wc rebels AND I DREAM BROKEN DREAMS — brightshine + kits


manu de vortes, aeria gloris
Jun 20, 2022
For two short moons, Pollenfur had carried Downy, Finch, and Rose with her. They had spent every waking moment together; every kick, every flutter, inside of her stomach had excited her. She had gotten to know them as individuals for only a quartermoon, feeling their damp fur fluff up dry against her tongue, hearing their snuffling cries for milk that soon became heart-rending and weak. She had buried Rose while screams tore from her throat—she had left her children on wobbling paws, in the care of their other mother, while she sought her own damnation.

Hers, and theirs, it seems. Pollenfur sits politely beside her sister, golden eyes veiled and deep with secrets. “Downy did not make it here? Then where… where are they?” She had asked Brightshine, and the confused misery in her sister’s eyes made it clear: Downy—Downypaw, now—must remain in camp, or else interred below the earth with their sister’s bones.

She cannot bear to think that. Hyacinthbreath’s spirit would not allow it. She walks with Downypaw, wherever she is, and she will keep her safe for me. I have to believe that, or I will die.

The other three kits are she-kits, all on sturdy, toddling limbs and with big, curious eyes. One is the spitting image of her mother; the other, the blue-eyed white, is closer to Heavy Snow in looks. But the final kit, the kit with her tabby-striped fur laced over white... I can see Hyacinthbreath in you, my beloved. She does her best not to let her gaze linger on Finchpaw for too long, instead meowing, “I can’t believe I get to meet your kits at last,” in a bright voice on the verge of breaking to Brightshine. “Can you introduce yourselves to your aunt Pollenfur?” She smiles, and the very gesture aches.


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  • Sad
Pinkpaw doesn't quite understand how this mystery cat knew her mom... Or how she knew about a sister that Pinkpaw only knew about... Pinkpaw feels like she can smile again, but it's small and confused. She still doesn't get where they are even if it's kind of cozy, for some reason...

What had she said her name was? Pollen...something? Pollenfur. She and her mom mumble about adult things, for a little bit. All the while, Pinkpaw sits quietly amongst the sisters she had. Why wasn't Downypaw here? Didn't Larkfeather say she'd find them? But then... why isn't Larkfeather here, either? She'd just have to ask Heavy Snow later... if Larkfeather didn't find them, surely he did...

It's then that Pollenfur looks at them, and Pinkpaw tilts her head, giving her a super suspicious look. because this was super suspicious, wasn't it? She talks like her and Brightshine are old friends, or... or something.

And then Pinkpaw is perking up, blinking wide - eyes at her. " Aunty Pollenfur? " she exclaims. She had so many aunties! How come she never knew about this one before? She bounces to her paws, the very tips of her toes. " I'm Pinkpaw! And— And this is Heathpaw! She can't hear anything but she's the nicest cat ever, and, and, and... " Pinkpaw looks at Finchpaw. She almost totally took the introduction for her but she stops herself because she loves her sister that much.

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    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
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Reactions: Marquette
Breaking the news to her sister that Downypaw is still in Sootstar’s grasp had to be the hardest thing Brightshine has ever done. Her wounds have stopped bleeding, but they sting with the reminder of how the mad leader’s claws feel. Is Downypaw going to feel them score their pelt, too? The thought makes her want to vomit, but she settles for teary eyes and a wobbling voice as she whispers to Pollenfur, promising her they would get her - their - kit back.

When her sister does turn to the three apprentices that gather, Brightshine finally lets an easy smile return to her face, joy in the midst of all this darkness. She giggles softly at Pinkpaw’s reaction, nodding enthusiastically, “This is my sister. I’m so happy you all get to meet her!” A memory surfaces, one within these barn walls in a nest of hay, Pollenfur cooing to her as she gave birth to two healthy little she-kits, two more kittens being placed at her belly within these walls. It is their birthplace, all four of them, and they have no idea. Sadly, she twines her tail with Pollenfur’s, hoping to offer her whatever strength she can.
There's a distinct lack by her side - a Downypaw-sized hole, and it leaves Finchpaw feeling extra lost in this already-unfamiliar place. Pinkpaw and Heathpaw are here, lined up beside her, and more than anything, it only seems to accentuate the gap as she glances between them, and then back over to Brightshine and this... Pollen-something, she's pretty sure. Things had been a little (or, more like a lot) chaotic when they'd arrived, and between everything it was a little hard to remember all the little details of their arrival, except for when they'd all found out about a secret sister, of all things! Which, that doesn't make up for Downypaw not being here, but it's still pretty cool; later, she plans on finding all out about what their new sister has been doing that's more important than hanging out with them, and why they never knew anything about her, but for now, it seems like things are happening again.

More introductions, and (Pollenfur, that was it!) - aunt? They had even more secret family?! "You're our aunt, too?" Practically an echo of Pinkpaw, but she can't quite help it; how many other of these new cats were they related to, anyways? Before she can quite puzzle that out, Pinkpaw is already launching into introductions, handling both herself and Heathpaw, and the pause just before her sister blurts her own name out is just long enough to recover. "And I'm Finchpaw!" she chirps, sitting up extra tall to make a good impression. Not that she really needs to be all that much taller, since both her sisters are already shorter, but it makes her feel cooler, and braver.

