The days grow warmer and the snow drifts away, melting under the sun’s light and feeding the place for which frozen white pelts stood their ground in leaf-bare’s stay. The puddles left in their wake serve for squishy terrain under-toe as Screechpaw walks.

Content in his surroundings, in the muddy playground he finds himself in, the apprentice hops from puddle to puddle before him, his impact uprooting the watered-down soil in splashes that soar upward and rain back down on him, coating his pelt and creating further markings on his sun-sparsed fur. There’s no doubt that his mess falls on others in the patrol too, but his mind finds little care in such a probability.

He leaps once more, a splash larger than the last rising around him. A laugh marks its downfall as two-toned eyes find his next target, and limbs move to crouch down in preparation for another leap. It doesn’t arrive, however, before a force collides into him, an impact that causes Screechpaw to nearly stumble.

His happiness dies, a frown pulling at his maw as he turns to look at the fun-ruiner. “ Hey! Watch where you’re — Woah! “ The tom’s paws slip beneath him, and he reaches for the cat who’d collided with him in an effort to stop himself from falling.​
  • // PROMPT: With the snow beginning to melt the marsh is especially wet and muddy and slips and spills are bound to happen. Navigate this landscape together and help one another stay on your paws!
  • 74597074_cdZpRJwV0JQAuyC.png
    ── Apprentice of ShadowClan

    ── Forestshade x Vulturemask
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A black/red tabby chimera with mismatched green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Chilledstar
    ── "Speech"; Attack

Sweetpaw hated the mud, hated the sloshing mess they were forced to hobble through. The terrain was hard enough to navigate when it wasn't constantly shifting underpaw and warping into something unfamiliar. When the snow fully melted and the ground began to grow firm he would feel more comfortable, but the marshes had a way of always keeping him on his toes; the lightest rain would turn a once safe path into a slog. They hear laughter, easily recognizable as his brother and the fluffy black apprentice wanders over unaware of the sloshing being more than just minor puddles upon the ground. His paw slips, the blind apprentice gives a shriek as he spins forward and careens across the mud before colliding into the familiar scent of their littermate.
"Screechpaw-!" He squeaks, paws raising to latch onto him at the same time they latch onto them and the resulting tangle sends them both tumbling over into the filthy mud.


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    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ LH Solid black w/golden eyes (Is Blind)

In her defense, she'd been distracted. A scent, something tantalizing, reaches her - freshly caught prey by a clanmate, she presumes. She wanders closer, following her nose, and her ears? They are not as alert as they might usually be. If they had been, perhaps she would have heard the splashing, perhaps she would have paid attention to the sound of her son's laughter. But with an empty belly comes this lapse of judgment, and she walks right by, just as a wave of muddy water is sent in her direction.

A yowl rips from her as water cascades down her back and seeps into her pelt. Back arched, ears sideways, and tail lashing, she whirls around just in time to hear her other son careen right into Screechpaw. She can feel the mud beneath her paws, can hear the two of them sloshing about in it, and the surprise melts from her face. It becomes a grin, amused and filled with glee as she rears up. "Oh, no one challenges the mud master!" She gloats about her knack of staying rather dirty before coming down hard to try and splash them with more mud, laughter belting from her parted jaws.
It was a cruel irony, to put someone who preferred to stay clean in perhaps, the filthiest territory in the forest. Inherently so, the entire ground being muddy year - round. In leaf - bare, in exchange for cold, some of the mud might frost over. Here, on the cusp of leaf - bare and and Newleaf, it was worse than ever, now thawed and mingly with the over - eager snowmelt. While her paw's have grown used to having mud caked upon them, until she could return home for the day, she very much preferred if the rest of her could stay relatively mud - free.

It certainly doesn't help when your patrolmates have no such reservations, and are practically doomed to be somewhat clumsy. Only narrowly does she avoid the backsplash from Screechpaw and Sweetpaw's collision, but she doesn't have time to breathe a sigh of relief, or wonder about their wellbeing, before Forestshade is jumping into the fray, taking this as an apparent challenge.

Applepaw is not lucky enough to avoid the spray of mud for a second time. She withholds a discontented hiss as pale orange is stained brown. There is a disgruntled insult at the tip of her tongue... but she is no warrior yet... and if she were, Forestshade would be her superior still... somehow. She does not withold her grimace, but she keeps her voice level. " Please keep your... mud battle to yourselves, " she mumbles, stepping away from the scene.

  • B4eJFa4.png

  • SHE / HER
    ELDEST SISTER TO SWANPAW, ASHENPAW, AND GARLICPAW ( halfpaw, thornpaw, laurelpaw )
    currently 11 moons old as of 3.11.24. ages every 17th.
    ic opinions! she's mean <3