Mirestar curbs their own anger. They fear its authenticity — they cannot afford for it to be misplaced, to let it kick up a storm, and to descend upon who might not be wholly deserving of it.

Lividsmoke stays true to their word, and they soon arrive into Mirestar's den. There is cobweb stuck to the side of their face; Marblepaw had been quick to help, and for that, Mirestar is appreciative. No matter who might have "started it"... Lividsmoke does not deserve their blood drawn in the heart of their own home. They would have to talk to Basilpaw too, when he's calmed down a bit.

"I know family business is not necessarily my business..." Mirestar begins, tail flicking with nerves behind them. "But it is affecting everybody now. I cannot let it go unchecked; I hope you understand."

Mirestar can only ever think of Snowypaw, it seems. Not Splashdance, the happy RiverClanner — but Snowypaw, gloomy and dready within ShadowClan. If things had been different... if only.

Change begins with them.

They brace themself as if they are heading into the throes of battle. It is essentially what this feels like; Mirestar has not scolded anyone like some sort of kit, not even their own apprentices... the only one who came close was Betonyfrost, her breath ushering out painful secrets to too-young ears and too-impressionable minds. If they wish to find some sort of solution, and do it fast, they need to shed any concerns they might possess about intruding on Lividsmoke's personal affairs.

"If I may ask... why are you so against your own brother?"

It is a loaded question. Mirestar does not know what kind of answer would be better and easier to bear... if Lividsmoke launched into a long explanation, citing any past occurrence and chalked it up to Basilpaw's so-called "incompetence" — or if they shrugged and could not offer anything concrete.

Family. Family is so important. If Lividsmoke wants to throw it away, Mirestar cannot stop them... but they can't let this affect their apprentices.

An unusually sharp gaze holds Lividsmoke in place. "ShadowClan's youth must be nurtured so they can thrive. If we keep on stomping them while they are trying to bloom, they will wilt... and what will become of us then?" Rogues, savages. What is a collective worth if they only ever bring one another down?

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Mirestar had right, thier family business had nothing to do with them so why were they putting their nose somewhere where it didn't belong?. If Mirestar not had been thier superior right now Lividsmoke would have allowed themself to speak thier mind but because of that line of power that separated the two of them the warrior could do nothing but bite back thier own words. In the end of the day knew thier place among the ranks. If anything they could understand how this fight might affect the clan as a whole. This whole conflict had esculated into something much bigger then they had intended, all because they had wished to be free.

Why were they so against their brother?. For some reason Mirestar seemed to believe this was the most important question to ask them. They would give them credit for being the first one to have ever asked, but that did not necessery change anything. Lividsmoke had always found adults to be unreliable and that hadn't changed even now when they had become one as well. While thinking through how to best respond to this loaded question thier gaze would drift away, None of the answers they had in store they believed would benefit them in any way. " We're just too different." That was the safest answer to give they believed. Lividsmoke cast a side glance over at thier leader, wondering if that reply would satisfy them.

Lividsmoke gaze remained indifferent when Mirestar sharpened their eyes at them, like they were trying to bury themself into thier own very soul to find all answers in there. Unfortunately, gaining truthful information from them were not easy. All they could think about when Mirestar talked about nuturing was thier own father, Crawlingheart. Bloom or to wilt away... Early on as a kit, they had decided to not allow that fate to befall them. " I don't think it's my responsibility to make sure Basilpaw thrives in this clan." That should have been Basilpaws mentor's job to do. If he failed or left to become a rogue like thier father, it was not any of thier concern.

" Weither it's to bloom or wilt...that decision is always on yourself to make." They suppose it was always easier to find comfort in the warmth rather than the cold but that shouldn't be an excuse. Lividsmoke found it hard to pity the weak minded who was unable to struggle through the hardships and rather gave up and blamed others for their shortcomings. " The life of a warrior might not be fitted for everyone." Had it never crossed their mind to consider that to be true? instead of blaming those who actually made sure this clan kept on moving forward.

Family bonds were unecessery to keep a clan to move forward.

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We're just too different.

Mirestar wills neutrality to show on their face, but they are not certain that it succeeds. It is the truth, they suppose... Lividsmoke is stoic and reversed, whereas Basilpaw sometimes acts more like a kit. Both have pros and cons — and in any other situation, Mirestar would deem Lividsmoke to be an exceptionally well-versed ShadowClan; a grumpy face in the crowd, yes, but one who carries out their duties without hesitation.

But this... the moons of not only neglect, but the act of beating down on Basilpaw's spirit? That does not bode well for any ShadowClanner.

"You're right," they croak past the lump in their throat, "I do not think you are responsible for whether he thrives or not. But time after time, you have chosen to reject him... instead of indifference, you showed ill-intent towards him." It is difficult to keep their voice from wobbling. Is their read on the situation correct? Are they making a wise decision here, or is it foolish and based entirely on emotion?

The concern and frustration boils, low and unassuming, but Lividsmoke's next declaration gives it new flame.

Mirestar's tail lashes behind them, kicking up resting dust. "Basilpaw is as worthy of becoming a warrior as you are, or anybody else. You have passed your assessment with flying colors, and I do take pride in that... but you cannot blame Basilpaw's slip from grace entirely on him." The lack of proper, familial love... it is the reason behind his shortcomings. Mirestar had a proper support system, but they had made the intentional decision to forego their apprentice duties even in spite of that. Basilpaw did not even have a choice.

It is not a decision made lightly, but that is what StarClan has warned them of, have they not? The path of a leader is not easy. "You are currently too young to take on an apprentice, but unless I see a shift in your attitude, I cannot give you responsibility over one even in the future. Those who struggle deserve to be here just as much as natural hunters and fighters." They do not expect Lividsmoke to garner their approval right away; perhaps Lividsmoke would condemn Mirestar for this without an end in sight... but if Mirestar listens to their own gut feeling right now, this course of action feels the most fitting. They can only hope Lividsmoke will grow to understand.