, and it goes quietly—a thought used to being banished to the dark and cobwebbed corners of her mind until she accidentally dredged it up again to lodge its teeth in the soft flesh of her heart. pushing her sore limbs to action, she lifts herself up to feel the cool breeze; one thing that dependably exiles her feelings on such tender topics is moving, action, something to do instead of simply sit and think. today is no exception as she pads off towards the camp's exit; whatever the next season brings her, she will face it stronger than she was the last time the leaves fell.


  • ooc: prompt oneshot <3
    An unseasonably cool day reminds Bobbie that the languid days of greenleaf are drawing to a close. Having lived through a few already, what memories stand out to her the most about the season?
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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