AND SO HE SPOKE, AND SO HE SPOKE — kitnapping, pt 2


XXXXXWe’re going to meet a very good friend of mine,” Granitepelt had murmured to the two she-kits bumping along through the marsh. “His name is Sootspot, and he’s very important in his Clan. He digs tunnels, and sometimes he even spies… isn’t that cool?” He hadn’t wanted to encourage too many questions about Sootspot’s identity—it’s something the WindClan warrior still doesn’t know much about himself, really, if his hypothesis is correct. He and Siltcloud’s brother remains in the dark about their shared heritage, but perhaps this moment would open an opportunity for secrets to come to light.

XXXXXHe greets the coal-smudged feline with a dip of the head. “Hello, Sootspot. These are some of ShadowClan’s finest young cats, Halfkit and Tanglekit.” He turns to study the kits for a moment, then says, “Sootspot is my friend who needs help exploring the tunnel. Would you go with him? It takes a very strong, brave cat to go into one, but I have faith in both of you.” He shares an uneasy look with both Sootspot and Siltcloud, hoping this is encouragement enough—but regardless, the kits will be going to WindClan, even if Granitepelt has to shove himself into the hole after them to prevent them from escaping.

XXXXXMake sure you listen to his instructions, now… we don’t want you getting lost,” he murmurs.

XXXXXOnce the kits and Sootspot will have gone, Granitepelt will relax, imagining the look on Sootstar’s face when the prized kits are in her possession. He has honored their blood pact—he has furthered his reputation in her eyes, and he remains a ShadowClan lead warrior besides.

XXXXXWe’d best give our fur a good licking and get back to camp,” he tells his littermate, giving her an affectionate bump on the shoulder with his head.


Sootstar waits for them at the exit to the tunnel. When Sootspot emerges with two small kits a warm smile unfolds on her face. Though something was off about it… something in her eyes were cold, enough to give any cat the chills. ”So you got on well then?” She meows, glancing up at Sootspot. Her son does not retain her attention for long before she is back goggling the kits.

”Welcome to WindClan, your new home little ones.” A deep purr rumbles in her throat. She has no idea what Granitepelt told them to get them here, but now that they were secured there was little harm in telling them the truth. A skewed version of it, anyways. ”Granitepelt told me you kits are orphaned. ShadowClan is no place for kits like yourselves… That is why we have rescued you and bring you to a new home, WindClan.”

More strong purrs rumble in her throat, ”You may miss your old clan at first, but soon you will come to appreciate your new home. Here you will be able to soar to heights you never could’ve in ShadowClan, here you’ll be surrounded by cats who will love and care for you.” So it was best to forget about ShadowClan, Sootstar would ensure they did before she made them into apprentices.

”You have names, don’t you?” She says, staring down at them but this time examining their physics closer. They’d both have to be moor runners no doubt… but she could work with them both. They can be made WindClan cats yet.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Halfkit is sad that Birdkit could not come with them. She would have enjoyed this game, she thinks. She follows Granitepelt and Siltcloud closely, chattering on and on about how she wasn't afraid of the dark and how she would go into any tunnel no matter how scary because she was a brave warrior in the making! When finally they reach their supposed destination she finally quiets. Granitepelt had said nothing about a friend. She eyes Sootspot with wary blue eyes, but if the lead warrior said he was okay then that means he had to be, right? She feels a brief pang of disappointment at the change of plans but she simply shrugs it off, deciding to just go along with it. Granitepelt was a trustworthy cat, in her eyes, he would not have brought them here if they were going to hurt them right? "You smell like WindClan" she says, her nose scrunching. "I know because you smell just like Pink-kit!" she feels pride that she remembered such a detail thanks to the little calico molly and she smiles at the gray furred tom. "Will Brightshine's kits be coming too?" she sure hopes so! They had been fun.

And then another cat is approaching them, another stranger. She holds herself in the same way Chilledstar does and Halfkit thinks that she is perhaps important. She tells them that they are orphans, that they were being rescued. "Is WindClan better than ShadowClan?" she asks, feeling curious. Was this a normal thing, she has no idea. She is not even really sure what orphaned means but she has heard it whispered about it before. Once when Miststep had thought she was asleep she had heard her tell another queen that they weren't orphaned, that they must remain hopeful Smogmaw would return from the journey. "Will we be staying here just until Smogmaw gets home?" because then they wouldn't be orphaned anymore she thinks and then WindClan might not want them if they weren't orphans.

"I'm going to be the bestest warrior one day, all the adults tell me so!" it might be a little bit of a lie. One adult had told her once that one day she would be a great warrior if she worked hard and she had clung to those words ever since. "My names Halfkit, do you have a name?" maybe she didn't if she asked such a weird question like that.


