pafp and i get along with everyone | sharing tongues

where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— There are like a couple words that can really properly describe Catfishpaw, and one of those is well-groomed, another is "a debilitating need to constantly be around other cats" (it's one word, don't worry she checked). The greatest part of those two things is they go hand in hand together. She gets to not only make sure she is clean but also gets to help other cats get cleaned. Also camp has been really sober lately, and she was starting to feel it. She sorta needed to be around other cats to keep the tears from burning at her eyes. Not that she was close with the cats that had passed but, she has just been constantly reminded of mortality recently and she can't handle it a second longer.

That's when the Catfish scan took place, green eyes surveying every cat in range to see who would put up with her today. Hazepaw is the first to catch her gaze. Hazepaw is quiet, but Catfishpaw is quite confident in her ability to talk even if no one is talking back. "Hey, Hazepaw," She walked over to the other cat "Would you want to like share tongues, or like even just talk?" She had a genuine smile and patiently waited for a hopefully affirmative answer.

/// @Hazepaw
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———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
Hazepaw may seem absent-minded, a daydreamer, but they notice a lot more than people give them credit for. It just doesn’t seem worth their time to react openly and dramatically to things. Why should she make a show of paying attention when others talk to her? Of course she’s listening: she’s right there. These things are obvious and frankly shouldn’t need to be stated. Admittedly, they sometimes zone out, but in their defense there’s a lot to pay attention to in the world and talking cats are only one among many.

The heaviness hanging over the clan is among the things they’ve made note of and quietly dismissed. She has nothing to add to the conversation; though she empathizes with her clanmates, she didn’t know Clearsight enough to share in their grief, and the knowledge that he has found comfort in the stars suffices to soothe any melancholy.

Still, she has a heart, and she does see the pain in her clanmates’ faces. So when Catfishpaw approaches them, looking a little upset behind her smile, Hazepaw readily shifts to show the other apprentice that she’s welcome at their side.

Talk…? they repeat meaningfully, smiling a little and widening their eyes in a kind of light-hearted and helpless expression, a silent and you chose me for that?

Lacking the means and willingness for a conversational opener, Hazepaw would instead lean closer to start grooming Catfishpaw’s side, if the apprentice lets her. Hopefully the girl would be fine to monologue: unless someone else joins them, there’s only so much of that Hazepaw can do.

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Despite the fact that Fernpaw had never really been impressive-looking; in fact, he'd more often than not been told his appearance was a bit funny- the ginger tom had always held a rather devout grooming routine. Though his sparse fur had been growing in lately and shining more sunset-like than the pallid paleness he'd been used to seeing, his schedule had not shifted- feverishly did he brush through his fur, ridding himself of any parasite, any iota of dirt that had clung to his fur throughout the day so far.

Sharing tongues was... nice, but was one of those things that Fernpaw preferred to do himself. Collecting and grooming... yeah, those were the top of that list. Other cats tagging along tended to get in the way, or worse steal the glimmering sea-glass for themselves- swipe the prizes before he had a chance to call dibs, and then-

He side-eyed Hazepaw and Catfishpaw, pausing in his own ritual. Ear angled to attention, he noted the puzzlement in the former's voice- and he supposed they were a funny match, weren't they? Catfishpaw was infamously talkative... her chirpiness was welcome when everything seemed so shadowed. Fernpaw bothered not to hide his interest; a distraction from the doubt darkening his mood might do him good.
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Crappiepaw would not refer to themself as well-groomed; between their constant illness and their tendency to simply… forget. Their fur gets wet from a swim, and they do not remember that they need to groom it. Some clanmates, though, seem to be very good at remembering to clean themselves off. Catfishpaw is a good example; she is always silken and soft looking, and she draws Crappiepaw’s gaze from across the camp, where she lies beside Hazepaw.

They have watched others in the clan groom one another’s pelts, but the calico prefers not to touch others unless absolutely necessary. The only exceptions are, of course, their friends; Koispots and Quietstream have worked hard to earn their respective places within Crappiepaw’s life. He cannot wait until he is old enough to be made a warrior, to take on a new, different name, and join his friends in the warriors’ den.

Trusging over to stand beside the trio of other apprentices, the calico turns wide eyes upon Fernpaw. "You are not going to join?" They understand why he would not join the others in their sharing of tongues, but they are curious.
[ dancing in the panic room ]
where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— She chuckled a little as the other apprentice seemed confused "Well, you can do it can't you?" she teased light-heartily, taking a place next to the apprentice. Catfish knew as well as Hazepaw that it would probably be just her talking, but if she could get some small convesation out of the other cat she would count this as a victory of friendship.

As Hazepaw started sharing tongues Catfishpaw returned the favor between words, Hazepaw's fur was getting tidier at a much slower pace than Catfish's. "How have you been dealing with all this extra stress as of late," she wouldn't really wait for the other cat before she kept on talking "I mean like, I don't think I have really been dealing with it at all. It's all just been stewing. Stewing is a weird word, huh? I don't know if I like it." She only stopped her thought when she noticed Fernpaw and Crappiepaw seemingly eyeing her and Hazepaw, "You guys are like totally welcome to come join us," she forgot to ask Hazepaw however and quickly looked to the other apprentice "Oh, sorry unless like you would rather a smaller group Hazepaw."
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey
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