sensitive topics And it seems like all is dying, And would leave the world to mourn || Death


Strength of the Mountain
Nov 24, 2022
There was only one other time Sweetybee has been so stressed and scared in her life, and it was the day she met Mountainheart, covered in her mother's blood. Now she was pacing around camp in her spare time, fur messier that usual and eyes nearly spilling over with fear and worry.

Mountainheart was not doing well.

He wasn't doing well at all. She lingers near the medicine den but still far enough away to not be in Dawnglare and Fireflypaw's way. Her ears are pointed towards it, listening in on any sound she could make out that would belong to Mountainheart. She's been neglecting herself in her worry, never realizing her hunger until she catches a glance at the pile or someone eating.

Some may think she's sick, but her lack of appetite is stress related. She feels fine, for now at least. She knows the way she feels is how she typically feels in stressful situations. Not that its any comfort.

Ears twitch and her head jolts up as she hears her name come from the medicine den. Her body moves as if on instinct, rushing to the medicine den and to Mountainheart's side.

"Yes? I'm here." She answers frantically.

Looking at her father, she is horrified to see the stalwart guardian she has always known look so weak and thin. He hasn't been eating. He sounds like he can barely breathe, and Sweetybee can't keep the tears at bay. They trickle down her cheeks as she bites her lip.

"Ah...There you are..." Mountainheart wheezes through nearly closed eyes. "Keeping an.....Eye on your siblings....?"

She looks at him confused before she realizes his delirium. It only hurts more. "Yeah....I'm k....K-keeping an eye on them..." She manages. Rabbit and Badger should be here. She wants them to be here right now. She needs someone to be here right now.

"Good....hhhHHH-" Mountainheart is cut off by a few sputtering coughs. "-as Pine returned yet?"

"N-no....He's s-still out." Sweetybee says, trembling. This is it, isn't it. This is the day she never wanted to think about.

Mountainheart doesn't respond, caught in a daze. He can't think clearly anymore. His mind is in so many places he can't tell whats real anymore. He's not scared. Death was going to claim him eventually, he knew that. His only regret was that he was dying to sickness, not battle.

And of course, that he is not surrounded by his makeshift family. Only Sweetybee is here in this stuffy dark den. Will they know, he wonders. Will Pine know? He is the only one not in the clans, choosing to wander and take things easy. He wishes he could see his dear friend one more time, but fate is not so kind.

He can hear Sweetybee crying. He cant comfort her anymore, can barely even see her.

"I have been incredibly blessed to have found you.....And your siblings...." He says. "Pine and Fish, too...." He adds on. "Skyclan, too..."

"Dad....Just- Just hang on...."

"I can't....Anymore."

A quiet wail slips from Sweetybee's mouth as she buckles and presses her face into Mountainheart's neck. "Don't go.... Don't leave me alone....." She whimpered. She has never been without family before. If Mountainheart died, she would be all alone in Skyclan. She can't bear the thought. She loves her clan, but they do not hold the same love she has for her family.

Her family, who she has been with since birth, learned how to survive with, fought alongside. She feels a little ashamed to admit it, but Skyclan could never compare to the bond she has with her siblings and two dads.

And now part of that bond was going to die right before her eyes. Someone she always saw as invincible withering away before her very eyes.

Another cough wracked Mountainhearts body as he tried to speak. "You'll be alright...." He managed weakly. "You have....your siblings.... " His voice trailed into a mumble, but Sweetybee could make out the names of Fish and Pine. This only broke her heart more.

Because she doesn't have them.

Rabbit and Badger are in Thunderclan. Pine is a wanderer, and Fish is only at her twoleg den.

She has no one in Skyclan.


"Goodnight, Sweetybee..."

Her voice hitched in her throat as she watched his breath become slower and slower. Before she was even got the chance to say a word, a final sigh passed his lips, and he was gone. Sweetybee was left in sickening silence that was only penetrated by her muffled wails as she buried her face into the once billowing mane of Mountanheart's pelt.​
The awful prophecy he gave at the Gathering has begun to come true. Sheepcurl died in her nest, and now Sweetybee sobs into her father’s fur, holding onto the life that ebbs out of him. Blazestar watches, misery settling over him like a cold mist. Is there no escaping this fate? Will he be forced to watch every SkyClanner sicken, weaken, and fade, in pain and unaware of their surroundings?

