
'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — The lumbering giant would step out from his den after making sure that all the apprentices had a meal and something to drink, he pushes through the fern tunnel shaking out his plush coat and searches the clearing for Leafhusk and once his dark gaze settles onto her would he give a curt nod in her direction. He would be taking her along with two other warriors that had volunteered to go, he knew the potential danger of a sole wolf walking around on Thunderclan territory it would be best not to go alone anymore until the threat passed even if he isn't certain of when that would be. He imagines that it would be safer if they went early in the morning so they'd be high alert and potentially avoid the beast prowling near Snakerocks... Perhaps it would be resting while he and his small patrol went out to search for herbs specifically juniper berries. Gentlestorm being cautious of the deer that treaded on the snow with sharp hooves. He remembers how Sandthorn had died to the hooves of a deer due to them running, a stampede, and the clueless giants had ended up breaking the ribs of the molly and killing her swiftly.

He swallows feeling his throat growing dry from the memory and he gives a motion of his snowy dipped paw for Martenmask, Copperfang, and Leafhusk to follow him out of camp not bothering to speak just yet. Once they were further from camp does he part his jaws "We're out here looking for poppy seeds, marigold, and juniper berries. Marigold are flowers with orange petals and poppy seeds come from these round flowerheads, sometimes white or brown." Gentlestorm begins to explain to the warriors on what exactly he's searching for especially since he had used a lot of his herbs to treat those injured in his den, he pauses letting this information settle for a heartbeat or two soon speaking once again, "And another thing to keep an eye out for is juniper berries. They're blue and purple in color," His big snow capped paws continued to trod along trying with his dark golden gaze glancing around at their surroundings and his feathered ears would prick forward not uttering another word unless either of the warriors spotted a plant that could fit the description of those that he had described.

The medicine cat making sure that his body is semi-lowered when he nears the area where he has seen juniper berries before during solo patrolling, Gentlestorm notices the animal prints left behind by the deer that had been travelling in Thunderclan territory and presses forward seeing the remains of some partially eaten berries as well as berry splatters staining the snow from having been stepped on by clumsy hooves. A frown tugs at the sides of his mouth as he continues more cautiously but the sudden scent of something metallic make the fur along his spine prickle with unease, his eyes widening, and his hackles raising as he hisses in a hushed voice "Do you smell that?" A small wave of a snowy paw for them to keep close as he presses onward, he pushes by frosted foliage and stops before peeking. His heart drops, his stomach twists, and he finds himself owling at the sight of a torn up body with ribs protruding from the carcass, blood staining the ground, and one of its limbs had been tore off. It's the remains of a deer... The only thing large enough to take it down is a wolf and it look like more than one set of jaws had torn into it.

Gentlestorm cannot move feeling his paws frozen to the ground, a chill pushing through his body...

— ooc; it seems like the patrol did not find herbs but instead the remains of a kill made by more than one wolf, there does not to seem to be any signs of wolves around, and have briefly abandoned their kill but they should not linger... lest they wish to become wolf apetizers. warriors present


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿✿❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • q0K38mZ.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentlestorm is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
cw; mentions of emetophobia (no actions) in the last two paragraphs

after her brief exchange with gentlestorm, leafhusk slipped by the gorse tunnel to wait, sitting so she could finish up her morning groom. she doesn’t know what to expect from a herb patrol, however it sounded easy enough. looking at leaves, and berries until gentlestorm said they have enough is different than the warrior’s norm. a respectable change of pace for her, to be honest, her paws were starting to feel stiff and cold from the constant hunting to make up for the lowered numbers. when it’s time to go, copperfang and martenmask both get a polite greeting from her before setting off.

poppy seeds, marigold, juniper berries, poppy seeds, marigold… the list is silently repeated in her head along with the descriptions, but she obviously doesn’t understand what qualifies as an herb. anything that’s orange and flower like looks like a marigold, and when it’s not, she gives a nod, a hum, and carries on; sticking close to the group because that’s another thing you do on herb patrols. newfound respect for the bulky tom’s career. stars, she’s already forgotten what a poppy seed is supposed to be. brown? purple? perhaps leafhusk is nervous, that’s why she isn’t performing well. predators are lurking every corner more frequently, and the fresh berry juice tells her that the deer have been present recently. a metallic taste wafts to her nostrils as if on cue, worsening her anxieties, the fur on her spine lifting in response. biting back a curse, she follows, paws becoming stiff and cold like on warrior patrols.

one of the sections in the warrior codes states that prey is to be eaten and not played with. this is a tricky rule for a cat to follow at first, the urge to bat your fresh toy around is real and takes a few moons to shake off. those higher on the food chain don’t do this. it’s like they refuse too, instead leaving the carcasses around as trophies, reminders, that this could be you (and it will be, for wolves hunt in packs, and the death isn’t kind). leafhusk thought deer were king of the forest, oh, how stupid she was. wolves wear the crown, light and proud. it’s a horrible time for the sun to shine through the canopy. in front of the patrol lays a deer, the remains of it loud in her ears and nose and she feels something in her throat that’s swallowed thickly.

"we need to go." the colorpoint manages, nearly choking on the grossness in her throat. a loud buzzing of hungry flies pounds her ears, and leafhusk can feel the phantom barking against her ribs. she surges her body forward, accidentally bumping one of the trio on the shoulder to get them to move. if their king and his soldiers return, the peasants won’t be allowed to beg for mercy.​

✧˖*°࿐ Poppy, marigold, juniper. The image easily stayed in Copperfang's mind, anyway. Some of those herbs, though he didn't know their uses, he'd thought he'd seen before, so he at least had an idea of what he was supposed to be looking for. As Newleaf began to round the corner, it would be easier for herbs to be found, thankfully. He didn't know the current state of the ThunderClan herb storage, nor would he ask without any comments having been made, but he knew that many of the forest's plants withered away and died due to the frost and snow, which could easily present problems if certain herbs ran out in the dead of Leafbare, particularly when certain sicknesses seemed to be more prevalent during that time of year when things are already difficult for the clans.

And that was without the deer. And certainly without the wolf. Since the news of the wolf wandering around the territory had broken, things were more tense among the cats of the oaks. It had seemed like relief was coming soon with the melting of the snow and the slowly, gradually warming weather, the sky edging more closely to blue as opposed to the dreary gray that had settled in, hanging over their heads for the past few moons. But that safety was quickly swiped out from beneath their paws. As it were, though, things always came up eventually, and as usual, they would overcome it. Hopefully without anyone being hurt.

Hopefully, the remaining swaths of snow on the ground would highlight the blue and purple colors of the berries and the bright yellow-gold petals of the marigolds. Trailing behind Gentlestorm, he keeps his eyes open for anything that looks like it might've been the herbs that the healer had been looking for, ears pricked for the sound of anything beyond the usual twittering and singing of birds and the scuffle of mice in the undergrowth. And as he sees Leafhusk react, and Gentlestorm speak, the scent reaches him, too, hitting his tongue with the sickening taste of copper and death, and the sight of the carcass makes the air feel much colder than it already was. Like being submerged in cold water, he becomes incredibly aware of the moment, and of their surroundings. Every movement and twitch of prey that his ears manage to pick up seem louder than the rumble of thunder that sometimes happened during storms in Greenleaf, and part of him wonders if the wolf -- no, wolves -- are nearby, listening just as carefully to the movement of the cats. The tawny fur on his tail stands on end, but he remains otherwise calm. Visibly, at least. The tom steps closer to the medicine cat as Leafhusk moves, trying to pull him back into the moment. "Gentlestorm? Leafhusk is right. We should go -- quickly. Before anything comes back."