Sootspot did not completely understand his role in this. Details seemed to have been left purposefully hazy, he was to be a pawn in someone else's game, a piece to be forgotten about once he had done his duty, as if he were just some average tunneler expected to do as he was told, not the leader's son. His fur spiked in resentment at his tiny part, only flattening as little kittens and two grown-up cats moved towards him. Eyes flittered in amusement at Granitepelt's words. "Granitepelt and I are very good friends," he smiled as if he'd just swallowed a canary, any confusion he felt hidden behind layers and layers of saccharine expressions. He did not know how long his mother had had loyalists within ShadowClan, he hated that he hadn't known, hated that he hadn't been trusted enough to be told until now. Sootspot bowed his head low towards Halfkit and Tanglekit, tilting his fluffy head upwards as his clan was mentioned. Instead of alarm, he seemed elated. "Ah, clever! That is why you were chosen for this," he turned to Halfkit, ears pointing towards the short ceiling. Whoever had been callous enough to name a child Half?

"You'll need your noses for exploring, and your wits." He gave a dismissive flick of his ear towards Granitepelt, a farewell where words could not be shared. "Brightshine's kits are not as talented as you two. They will arrive when they are stronger," Sootspot assured. "Now, follow me. I have explored most of the way, but I need two brave souls to help me with the last stretch." It had been an easy journey through the tunnels, even if two young idiots were following behind him. Since receiving his assignment, he'd mentally mapped the route over and over until it was all he had been able to think about while he ate rats and slept on spiked leaves. A left turn here, a right turn there, a quick check to make sure his newest companions had not fallen behind. No sooner did the journey start, than he spotted a set of ashen paws waiting for him. Sootspot met his mother's eye at the other end, searching for appraisal, shifting his body so she could see that he had brought the ShadowClan kittens with him. He didn't answer his mother when she asked about Granitepelt, the words lost as he searched for the right ones (What did it matter? He thought), his hunt cut short by the disinterest the other showed him.

They said that it was only loved ones that could truly hurt you because if you expected anything less from an enemy, you were mousebrained. Without so much as a well done, Sootspot felt as if he was suddenly a hundred tail lengths away from his mother. Pupils widened and narrowed in quick succession, tail curling and uncurling as he kept his emotions tempered. 'Should this go wrong, my involvement will not be acknowledged at least,' he told himself. Discretion was better than infamy, what better way to be discreet than to be the only party truly unpraised? He turned his head to the sky to sneer, pretending it was the moon's light that pained him and not his own blood. He listened with bated breath about how the pair were to become great WindClanners, how they were orphaned and how they would find new family. A muzzle twitched at Halfkit's innocence, or perhaps naivety, was his mother not the monster that ShadowClan Queens used to warn kits not to wander? 'Ah, orphans.... nevermind.'

"Would you have me visit my friends, mother?" He asked with a tilt of his head. "He will have quite the song to sing about these great warriors in the making, but he's no nightingale. Would be a shame for him to hurt ShadowClan's ears after they treated us so nicely." Sootspot hummed, hoping the leader would catch his meaning - there was no need to keep loose ends alive once they had fulfilled their purpose, not when they had the potential to confess their sins; and his.


Is WindClan better than ShadowClan? She snorts, ”Of course it is! I mean… ShadowClan didn’t treat you kits right, did you know that? Here WindClan will take proper care of you, you poor little things don’t even know how… neglected you’ve been.” Sootstar would pout her lips in an exaggerated manner, her voice irritatingly sympathetic and babyish, though likely ignorable and looked past by the kits.

This kit has many questions… next she asks about Smogmaw. ”Smogmaw? No- no, Smogmaw doesn’t matter anymore, forget about him.” She says, shrugging as if that was asking for little. ”Halfkit… and who is your sibling…? I’m Sootstar, leader of WindClan.” She introduces as she looks to the quiet kit, their eyes were wide and filled with weariness. Sootstar will figure out how to comfort them, they needed to get use to their new home as soon as possible.

Sootspot questions if he should “pay a visit” to his “friend”, Sootstar gives him an odd, disappointed look as if he was suppose to know the “deal” with Granitepelt. ”No, that songbird won’t sing.” Is her vague way of dismissing the idea, the slate-colored Tom would be a fool to speak. Not only would it break their pact but he’d get exiled from ShadowClan faster than a kit can squeal.

