private And I'll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins || Nightingalecry

There was nothing Morningpaw enjoyed more than collecting flowers. Their lives were fleeting, so delicate and yet they come back year after year, spreading across the land and bringing a splash of color to it. He wishes he could take them all back, liven up the camp and maybe some of the attitudes there too. Everyone was so uptight about Adderpaw's funny little orange thing.... Let the guy live! Simple, he considered his clanmates.

Simple minded and only good for brutality. He didn't always think this way, and he often scolds himself for thinking so, but sometimes.... He just gets proven right.

So he comes out to the moors to collect and organize his thoughts.... And a new one passes his mind. He's always seen Nightengalecry frowning... Always so sad looking. He knows why, she shares the same problem he has. The blood of a traitor, though Yewberry never joined another clan and then brutally murdered an ex clanmate. Regardless, he knows how she feels. In fact...

He's never seen her smile, has he?

He stops amid a patch of flowers, orange poppies fully bloomed and swaying in the breeze. They're bright like the sun, warm and beautiful. He decides these joyful looking flowers are perfect, and begins picking a few. Once he has enough, he dashes back to camp to find Nightingalecry.

Looking around, he soon spots her. Tail lifted high and a smile on his face, he trots over to her, setting the flowers infront of him to speak.

"Nightingalecry! I brought you some flowers! You always look so sad, so I figured I would try to cheer you up!"
He says in his usual joyful tune. He hopes she likes them. "I could weave them into a crown... Or into your fur, if you'd like!"