private And so it goes ⤜ Lotus


Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

Patrols were starting to no longer be deemed as boring to Shrike. Speaking with Nectarsong passed by the slower parts quickly, which in their opinion was most of the parts of patrolling. They hadn’t been part of many, so maybe this was just a slow period for them. Their mind would drift off to their sister throughout the patrol, the last littermate who had crossed the border and was now part of the growing number of wayward loners who found themselves in ShadowClans ranks. They hated that they had to part with her, duty calls or whatever, surely they should have been given a pass to help her sister back to camp. It would be a little unfair, they could admit to that fault they supposed.

When they finally made it back to camp they all but sprinted away from Nectarsong. Taking the time to say thanks for showing them around and helping with the patrol. They paused when they realised they didn’t say goodbye and doubled back to do as such before bounding off again. There was no way that Lotus would have been shipped off to shadow some warrior on a patrol or a tour yet, or if that had happened then they hoped that she had returned. It was easy enough to spot a familiar black and white pelt, they hurriedly approached their littermate. Brushing the side of their pelt against her own with a grin “Lottie! How’s your first day going?” They ask with a tilt of their head.

Shrike personally really struggled on their first day, not to say that they were well adjusted now. They hated it, the only thing helping them out at that point was their siblings. They really did hope that Lotus was finding it better. “Let’s go find somewhere a little more secluded?” They suggested, hopeful hazel eyes staring up at her, if she agreed then they would start to lead her around camp. Trying to find somewhere that had less foot traffic, they weren’t allowed to leave without a warrior with them, that just defeated the purpose of wanting to find somewhere secluded. So they were just going to have to make do with the hand that was being dealt, ultimately they decided to sit near one of the back corners of the camp territory.

Chest puffing out as they grinned at their sister. Half expecting another swat or for her to yell at her for being so foolish and running off. An ear twitches at their sister's direction as their tail swishes in anticipation “really though, how was your first day now that you’re not near as many shadowclanners?” They wanted to hear her genuine thoughts and feelings, one that wouldn’t be cautious about nearby ears.

  • OOC. @Lotus!
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 27 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

  • Love
Reactions: Lotus☽
And I couldn't stand the person inside me

The clans were a lot.

There was so many of them.

All the different smells, different pelts, different personalities- it was wild. This was what their siblings had been after? The city was louder sure but this was something else. There always seemed to be something going on at any given time. Cats came and went, they chatted and laughed and it was all so- different. She was so use to their little den in the empty twoleg nest and the occasional rumble of a monster or a twoleg wondering by. Nothing like this and she wasnt sure how they all coped with it. Also it didnt feel very welcoming either to be honest but suppose she should be more understanding of these cats and outsiders.

Lotus had yet to be allowed to leave camp nor had a warrior to shadow just yet, she had only been there for a few days by then. Chilledstar seemed rather busy anyway and she wanted to speak to them as well, but that never seemed to line up. Though it wasnt making her stop that was for certain. The young molly flicked her tail back and forth idly as she sat at the edge of the camp. Watching cats come and go, kits playing and the like. It was a lot but yet so wholesome to see. How everything worked and how this was going to be the new normal for her.

Her peace didnt last long, however, as a white face came barreling towards her and she bristled slightly in response. Lotus rolled her blue eyes at him and huffed idly, "Oh and just when it was quiet" She mused towards her sibling with a snort. Though accepted the pelt brush by pressing into their side happily andLotus then lifted a paw and swatted at her sibling playfully with a up to no good grin, following suit when they offered for them to go some where quieter. Then shrugged her shoulders, "Fine i suppose, ive been mainly sitting here watching everything. Theres so many of them that its hard to know whats going on where" Though then again, she was use to just being herself and her littermate beside her. So suppose it would just take some getting use too.

"How was your day with Nectarsong? Making any friends or do i have to go beat someone up already?" She asked with a half serious tone half being playful. She'd fight for her life for her siblings, Rook and Ripple included, so it wasnt a far out statement.

You hate it when it’s quiet, don’t try to pull that with me” They teased with a large grin and a quiet laugh. Only to shout in surprise when Lotus playfully swatted them, with a huff they flicked her nose with the tip of her tail before gesturing to her to follow them as they led her somewhere quieter. It was easy to read Shrike’s face, they didn’t try to play an aloof persona intentionally. It was clear they were concerned for the littermate by the way they looked like they were thinking deeply, whiskers twitching in thought as they tried to get a good read on whatever Lotus was thinking.

They smile again at the mention that it was fine, even if it was a ‘fine, I suppose’ that was close enough to a general fine that they were going to get with Lotus. Shrike nods in understanding, a show of solidarity between the two of them. “Yeah, I still struggle with it. I didn’t think so many cats could really just hang out all the time like that.” It seemed like a big nest, that’s how they rationalised it. It wasn’t as if Shrike was solitary, far from it in fact. They just weren’t used to such a large gathering centralised in one small area such as this, the territory expands yes but they all sleep in the same location much like one would with a nest.

“My day was fine! Hunting patrols are less boring than what I thought they would be. Nectarsong is seriously nice and patient though, at first it was suspicious but I realised that they’re just kinda like that?”They comment with a shrug. They didn’t have anything to say other than nice things about the warrior they were shadowing much to their chagrin of trying to find something to dislike. Could they dislike that about them? It seemed counter productive so they decided to not. “I guess I have friends? They’re all kinda weird but Chervilshade’s been nice, Mirepurr is also nice but I don’t think that automatically means we’re friends” They were still struggling with the idea of having companionship here, friends were a distant concept to them. “What about you? Has my darling sister won the clan over and made a ton of friends?” There’s a tease to their tone, like they were singing a song perfectly crafted just to annoy her.

  • OOC.
  • Shrike│Bio
    They / Them, Loner , 28 moons {ages on the 1st},
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes.
    Jagged x NPC
    Speech, #ad744a, thoughts, attacking
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Juice ↛ @/ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

And I couldn't stand the person inside me

It’d make sense the apprehension about large groups came from the fact it had just been them for a while. Lotus had only her siblings and father for so long and now there was so much more. So many more, and she was finding it hard to befriend them really. She was an abrasive person and loved strongly right away so it scared away a lot of cats usually. She didnt understand why as she tried to be nice and kind to everyone, but suppose her rage and switch of a mood was jarring to others’.

Shrike then tells her about their day and she nods along with their words as if she was listening, but it was only half there. Nectarsong sounded so delightful, and she was jealous of her sibling. She had a shadow mentor too but they hadn’t yet to go do much outside of camp. They were a busy cat really so suppose it would make sense they didnt really interact. Lotus has just been more so trying to figure things out for themselves. It wasnt working very well but some progress was better than none.

Then they voice other names and she doesn’t recongize them right away, she was still trying to learn everyone’s face let alone names. Lotus was terrible with names and her short term memory didnt really keep up with things like its suppose to. She didnt know why but suppose it didnt matter all that much. At least it looked like he was being nice and be treated nicely by others. Gave her slight hope they would also get some sort of relationship with the clan.

Though when the questions turned on her she blinked a little and then shrugged slightly, “I-I havent really done much? I dont remember who im shadowing is- there’s so many of them im forgetting their names and i havent gotten around to talking to anyone” She admitted softly and shrugged her shoulders. She hadn’t really been active in the clan, and she hoped though that would change now and she’d be able to make at least a friend. She’d love a best friend. Someone to hang with, to make jokes with. She then looked to her sibling and twitched her ear slightly at him, “Though im sure that’ll change in time, i just need to get out more
