camp and so it begins | looking for some place to lay


Apr 12, 2023
જ➶His mind has been in tatters since he got here and he has had little to no rest. Agitation has worn a path along the ground as he paces along trying to figure out his own place here. He wishes that he had stayed to try and take care of his mother, to ease her last days but she knew and he knew that once she was gone her twolegs wouldn't have him anymore. It was why he sent her away to find Thistleback and now he doesn't know how he feels about any of it. Breathing in deeply he pauses with one paw raised and his joints throb and ache, face melding to try and not let his pain through. He can feel every bone scream at him for not taking a break, for continuing to move and yes he knew it would happen. But he just...he is restless. There is so much to think about and so much to do. So much to learn and he doesn't want to be a burden on another place. Forcing his rickety body to move he figures the first step is to find a place to rest. A place to call his own. He doesn't know how to make a nest so maybe he can find one that is not preoccupied at the moment. Keeping his head held down low he starts on his way, sniffing and noticing a particular place that others seem to come and go from.

He hesitates for a moment, pressing himself in the shadows as some cats slip out before he makes his way into the den. Honey olive hues taking in the den before he sees a nest that is not occupied. Relief floods through him and he makes his way to it, shifting in the material before doing a couple circles and laying down. It feels nice to not be carrying his own weight right now and he closes his eyes before trying to relax just a bit.

-- he can be laying in any warrior's nest since they aren't actually unoccupied lol


"Your in my bed." came the flat, unimpressed words of the chimera as he stood looking down at the stranger currently laying in his nest. Expression as void as his tone, it was difficult to say whether he was truly annoyed or if he was simply stating a fact to the other, but either way Quillstrike was informing them of their mistake. "Do you not have a bed of your own, or is mine just that good?" he asked in that same bland tone, an invisible brow cocking skyward expectantly. To be honest, Quill hadn't decided yet whether he was going to show mercy or not with the shelter cat sleeping in his bed. They'd just have to see.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


He recognised the bland flatness of Quillstrike's tone, the way he sounded when he wasn't entirely happy with something. Devoid of anger, but- also noticeably devoid of any joy, too. The causation wasn't too difficult to figure out- wide olive eyes found the culprit, the bed-thief, though... the smallness of Damsel's form, the way he huddled in on himself and closed his eyes... there wasn't any malice there. Probably. Far be it from him to judge outsiders when Blazestar accepted them so readily, but- even Twitchbolt's ceaseless worrying, the mind that always chased after every disastrous possibility, felt a streak of pity rather than self-preserving panic at the sight.

Dwarfed by the monochrome chimera, Twitchbolt stood at Quillstrike's side, head tilting a little with interest. His head moved with a swallow past the lump in his throat. "Uh- I can help you make your own, if you- if you want," he offered, attempting to lessen the intimidation factor of his friend's approach. He'd come far from being that kitten who had struggled to put together a nest for his parents... though his paws still dithered, he knew the steps rather well.
penned by pin ✧