private AND I HOPE YOU'RE OKAY &. forestshade


this wasn't how they wanted to spend their time. in their own den, forced to not do anything. could walk around but can't leave camp. can't go on patrols, and certainly can't go to the gathering. they wonder if they would be healed enough for the next one. as much as they hated going to gatherings, it was a good way to get information on other clans. with a sigh, their ears pinned back against their head, eyes slowly blinking in boredom. yeah, they were hurting but if they knew they could get away with it, they would have long since left. they would not have stayed here. it feels weird, not doing something. however, the familiar paw steps of their former apprentice makes them look up. they push to their paws in a seated position, head tilting as they looked at what forestshade had in her jaws.

"hey forestshade. you alright? need something?"

//terrible at starters but 😭 @FORESTSHADE

Forestshade hadn't been thrilled with the strict changes the clan had been making, but she's a lead warrior now. She's got to back up her leader and her fellow hoity-toity important cats. So she's kept her maw shut and her head down, hunting and patrolling in pairs and all that. On her most recent venture with a small little patrol, she'd managed to catch something quite special. A marsh hare is dragged into her leader's den, not as fat as a newleaf rabbit but far plumper than most of what they can manage to catch around here.

"I need you to eat," She replies casually, dropping the hefty catch so that it lands with a thump before Chilledstar. A yawn splits her jaws as she sits back on her haunches, a hind leg lifting to scratch behind her ear. "How are ya holdin' up in here? I thought I could come and keep you company - seems lonely to be cooped up like this." She remembers how bored she'd been when her paw was healed from that dang thorn, and that hadn't been nearly as long a recovery as this.