The SkyClan leader comes to settle beside Sweetybee. She cannot keep Mountainheart’s spirit tethered to his body. He is reminded grimly of his daughter’s death, of Snowpath crushed beneath the tree that makes up the nursery now. His jaw trembles, and he presses his muzzle to the daylight warrior’s ear in a brief show of comfort. “He was a brave and noble warrior. SkyClan honors him.” It’s all he can give her, now, as the light fades from Mountainheart’s fevered eyes.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

Twitchbolt had always fended off his anxiety by being so sure that the worst could not possibly come to fruition. It seemed, though... some cruel orchestrator of fate, some great evil of the world, had reached right into his mind and plucked his worst nightmares from its depths, crafting a horrifying reality. Unnerving was the worst understatement he could possibly give; watching Skyclanners he had known all his life as noble, strong warriors, as immovable forces, wither and die like burning flowers.

"StarClan help us," Twitchbolt croaked, bowing his head and feeling his lungs twist in discomfort. He knew, he knew it was catastrophising to consider that he might already be on his metaphorical deathbed- the sickness was surrounding, inescapable. What would they do? What could they possibly do against it? Something miasmic, undetectable?

At a time like this, though, he knew better than to give voice to such thoughts. He trembled, gingerly approaching and stopping not far from the gathering of mourners. He was not close enough to Mountainheart to weep at Sweetybee's side, but he could only hope his tear-shaken words of condolence could be some level of soul-soothing. "I'm sss-so sorry, Sweetybee."
penned by pin ✧
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He stood a few lengths away, watching the scene unfold with a troublesome hue. Things are gettin’ worse. He couldn’t help the dread that pooled in his stomach, leaving his mouth bitter. Cats were getting sick and there seemed to be no cure in sight, no hope to latch onto, even if it was fickle to begin with. They were dying, and Duskpool wondered if this was the end as pessimistic as it was.

With a shaky sigh, the obsidian male padded forward, glancing at the others with a deadpan expression save for the brief flicker of conflict within his molten optic. Apologies meant nothin’ and he doubted Sweetybee wanted to hear anythin’ about honor, not when her parent died. He sure as hell wouldn’t what that.

Duskpool shifted, hesitating, but resting a paw against Sweetybee’s shoulder in a comforting gesture if she’d allow it. He offered no words of comfort, pulling away with a soothing rumble. “He isn’t sufferin’ anymore.” He glanced at Mountainheart’s prone frame, expression troubled. Things were changing, and it wasn’t for the better, not if they kept droppin’ like damn flies. He doubted the clan would survive another onslaught like this, gaze flickering to Blazestar before returning to Mountainheart’s cold flank. “He’ll be watchin’ over ya, knowin’ fathers, he’d be proud of ya, kid.” He shifted, tail flickering, offering a silent ‘We’re here for ya.’
thought speech
All Dawnglare can do is mind his own tail. He has lost the energy to squwack at hovering friends and family. That is – with much passion, at least. In his delirium, a soul cries out for company. Who is he to fault the one who headed them? He would rather not look – rather not look at the despair written on a daughters face as she sits beside someone that meant much to her; someone who was dying. He has to look though; has to watch the rise and fall of his flank as slowly, it stutters into nothing. Dawnglare cannot imagine why he cares.

Stranger still, he does not remove her as quickly as he ought to. Her carelessness would drag her down to the very same nest, and then very same fate, rained on in lavender. That in itself is already near; an attempt to cover the sickness made, but not quite effective. Dawnglare only nudges it forward, unwilling to meet the gaze of any of those present. If they’d like to die for their sentiments, so be it. ( Though – the thought offers a small twinge of guilt. ) " You will see him again. " He needn't say anything at all, really.

  • OOC:
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads