camp and i still have a song to sing / ✦ rta, breakfast

mentions of shoulder/joint dislocation occurring in paragraph 3!
It's quiet. The sunlight peeks through asymmetrical oak leaves to display a kaleidoscope of different shadowed patterns onto the dirt below, the darkness casted against the dens of ThunderClan colliding in a dance with the light. Golden eyes enhanced by the spilling-over of the sunlight into the medicine den sparkled with rejuvenation, tongue skimming over chapped lips in a starved manner.

Heavy paws pull out a chocolate form engulfed by the flames of the morning, shaking the bed-head out of his fur with contempt. Fur could be such a hassle — why did he have to care so much about the dirt that clung to it? An image of him standing with his back arched, eyes wide and cheeks flushed red appeared in his mind as the sound of laughter rang, faded, through his mind as though to taunt him. The longing Addersnap had to belong felt as though it would never leave his side, a thorn lodged too far in to grasp with mere claws.

But he had a lot to think about after the uprising Flamestar carried out — a flash to a shining white teeth shown through a curled smile, the sound of popping and a pained cry echoing through his ears — about what his role was going to look like as a warrior from here on out. The boy pictured now not a cowering, weak frame but a proud, confident stance with strength gleaming in his eyes. He was looking up to a version of him that didn't yet exist — one that reminded him of the brother he wished he was blessed with — and his mind went to his currently siblings with a bit of his lip. Bearcloud and Elkthistle hadn't exactly been there for him during their apprenticeship, often too busy trying to make their parents proud than to spend time with their little brother. It's not like he couldn't blame them, they... weren't easy to please. But they could've at least tried.

Padding over to the fresh-kill pile, he waited until those who got 'special treatment' (that consisting of the sick/injured, elders, queens and their kits) were delivered their fill before bending his head over to take a small inhale. Delicately wrapping his teeth around a limp mouse, Addersnap picked what he hoped to be a spot that wouldn't gain much traction. Spending time to heal in the medicine den from his dislocated shoulder didn't do wonders for his attitude, so the tabby still carried the same annoyed frown that laced his otherwise relaxed face. Ripping into his small feast, he closed his eyes to listen to the songbirds that surrounded their camp with a content sigh. He may as well enjoy the peace before it was gone.
addersnap ( adderkit > adderpaw) / i've come undone ✦
amab male, he/him pronouns / sexuality unknown, single
thunderclan warrior, 13 moons old / ages every 00/29/00
lh chocolate tabby with low white and golden hues, lanky
npc xx npc / brother to elkthistle, bearcloud, and 1 other‎‎ ‎
smells of fresh cut grass, mud, and musky wood / spotify
written by @/emily, ic opinions / tags, toyhouse, discord‎ ‎
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Reactions: ORANGEPAW.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ they all seemed to be healing, the flesh wounds at least. gentlestorm's den seemed to be dwindling in numbers each day as thunderclanner's returned to their duties. addersnap seemed to get a particularly nasty cut of it, shoulder yanked from its socket. her ears twitched at the thought of it. a scratch was one thing, but how could gentlestorm heal wounds he did not see? it wasn't for her to know, a part of the queen was thankful for that.

she is not deterred by the frown etched across his muzzle when she walks by, searching for a wayward kitten through camp. she sometimes wished they took hide-and-seek less seriously. "addersnap," she greets simply, eyes lingering on the afflicted shoulder. it looked normal, she supposed. "it is good to see you out. are you allowed back on patrol, yet?"

a question she'd know the answer to if she hadn't been cooped up in camp, if she were still in the habit of waking at the crack of dawn to listen to patrols. a blessing and a hinderance, either way it was nearing time for her to rejoin the other warriors. it wouldn't do any harm getting caught back up to speed.
  • ooc ↛
  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, 37 ☾'s
    a small black smoke molly with a white paw and pale silver eyes. currently a queen residing in the nursery.
    mate to raccoonstripe / / currently mentoring none.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
⊱⊰ Hopepaw sweeps about a the camp with a distinctly nervous air about her, all jerky movements and too-quick glances over her shoulder. What if Roeflame needs her, what if Gentlestorm needs her—what if Coalpaw needs her. Her mind is filled with concern even still, unconsciously checking every piece of prey before she eats it and looking twice into the faces of every clanmate she passes by. Betrayal could come from anywhere, from anyone… there are only a few cats who are safe to relax around.

Addersnap is not one of those cats, but Nightbird certainly is. As she spots the dark-furred queen, her steps bring her closer, and it is only due to her comfort with Nightbird that she stops to look over Addersnap. "Didn’t you hurt your leg?" She asks, unsure. She hadn’t really paid much attention to her uncle’s patients while she’d been sleeping in his den—her focus had been on Gentlestorm himself, along with Orangepaw and Coalpaw. Only now that many of the sick and injured have made their way out of the den does she realize just how much she’d overlooked them while they were laid resting in their nests. The brown tabby tom seems nice enough, if not a bit grumpy, but after all the clan has been through she can understand the prickliness. Maybe if she just… talks to some of her clanmates, really gets to know them, then she’ll be able to curb her own paranoia.

  • ooc:
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  • HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan apprentice
    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and sleepy, but can be a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue (adopted by roeflame) ; sister to braveheart, hazepaw, cardinalpaw, coalpaw ; adoptive sister to beetlepaw, dovepaw, littlepaw
    mentored by lovelight
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore

Antlerbreeze cannot pretend she is normal the wake of the revolt. She is left with lingering scars on her soul, of a code that was broken by their traitors time and time again. But she is healing- like those with physical wounds, or others like her with mental or emotional, she is healing. Putting herself back together in pieces slowly uncovered by other warriors putting themselves back together. Her eyes drifted close for a moment longer before she, too, emerges from a den.

Vision shifted towards Hopepaw and Nightbird- then a ruddy brown pelt beyond. Antlerbreeze's ears twitched. Addersnap had been the apprentice Leafhusk had while she trained under the lead temporarily- she had.. some good, some bad memories with him, but ones that had her approaching. Antlerbreeze did have to say that she was relieved to see him finally healing. "Addersnap." Antlerbreeze greets quietly, her eyes soft.

"Your leg looks like it's doing better." She offers- both in response to Hopepaw, and in compliment to how well Addersnap was healing. "Missed seeing you around." She does not presume that she is welcome to sit, instead stepping past to find something off the freshkill pile herself- ears still listening to the conversation swarming the warrior who was healing.
  • "speech"
  • ANTLERBREEZE she/her, warrior of thunderclan, fourteen moons.
    LH cinnamon lynx sepia with low white. smaller body, agile and slippery, fits really well in small gaps in the underbrush. soft spoken but strong and determined.
    previously mentored by howlingstar / / mentoring no one
    padding after no one / / sibling to fallowbite and doepath
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Raccoonstripe almost absently presses his striped flank against Nightbird's smoked as he passes by the fresh-kill pile. He'd picked over a sparrow before his morning patrol, and though his stomach feels cavernous again already, he does not eye anything Addersnap is picking through with any interest. Like his Clanmates, his eyes scan the young warrior's shoulder, his movements, and he is satisfied to see Addersnap moving well once more. We are healing at last.

"Agreed." His voice is gruffer than Hopepaw's, than Antlerbreeze's. "Leafbare approaches. We'll need all the warriors we can get to prepare." It is not the gentle welcome back of a friend, but the appreciative one of a lead warrior to a valued member of his Clan.

  • ooc:
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  • Raccoon . Raccoonstripe, he/him w/ masculine terms.
    — "speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 45 moons old, ages realistically on the 5th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring Thistlepaw ; previously mentored Wildheart, Moonwhisper
    — thunderclan lead warrior. gray wolf x howlingstar, gen 2.
    — currently mated to Nightbird.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh black tabby with white and dark brown eyes. charismatic, charming, calculating, ambitious, shallow, manipulative.