"Um, if you're our aunt, that means you know Lilacstem, right? And, do you know Larkfeather, and Sparkspirit, and Morningsong, too? 'Cause I haven't seen them here yet, but they're supposed to bring Downypaw soon, I think. Oh, she's not here, but that's our other sister - whenever she gets here, you can meet them, too!" Wait, was she supposed to take Downypaw's introduction like that? For all they know, Downypaw might show up in just a couple of minutes - oops. Well, they probably wouldn't mind, and anyways, it's just giving out their name - it's not like Downypaw can't properly introduce themselves later.

More importantly, there's the matter of random family members showing up around here. For this, Finchpaw turns her attention to Brightshine, inquisitive eyes narrowing slightly. "Mama, how come we didn't get to meet her 'till now? Or - or our other secret sister?" There's no way either of them had been in WindClan, else she would've at least recognized them by now - and, anyways, both of them were already here when everybody got here, so clearly they must be from around here, or something, even if that doesn't answer the question of why. "Do you know anybody else that I don't? Like, more sisters or aunts that live here, too, maybe?" she asks, turning back to Pollenfur. Surely if any more of their family is here, she'd know, though then again Brightshine would probably know, too, apparently. Even if she hadn't told them about any of them. Not that Finchpaw is a tiny bit upset about that or anything, 'cause that would be silly, especially since now they can all make up for all the time none of them knew about each other for however long they were all gonna stay here.

  • OOC: --​
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    - Finch Finchkit Finchpaw
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 5 moons
    - Loner Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
Pollenfur turns to Pinkpaw with a smile. Her exclamation is so Brightshine-esque—everything she does, every exaggerated movement and open-mouthed smile, is reminiscent of her peppiest sister. The mottled, gray-laden scrap of fur she’d helped welcome into the world in this very barn has a powerful voice that she uses to scour Pollenfur with introductions. “Nice to meet you, Pinkpaw.” She turns to Heathpaw, blue-eyed and pale beside her sister, but silent thus far. Pinkpaw curiously states that the she-cat can’t hear anything; Pollenfur blinks in what she hopes is a kindly manner toward her kin. “And nice to meet you too, Heathpaw.” To Brightshine, she tilts her head—can her niece read lips, she wonders, or is she still entirely dependent on gestures?

And then Finchpaw speaks for herself, her voice lower but still little more than a chirp alongside her false littermate’s. “You’re our aunty, too?” Pollenfur’s smile wavers, but she nods, solemn. “I am. I do know Lilacstem—she’s my sister, just like your mother is.” Mummery, puppetry, but she speaks the words just as she’s always practiced in her head. “And I have met Sparkspirit, Morningsong, and Larkfeather before, too. They are my kin as well. Just like they are yours.” The first thing she has said to her daughter that is not a lie, but it burns on her tongue nonetheless.

Finchpaw asks, “Do you know anybody else that I don’t? Like, more sisters or aunts that live here, too, maybe?” Pollenfur’s amber gaze mists. She thinks of the tiny sister Finchpaw will never meet, buried beneath snow and soil, stumbling on starry limbs with her mother in StarClan. She thinks of Hyacinthbreath, imagines her here now, breath warm and misty against her muzzle. “I had a mate who would have loved to meet you, little ones. She walks with StarClan now, but her name was Hyacinthbreath.” A faceless aunt, one whose existence is meaningless to the kits who blink up at her, but in her heart she fervently hopes Hyacinthbreath is with them now, meeting her young daughter for the first time.

Her sister’s tail twines with hers, and the warmth, the sensation, is a comfort she had forsaken many moons ago. She meets Brightshine’s green gaze, troubled to see the mix of emotions there—her littermate’s expression is a mimicry of her own, torment battling joy. “Your kits are beautiful,” she murmurs to her.

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Reactions: PINKSHINE
Pinkpaw gapes, her lips forming an 'oooh' when Brightshine introduces them to her sister! (She didn't really know what aunty meant, so this was news to her!) " Ohmygosh, like me and Finchpaw? " she asks. Did that mean she was gonna be an aunty one day? Or Finchpaw was gonna be an aunty? Pinkpaw nods along with all sisters questions, blinking when she realizes Pollenfur knows them all. Did they know her? How come Pinkpaw and all her sisters didn't get to know? " Yeah! Is it 'cause we're too little? " she guesses, making a pouty face as she does because cats keep saying she's little when that's hardly even true!

Pollenfur had a mate apparently. Like... like Brightshine and Heavy Snow? But her name was Hyacinthbreath, and she walks in the sky, apparently. Pinkpaw glances upward, as if she would see this "Hyacinthbreath" playing a game right above their heads right now, even though Pinkpaw didn't know what she looked like, and the dumb twoleg sky kept them from the real sky...

" Does that mean... " She lowers her voice to a whisper, cause she thinks this is the sort of thing you whisper about... " Does that mean she's dead...? " Was that rude to ask? She just really wanted to know... Cause she was never gonna die... Though maybe it was a little unfair, cause she wanted to see the stars up close... " Was she nice? I bet she was really nice. Cause... cause you're really nice. I'm glad you're my secret aunty and not a weird cat. " she tells her honestly, blinking at the two older cats. they looked sorta similar, and sorta not... More similar than Pinkpaw looked to Finchpaw, she guesses...

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with suburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
  • Love
Reactions: POLLENFUR