”Lets get you two home… you have so many cats excited to meet you. They don’t know you’re coming yet though! In order to trust you as former ShadowClan cats you need to… ‘pretend’ you don’t like your old clan anymore. Make sure they know about the bad ways you were treated.” Sootstar hopes that by playing mind games, insisting that they were treated bad, the kits will make their own stories up… or reveal true faults from within ShadowClan. ”If you don’t convince them you’ll fail the mission, then you’ll never become great warriors… So its very important.”
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Tanglekit is quiet, nervous in the presence of strangers no doubt, but Halfkit is not afraid. She has a feeling that the game is not what she had originally thought, but she does not mind this change if it means she gets to see her friends from WindClan again. Pink-kit and Bearkit were so much fun. Much more fun then the boringness she had experienced from some of the other kits in the nursery in ShadowClan. Besides, this was only temporary right? She could play pretend for a bit, she was actually quite good at pretend! "This is Tanglekit" she says, flicking her gray-furred sibling on the shoulder with her ivory-tipped tail. "Our other sister is Birdkit, but she was too busy sleeping to play with us today so she didn't come" she informs the gray-furred she cat.

Confusion crosses her face when the molly tells her to forget about Smogmaw but, if she is honest, that would be easy. Smogmaw was nothing more than a figure of her imagination, in her mind at least. A cat she only knew about in stories told by her siblings and her clanmates, and she only knew what he looked like because she had heard Tanglekit bore a slight resemblance to him with her gray tabby fur. Her eyes widen when she introduces herself though "Oh wow you have a star in your name, so like you're super important huh? You're like, the leader of WindClan right? That's cool!" when she thinks of leaders she thinks of Chilledstar, of how they are quiet and brooding. This she-cat seemed nothing like them. She likes the change in pace, if she is being honest.

Sootstar tells them theyre going home and for a moment she does not catch on, she looks back the way we came disappointment ready to cross split features before it clicks. "Oh don't worry miss! I am the bestest at pretend!" she informs her, her tone of voice boastful "I'll tell them all about mean old Ashenpaw and how we sometimes sleep in mud and stuff!" There was no way she was going to fail this super important mission but her glacial blue eyes flicker briefly to Tanglekit and she gives her sister a friendly and comforting bump on the shoulder. "This is going to be so much fun" she whispers loudly.

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Excitement gave way to apprehension the further they strayed from ShadowClan camp. There was a bundle of tightly-twined nerves in her belly that made it difficult to shake. It was easy to trust Granitepelt—it was less easy to trust a stranger. Unlike her sister, Tanglekit had been wary of the outsider kittens who had invaded their nursery. She had disliked it so much she tried to build a nest outside of the nursery until Applepaw had noticed her.

Sootspot makes her feel uneasy, but Halfkit goes along with it so Tanglekit decides to play along. She is already too far away from the camp and she cannot leave her sister behind. At the very least, the adult tomcat who smelled of WindClan could protect them. She knew not of what predators lay beyond camp. There was a good reason for kittens staying in camp. She had never had such desires to sneak out and break the law.

A smoky-grey she-cat waits for them at the end. Almost immediately Tanglekit's fur prickles and she presses close to Halfkit. Her sister does the talking while Tanglekit's amber eyes are wide with apprehension. Suddenly she thinks the mission is not worth it. This is the leader of WindClan. She has never been so close to a leader before, always keeping Chilledstar at a distance. They seemed untouchable and rigid in their star-bestowed name. It was no cat an orphan like she could meddle with. Smogmaw, as her father and deputy, was a figment of her imagination. He held no more power in her eyes than a bug.

But it is too late. Tanglekit's pupils wobble and she swallows the lump in her throat. "Oh-okay." She mumbles, teetering under Halfkit's shoulder bump.

She can only hope she is making the right decision. ShadowClan is strange and weird, but it was the thing she had been born into.

" I'M AN ANGEL " ?

siltcloud 17 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

Nerves settle heavily in her belly, wriggling and writhing uncomfortably as though she's swallowed a pawful of bugs. This... this is not right. It is not a sense of compassion that tells her so, but simple fact - halfshade may be dead, but only the stars know if smogmaw will return Even setting those worries aside... starlingheart and the nursery queens will certainly notice the childrens absence eventually. Granitepelt says the kits will be raised elsewhere - but why? Does he really think shadowclan won't recognize them somewhere down the line?

... it'd be easier to simply tie up the loose ends - blue-tinged tom included.

Of course, siltcloud doesn't act on her thoughts - she is a different kind of monster from her brother after all, quiet and controlled. She won't let herself get lost in the moment, won't let emotion cloud her mind. And so she says nothing - only shuffles the ktis on encouragingly, and settles for turning cold green eyes upon sootspot. Their brother - disgust overwhelms any lingering anxiety at the thought. No - he is no brother, not to her. She feels no need to seek out blood-ties the way granitepelt has. She has him after all - and now she has lilacfur too.

"Behave," is all she says to the two she-kits who vanish into the darkness, before following her brother - clinging tight like a dust-hued shadow as they leave. He's right - it's best not to linger, to tidy up any trails they may have left behind. What happens from here on is not her problem - not anymore.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

I ' M - A - N I G H T M A R E ? I - K N O W - W H A T - Y O U - M E A N - B Y - T H A T

// i am very late