and i will try, try, try to breathe || willowroot

Aug 1, 2022


Ashpaw is an apprentice!

The kitten-- no, apprentice, she's an apprentice now-- giggles to herself as she scrambles along behind Willowroot, orange pelt fluffed up with excitement. She's still getting used to this. It's just all so wonderful. The only thing that's better than being an apprentice is-- well, there's two things, actually. The only two things better than being an apprentice are:

1. Having Steeppaw as an apprentice buddy.
2. Having the BEST MENTOR EVER: Willowroot, powerful amazing beautiful cool invincible lead warrior of RiverClan.

She's starstruck following along behind, ready to do anything Willowroot asks of her on their little excursion through the territory. Scampering after, bubbling up with excitement to take on everything she can-- is fishing first on this morning's to-do list? Or swimming? Are they gonna train to fight?

A breeze flutters cool and fresh through her fur as she leaps into the air, squeaking with excitement. Right now it kinda feels like the whole world is Ashpaw's for the taking. She lands, then skitters forward to catch up with her mentor.

"Wha- what are we gonna do first today, Willowroot?" the little tabby pants, just a bit out of breath from all her hopping and skipping and scampering and dancing. (Sometimes, being excited is a lot of work.) Glass-green eyes glitter, not unlike a sunlit ocean, as she gazes up at Willowroot-- adoration on her face, little paws ready to go go go.

—— i found gold in the wreckage

  • @willowroot <333
  • - 3 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - will bite you
    - and then apologize bc she's trying to be good, really, she is
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
( ) if she's honest with herself, willowroot is surprised. not only has cicadastar trusted her with an advising position, he has also assigned two young cats for her to care for. two young minds which she can mold any way she wishes. stars, she hopes she doesn't disappoint. the immediate reaction upon receiving not one, but two apprentices was shock. she had but a moment to take it in before she was bombarded with questions, and a small joy had sparked in her heart at the kids' tiny voices as they pierced the fog in her brain. these apprentices are the future of riverclan, the lifeblood that can decide the fate of the territory. they're also terrifying, and, stars, they have energy.

she's taking ashpaw out alone, wanting to get to know each apprentice individually before combining the two, and willowroot can't help the purr that rumbles in their throat as they pause to wait for the tiny orange girl to bounce after. she's so enthusiastic, her face practically split in half with a grin, and for a moment, wil wants to just squeeze her, hold her close and not make the kid face any kind of hardship. the little face blinking up at her sends another wave of adoration, and the warrior grins, sparkling eyes matching the energy of her new trainee. "well, first off, let's catch our breath." she says, voice affectionately teasing as she watches the little chest heave. green meets green as willow narrows their eyes, crouching down. "so, ashpaw, my apprentice," she flicks the child's flank with her tail. "how do we feel about swimming? good? bad?" they murmur low, like it's a secret between the two of them. "you wanna see the swimming area?"

of course, the kid has seen the water before- she's snuck out countless times, but wil knows ashpaw will go along with anything. it's one thing seeing the body of water secretly, but quite another to go in it. "now, swimming takes work. i didn't get good at it until i actually lived on the twoleg boat, but i think i can teach you a thing or two... whadda ya say?"



"First off, let's catch our breath."

Ashpaw's eyes go wide, and she nods as solemnly as she can manage, then takes a few deep breaths. She resists the urge to keep hopping and skipping and wiggling in place-- that is not conducive to breath catching-- she's just so excited.

An affectionate tail-flick, and Ashpaw giggles, pleased by the touch. Willowroot really likes her. Sometimes Ash used to worry that she'd get a mentor who wouldn't like her, especially after what happened with WindClan. Because who wanted a bad kit, right? And when she was finally apprenticed-- her new name ringing out across the camp, everybody's eyes on her and the rest of the brand-new 'paws-- she'd been just as anxious as she was thrilled, because Willowroot is a lead warrior and they're also so cool. What if Ash just didn't measure up?

But any trace of that worry is gone now, seeing the fondness in Willow's eyes, feeling some of her own excitement reflected back.

"So, Ashpaw, my apprentice." Again Ash fights the urge to dance with joy. She's got the best mentor ever.

"I feel awesome about swimming!" Ashpaw trills in response to Willow's question. She bounces in place a little as her mentor goes on, listening intently and nodding along. "I'll work extra hard, I promise. I'll learn ALL the things."

Maybe one day I'll be just like you.

—— i found gold in the wreckage

  • ooc text goes here
  • - 3 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - will bite you
    - and then apologize bc she's trying to be good, really, she is
    - latches onto anyone who shows her affection
( ) the kid barely slows down in her rambling, but willowroot finds they mind very little. ashpaw is practically vibrating in place, eyes glowing as she gazes up. it's with a barely contained chuckle that the dark femme softly nudges her little charge. "well then, let's go!" echoing her apprentice's joy in a softer tone, the warrior leads the way towards the rushing river, pausing to taste the air. delight pools in their chest as they take in the scenery, relishing the clear day and the sight of the willow dappled river. guiding ashpaw along the bank, wil begins to explain.

"the place we're going is very close to where i first swam in this river. it's where myself and buckgait taught raccoonpaw to swim, and a place i like to go from time to time." curling their tail behind the kid as she patters along beside them, wil directs them towards a small, hidden cluster of reeds and tall grasses. pushing through the undergrowth, she reveals a pool of water, just the right size for swimming, that has been somewhat cut off from the rest of the busy river by a jutting of rocks. it's still apart of the main body, but it's calmer, better for a beginner like ashpaw.

"okay, let's just wade first and get a feel for the water." she steps into the pool, feeling the cool water soothe her paws, and awaits the arrival of ashpaw. "only go in up to your belly for now," she gestures to herself, where the water laps just below the long fur of her stomach. "have you been in the water before? how does it feel?"