pafp And I couldn’t keep my mouth shut ❧ Giving Edmund updates


Feb 20, 2024

Florabreeze could hardly contain the pep in her walk as she entered camp. She had reluctantly sent Jellypaw to see if the elders den needed to be cleaned at all, she thought that was pretty okayish punishment for running off from the patrol, she promised the young she-cat that she can have the rest of the day off if she finished that though so hopefully that was incentive enough to make her actually do it… Still! She had a pep in her step, in a particularly good mood after catching a glimpse and even a conversation with Edmund this time! She had spun on her paws to go gather Butterflytuft but he had excused himself before she could even take a step or officially volunteer to do it. This wouldn’t deter her though, she would still go out of her way to visit the queen and let her know, assuming that she would be thrilled regardless.

Truly she didn’t know why her clan-mates wanted to tease her about this excitement she carried- okay that’s a lie she did, she would absolutely tease someone else about it. There was something about the situation that had captured her interest and her imagination, the two were a dangerous combination. Given the fact that he had just shown up to the border to see them! He said to tell her that he said hi! How could she not act like she had just climbed to the top of Tallpine right now? Peering around the corner to the entrance of the nursery she beamed in delight as she spotted the white splashed tortoiseshell. “Heya Butterflytuft! You’ll never guess who I just saw” she sang out in a teasing lilt, feathery tail swaying from side to side as she grinned. “Edmund was just by the border, he was hoping to see Budkit walking around” at the mention of the kit the maine coon peered around to try and catch a glimpse of her.

Where was she… Oh, right! “He also wanted to see you, he said hi by the way!” She was sure that was all of the actual information that she had to tell her right this second. Now she could get a little conspiratorial “he seems pretty shy, Slate scared them real bad I think. Not actually- he just said someone should bring you to the border” she is quick to clarify, he can be pretty terse regarding twolegplace cats so she didn't want to leave space for misinterpretation. “They excused themself pretty quick afterwards, not before making sure we should tell you he said hi of course” Florabreeze eyes her curiously, trying to figure out how she’s feeling about this information, she hoped that it would be an elated reply but she was ready to try and do damage control if that wasn’t the case.

  • Please wait for @butterflytuft ! Takes place directly after this thread
  • FLORABREEZE 𖧧 She/her, Daylight Warrior of SkyClan, 34 moons (ages on the 12th)
    A large black tabby maine coon with low white and bright green eyes, always wearing her mushroom print collar if she can.
    Mentored by Sorrelsong /Mentoring Jellypaw
    “Speech”, thoughts, attacking
    Penned by Juice ⏐ouijeejuice on discord {open to being dmed for plots}
Butterflytuft, nestled comfortably in the nursery with Budkit at her side, lifts her head at Florabreeze's cheerful entrance. “Who?” She chirps curiously, her head tilting a bit. At the news, her expression turns into one of surprise as she listens to her friend's animated recounting of Edmund's visit to the border. “Really?” She purrs, unable to keep the bit of excitement from her voice. And here she was, thinking she’d never see the kittypet again! To know he’d cared enough to drop by and even ask about Budkit - it means a lot to her. She glances affectionately at her daughter, recalling that day like it was yesterday. She’d been so small then, eyes not even opened.

But the tortoiseshell can’t help but feel a flutter of nervousness beneath her joy. Edmund's kindness had touched her deeply ever since he had rescued her and Budkit, but she always has been shy around strangers. She’s not really sure what to do with the news. Say hi back? They aren’t even here! Nevertheless, she doesn’t want Florabreeze to worry. "Thank you for coming to tell me, Florabreeze," The queen mews sincerely, a small smile playing on her lips. "Maybe... maybe I could see him again at the border soon to tell him hi myself." Her voice holds a hopeful note as she glances back down at Budkit, her heart swelling with gratitude for their unexpected savior that day. Because of Edmund, Budkit is here now, growing stronger every day. She looks back to Florabreeze, golden eyes lit with a cautious idea. "If you see him again, could you…I don’t know, try to set something up? I’d love the chance to thank him myself." Of course, she can’t take a walk to the border herself, but maybe Florabreeze could help her with that, too.