private and I wished upon a star — brightfam


for you, i’d steal the stars.
Jul 14, 2022

While Pollenfur’s introduction had been appreciated while Echolight had stood there, almost useless in her surprise, the calico knew there was much to discuss with her family, a true reunion to be had.
The older molly would be lying if she said seeing her mother again did not make her feel like a child herself, embracing her in a way that Echolight did not want to withdraw from, the way emotion cast a sheen of moisture over her eye once the initial shock had wearer off.
When given the moment, Echolight would gather her family in a private corner near the barn, almost similar to the way they were when she was a Windclan warrior, spilling the secret of her pregnancy.
"After I was captured… the twolegs held me in their den for a long time, I only escaped after they tried to load me up in their monster." The story of her time as a entrapped kittypet shot a shiver up the dappled barn cats spine, "When I made it back, windclans border had been muddled with the scent of rogues, blood… I was so scared I ran here, where I was able to reunite Pollenfur and Yewberry. I waited at the border everyday hoping to see you guys, I’m so sorry… I didn’t trust Sootstar to welcome me back with open paws. " Her last sentence is spoken with a shake of her head, a silent hope her mother would not be upset with her.
Echolight would let her story hang in the air for a moment before a one-eyed gaze would finally turn to the kits that clung to Brightshines flank and limbs, a soft but sad smile blooming on scarred features.
"I’m especially sorry I never got to meet you guys before now. What are your names? "
Her tone is light, as she cannot imagine the stress these poor children are having to endure.
While her own children’s whereabouts gnawed on her like one of the dogs bones, from the sound of it they were still in the moorlands, but would be arriving soon. A mother’s intuition was persistent, but Echolight found herself having to accept the little explanation she received for now, at least until she got to properly meet her baby siblings.
Did Mallowlark know of them? Oh, she hoped so, she could only imagine the alabaster toms excitement.

Echolight. She knew Echolight, her sister by name. but Pinkpaw had no idea she'd get to find out what she looks like when she followed Brightshine with droopy eyes. Now, she was settled with her and the rest of her family, listening to the tale of what the heck happened to her. Twolegs... Rogues... Pinkpaw might've thought it was a cool escape story, but Echolight only sounded sad as she told it, so Pinkpaw guesses this was a sad story... Pinkpaw's tired of sad things! " But we patrol lots and lots! How come no one saw you? " she wails. It's not fair that she has a secret sister! " Did they not, um— know it was you? Cause your face is all messed up? Did the twolegs do that? " Pinkpaw would tilt her head, trying to look Echolight in the one eye she has. Her sister is kinda scary. She was tired of scary things, too!

" I'm Pinkpaw, " she tells her, and she's kinda... jittery. Her paws try to draw pictures in the sand, but there is no sand here, just weird... twoleg stuff. And suddenly, she realizes— " Are you Sparkspirit's all - gone mom? "

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    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with yellow eyes, ringed blue around her pupils (sectoral heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​
It's so hard not to interrupt the story, even if she knows that it's rude (unless there are specific pauses! Sometimes you're supposed to interject!), and a myriad of questions is already practically overwhelming her brain. Questions of Twolegs (do they really only have two legs?) and monsters (what kind of monster? Like, a giant worm monster??), and of borders and companions (is this Yewberry also secretly related to them???), and then suddenly the story is over, and Pinkpaw is already asking her questions. They're good ones, too, even if they aren't the ones Finchpaw had thought up, and she takes the moment to study Echolight, though it's mostly her face, since Pinkpaw had brought it up. Finchpaw has seen scars before, and she's even seen face scars before, on cats like Fogbound and Wolfsong, but not anything like this - this is different, in some way she can't quite put names or concepts to.

"Yeah, are you sure you were there every day? 'Cause we didn't ever get to see you - I don't think so, at least, 'cause I guess we wouldn't have known who you were if we did see you, but still," she muses, head tilting to the side. The only other cats she remembers are the ones that attacked Fogbound, and she's pretty sure Echolight wouldn't ever do anything like that; besides, her new sister looks pretty memorable, so she'd probably remember meeting her before now. "Um, how come Sootstar wouldn't want you to come home? Did you think she was gonna be all weird and angry at you, like she was at Sunstride?" Before today, the idea would have baffled her, but after that command to kill Sunstride, and after everybody actually started attacking each other? Now, she doesn't quite know what to think.

There are enough questions left that she could probably fill this whole place up with them, but Echolight returns with a question of her own - their names. It's only then that she realizes they really hadn't introduced themselves yet, had they? In her defense, lots and lots of things had been going on, so you can't really blame her for forgetting something so small as that. "My name's Finchpaw!" she adds after Pinkpaw, who seems kind of distracted for a second, and then - there it is. Swiveling away from her sister and towards her... other sister, technically? Weeeiiirrrdd, but cool, too, maybe, but that's beside the point. The point is, she wants to hear what Echolight has to say about that, especially since it's probably true, unless there's someone else hiding out here that's Sparkspirit's mom and also somehow related to them.​
  • OOC: --​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
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    - Finch Finchkit Finchpaw
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 5 moons
    - Loner Kit Apprentice of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​