Tense jaw muscles move to take in the scent of rain that clung to the air, fluttering around in his lungs like a swarm of butterflies begging to be released from their cage. Closed eyes squeeze shut as the sharp exhale of oxygen leaves his maw, ears flattened against his skull to display the irritation he began to carry. A voice -- interrupting his meal. Addersnap opens one eye to look up at the 'perpetrator' who had disturbed him only to quickly sit up, sunlit eyes no longer visible through lazy slits after catching the gaze of Nightbird. "N-Nightbird." the tabby dipped his head with a look to the side, biting his lip to try and control the nerves that surged through his veins in that moment. "'hank you. Umm, yes, I think 'm gonna be on the next round. I d'nno."

The young warrior shrugged his shoulders to try and shake away his anxieties, flashing his teeth in an awkward attempt as a smile. He hated being put in this position; the sunlight landing right on his umber pelt, a silver glare cutting through him like razor-sharp ice. Shifting the weight on his hind paws, he slowly let out the air he hadn't realized built up in his chest to make him appear overly confident. "When will you be re-- returnin'?" Addersnap felt as though he did not need to elaborate as per the topics of the conversation at paw, but it was unknown where he meant returning to patrols or her typical lead warrior duties.

Hopepaw's awkward form next to Nightbird was unexpected, yellow gaze shifting down slightly to look at the apprentice before him. His upper lip twitched as a 'tch' sounded off his sharp tongue, irises now focused elsewhere as her question settled like dust in his ears. Hopepaw had never done anything to upset him, but Addersnap was not one for the younger felines who wove their way underneath unsuspecting paws without acknowledgement for their mistakes, their haughty personalities, lack of appreciation... It was truly all in his head, but the boy didn't exactly try and change his thoughts on the matter. "Shou'der." Again, he did not choose to explain any further -- instead, lying back down to take another bite from his mouse. 'Mmm,' he purred, thinking to himself how this may be the last plump mouse that he may touch until new leaf.

And like the cinnamon colored molly making her way towards him, the uprising too had left its stain permanently on his heart. The lingering sting of pain throbbed at his shoulder, crying out to be noticed once again. Wincing and oh so trying to hide the ache that had hit him, Addersnap meekly looked up to meet Antlerbreeze's softened stare. His ear flicked as a mosquito began to buzz around, trying to rid the unwanted company as he began with a whisper under his breath. "'t's my shou'der..." It wasn't meant to be rude, he just had a habit of correcting others. He felt as though they would understand better if they had the right details. "Uh, y-- yeah. It is, 'hanks."

As she padded on, he lingered on the comment: 'Missed seeing you around.' Dark-furred brows stitch together in a puzzled manner, lips pressed tighter as he thought. Did others see him? Did they appreciate what he brought forth in the clan -- his efforts, his energy? Raccoonstripe's grumbles allowed Addersnap to focus on the group before him, fur burning from the embarrassment crawling through his skin. So, some did miss him after all. Cracking a soft smile, the brown colored warrior cleared his throat with a nod of acknowledgement and a soft 'Mhm.'

Figuring he had garnered quite a group, the boy gnawed away at his nerves as he opened a shaky jaw. "D-- Did I miss anythin' imporetant?" The question was directed towards no one in particular, voice higher in tone with shame heating his ear tips.
addersnap ( adderkit > adderpaw) / i've come undone ✦
amab male, he/him pronouns / sexuality unknown, single
thunderclan warrior, 13 moons old / ages every 00/29/00
lh chocolate tabby with low white and golden hues, lanky
npc xx npc / brother to elkthistle, bearcloud, and 1 other‎‎ ‎
smells of fresh cut grass, mud, and musky wood / spotify
written by @/emily, ic opinions / tags, toyhouse, discord‎ ‎